After completing 3 games (More than 3 hours each) I have come to the conclusion that Moo3 needs a few things changed to round the game out a bit more. Aside from taking forever, there are some serious balance issues that need to be addressed, such as:
1. The X's. Getting all the Antaran X's is a near impossible strategy if you are trying to win. I myself have never found one, and from what I have seen only 2 or 3 seem to ever be found by any players on extremely long games. Antaran X's need to be easier to find, or at least more information needs to be posted on how to find them more easily.
2. Guardians & Antarans. Guardians are *expletive* impossible to kill without a enormous armada of missile dreadnaughts, and even then they kill most of your ships....and don't even get me started about the Antarans. Guardians need to be slightly easier to kill so you can get on with the game sooner.(Question, what is the point of killing guardians? Do their systems contain special techs or antaran X's? If anyone knows holler back)
3. Missiles. With a supposedly balanced rock-paper-scissors combat model, Missiles suspiciously seem to win 90% of the time. Any army composed of large groups of missile ships will mop the floor with any fleet not equipped with missiles, no matter how much point defense they have. This makes taking home enemy homeworlds nearly impossible without 5 armadas of ships because homeworlds are almost exclusively defended with missiles. Missiles need to be toned down, so people will actually have a reason to use other ship types like short range and long range.
4. AI. I know you've heard it. But I'm saying it again. The AI is lame and rarely attacks. The AI diplomacy makes no sense. (The Trilarian ambassador says, humbly pleading "I just called to say I hate you, we are now at war" beggingly. Or something like that) There are no good references to tell YOU how to properly communicate with other races and in what tone.
5. Game Length. They need to make the game faster. Ships should get to new planets faster, research should happen faser, and especially CONSTRUCTION should happen faster. Games take way too long even on small galaxies with 1 opponent. Even if they don't want to change it they should offer a 'lightning' game setting which makes production faster on planets, and finding the X's a bit easier for those of us without 5 hours of free time to waste on a game.
6. Victory. Any other victory except the Orion Senate is basically impossible to achieve. Conquering all the other civilizations means an 1000 or so turn game because the pace is so slow, and combat so one-sided.
As I said before, getting all 5 x's is also about 500 turns. (Or more, I haven't even found one, with 3 or so Armadas looking). And if you start outside the senate your basically screwed unless you can ween your way in there somehow. The only race that stands half a chance is the Ikthul and they don't even find the X's very well.
So basically, if they could fix these things in a coming patch, they might be able to change the horrible reviews they are getting, and make the game half worth the price I bought it for
1. The X's. Getting all the Antaran X's is a near impossible strategy if you are trying to win. I myself have never found one, and from what I have seen only 2 or 3 seem to ever be found by any players on extremely long games. Antaran X's need to be easier to find, or at least more information needs to be posted on how to find them more easily.
2. Guardians & Antarans. Guardians are *expletive* impossible to kill without a enormous armada of missile dreadnaughts, and even then they kill most of your ships....and don't even get me started about the Antarans. Guardians need to be slightly easier to kill so you can get on with the game sooner.(Question, what is the point of killing guardians? Do their systems contain special techs or antaran X's? If anyone knows holler back)
3. Missiles. With a supposedly balanced rock-paper-scissors combat model, Missiles suspiciously seem to win 90% of the time. Any army composed of large groups of missile ships will mop the floor with any fleet not equipped with missiles, no matter how much point defense they have. This makes taking home enemy homeworlds nearly impossible without 5 armadas of ships because homeworlds are almost exclusively defended with missiles. Missiles need to be toned down, so people will actually have a reason to use other ship types like short range and long range.
4. AI. I know you've heard it. But I'm saying it again. The AI is lame and rarely attacks. The AI diplomacy makes no sense. (The Trilarian ambassador says, humbly pleading "I just called to say I hate you, we are now at war" beggingly. Or something like that) There are no good references to tell YOU how to properly communicate with other races and in what tone.
5. Game Length. They need to make the game faster. Ships should get to new planets faster, research should happen faser, and especially CONSTRUCTION should happen faster. Games take way too long even on small galaxies with 1 opponent. Even if they don't want to change it they should offer a 'lightning' game setting which makes production faster on planets, and finding the X's a bit easier for those of us without 5 hours of free time to waste on a game.
6. Victory. Any other victory except the Orion Senate is basically impossible to achieve. Conquering all the other civilizations means an 1000 or so turn game because the pace is so slow, and combat so one-sided.
As I said before, getting all 5 x's is also about 500 turns. (Or more, I haven't even found one, with 3 or so Armadas looking). And if you start outside the senate your basically screwed unless you can ween your way in there somehow. The only race that stands half a chance is the Ikthul and they don't even find the X's very well.
So basically, if they could fix these things in a coming patch, they might be able to change the horrible reviews they are getting, and make the game half worth the price I bought it for
