I was playing last night and had the imsaides break alliance with me then attack some of my fleets. I figured turn about was fair play so I began bombarding their planets the same turn. They declare war on me. The next turn I continue pounding them to teach them a lesson, when all of the sudden the ground combat screen comes up. The Imsaides attacked me. And they didn't putz around either; they sent over four thousand troops against one of my best systems. My militia didn't stand a chance.
I think they've attacked maybe one or two times more but I was too entrenched to think of saving it. I did pull the autosave for the turn prior to the ground assault, although I didn't reload it to see if they attack again. I can't upload it from home; I have a POTS connection but I should be able to get it uploaded at work on Monday if anyone's interested. It'll give me time to ensure the ground attack takes place the next turn anyways.
I think they've attacked maybe one or two times more but I was too entrenched to think of saving it. I did pull the autosave for the turn prior to the ground assault, although I didn't reload it to see if they attack again. I can't upload it from home; I have a POTS connection but I should be able to get it uploaded at work on Monday if anyone's interested. It'll give me time to ensure the ground attack takes place the next turn anyways.
