Been here for some time reading apolyton formus and official, read many complaints and praises, now I have MoO3 and have been playing it for a while, just thought to write some things that came to my mind while reading all those complaints.
First wrote this to be a reply to "a true second chance please..." thread but this grow a bit so I thought that own thread for this would be better =)
Sorry in advance if there is much typos or other errors, really just wrote what came to my mind...
Why to judge game in these days from impression gotten straight from the box? Years back game developers really couldn't repair their mistakes so first impression might have hold true then, but in these days games are released too often incompleate.. and I think this is mainly because games are getting more and more complicated so even for experienced beta-testers are having some hard time to sopt every bug in game.
Really, in MoO3 I see not just a game made to a mass market but a real child of it's own genre, child of a king of it's genre and ready to take the crown after initial difficulties...
What did people really wait from this, flawless peace of workmaship to be the only game to be played? Updated MoO2? Then you have really no clue about what a *NEW* game is all about...
Yea, older MoO's were great so why to change anything but graphics? -- think... would you like MoO series to be just like NHL series, updatelike "new" game every year -- MoO3 is and actual NEW game, a game that really brings something new to it's own genre, and in this case really is revolutionary... nothing like this has ever been made and it takes a bit time to get used to all chages.
Yes MoO3 came out a bit buggy side but in these days what game wouldn't have bugs after release? And with the comlpexity in MoO3, bugs are simply inevitable. If you can't live with bugs and wait for a patch(es) that would solve them all, you really shouldn't be buying any games after initial release. Sometimes you just have to live with them for some time and think like this:
- "this but will be repair anyway so why to bother, lets look this game bit more closely see what really makes this game exceptional"
Surely some bugs might make the game a bit hard to play, I really look forward for repaird AI and few additional tweaks, but still I see this game as a good now, and VERY good after few patches.... patience, my child...
Really... as far as I know, only blizzard makes almost perfect games with cinematic quality cutscenes and damn good looking graphs with always a nice original idea... but blizzard isn't a "gamehouse", it's a "miraclehouse" (often wonder that does their games really sell that well that they can develop a game for years without economic support, or does they actually have some hidden support?).... as sometimes it is time and money that dictates that what the game is in the end...
Does MoO style game really need cutting edge graphical quality, I say NO. Because in this genre it is more important that how game WORKS, not what does it LOOK like. Good looking game in this genre makes at least me make think that did developers have much money and time to do the game or is it missing something.
It is the sad truth that eaven good games are often too quickly senteced to death by some people and reviewers just because of it's "out of the box" troubles, and in this case that effect is boosted with the fact that this game is a bit hard to get in to...
Everyone can't get everything, there is no such thing as perfect game, as there is no such thing as perfect person... If we could make a perfect game, it would mean that we are just workers under hivemind, everyone thinking in the same way. But every one of us is different and like different things, we just have to look that what DO we like and what we DON'T like, and if we like at least most of the things in it, it is easy to ignore rest and just ENJOY playing.
I see MoO3 as a game that takes place in far imaginary future but is actually a real future of this genre, as thats where all few games in this genre are going, complexity and detail. MoO3 is a rarity in these days, a game not made for the masses but a game with an idea and really brings new things to this genre. If you don't like it... go for fps genre and stop complaining. this game isn't for everyone, even QS have said that.
Comments? All comments are apprisiated, good or bad
EDITS : just doing some proof reading
First wrote this to be a reply to "a true second chance please..." thread but this grow a bit so I thought that own thread for this would be better =)
Sorry in advance if there is much typos or other errors, really just wrote what came to my mind...
Why to judge game in these days from impression gotten straight from the box? Years back game developers really couldn't repair their mistakes so first impression might have hold true then, but in these days games are released too often incompleate.. and I think this is mainly because games are getting more and more complicated so even for experienced beta-testers are having some hard time to sopt every bug in game.
Really, in MoO3 I see not just a game made to a mass market but a real child of it's own genre, child of a king of it's genre and ready to take the crown after initial difficulties...
What did people really wait from this, flawless peace of workmaship to be the only game to be played? Updated MoO2? Then you have really no clue about what a *NEW* game is all about...
Yea, older MoO's were great so why to change anything but graphics? -- think... would you like MoO series to be just like NHL series, updatelike "new" game every year -- MoO3 is and actual NEW game, a game that really brings something new to it's own genre, and in this case really is revolutionary... nothing like this has ever been made and it takes a bit time to get used to all chages.
Yes MoO3 came out a bit buggy side but in these days what game wouldn't have bugs after release? And with the comlpexity in MoO3, bugs are simply inevitable. If you can't live with bugs and wait for a patch(es) that would solve them all, you really shouldn't be buying any games after initial release. Sometimes you just have to live with them for some time and think like this:
- "this but will be repair anyway so why to bother, lets look this game bit more closely see what really makes this game exceptional"
Surely some bugs might make the game a bit hard to play, I really look forward for repaird AI and few additional tweaks, but still I see this game as a good now, and VERY good after few patches.... patience, my child...
Really... as far as I know, only blizzard makes almost perfect games with cinematic quality cutscenes and damn good looking graphs with always a nice original idea... but blizzard isn't a "gamehouse", it's a "miraclehouse" (often wonder that does their games really sell that well that they can develop a game for years without economic support, or does they actually have some hidden support?).... as sometimes it is time and money that dictates that what the game is in the end...
Does MoO style game really need cutting edge graphical quality, I say NO. Because in this genre it is more important that how game WORKS, not what does it LOOK like. Good looking game in this genre makes at least me make think that did developers have much money and time to do the game or is it missing something.
It is the sad truth that eaven good games are often too quickly senteced to death by some people and reviewers just because of it's "out of the box" troubles, and in this case that effect is boosted with the fact that this game is a bit hard to get in to...
Everyone can't get everything, there is no such thing as perfect game, as there is no such thing as perfect person... If we could make a perfect game, it would mean that we are just workers under hivemind, everyone thinking in the same way. But every one of us is different and like different things, we just have to look that what DO we like and what we DON'T like, and if we like at least most of the things in it, it is easy to ignore rest and just ENJOY playing.
I see MoO3 as a game that takes place in far imaginary future but is actually a real future of this genre, as thats where all few games in this genre are going, complexity and detail. MoO3 is a rarity in these days, a game not made for the masses but a game with an idea and really brings new things to this genre. If you don't like it... go for fps genre and stop complaining. this game isn't for everyone, even QS have said that.
Comments? All comments are apprisiated, good or bad
EDITS : just doing some proof reading
