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SPOILER? Magnate civilizations

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  • SPOILER? Magnate civilizations

    This is from the readme on magnate civs. Very interesting stuff. Spoilers to follow:

    You can land a Colony Ship on any planet with a Magnate Civilization. Once you achieve 1.0 or more population points on that world, it will become part of your empire, no different than an unoccupied world except that it already has a significant native population that considers it to be in the Green Habitability Zone.

    If you come across a Magnate Civ on a Red 1 or Red 2 planet, it's worth trying to get a colony there. Once you achieve minimum population for your colony (which will take some effort), you'll have 4 or 5 population points of workers who operate at 100% efficiency, unlike your settlers, and who will be happy to begin building DEAs for you.


    Max Oppressometer 3, War Tolerance -1, Research Efficiency 105%, Senate Effectiveness 115%, Relations Bonus +25%, Casus Belli Bonus +6%, Ground Combat Initiative +30

    Max Oppressometer 3, War Tolerance -1, Research Efficiency 105%, Senate Effectiveness 115%, Relations Bonus +25%, Casus Belli Bonus +6%, Ground Combat Initiative +30

    Max Oppressometer 3, War Tolerance -1, Research Efficiency 130%, Senate Effectiveness 115%, Relations Bonus +25%, Casus Belli Bonus +6%, Population Growth Penalty 10%, Ground Combat Initiative +30

    Max Oppressometer =6, Manufacturing Efficiency +40%, Ground combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Accuracy +20, Uses Bioharvest Output 50% and Mining Output 50% to Feed Population

    Max Oppressometer =6, Manufacturing Efficiency +40%, Ground combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Accuracy +20, Uses Bioharvest Output 50% and Mining Output 50% to Feed Population

    Max Oppressometer =6, Polution Tolerance +25%, Population Growth Bonus +10%, Ground Combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Attack Strength +20

    Max Oppressometer =6, Polution Tolerance +25%, Population Growth Bonus +10%, Ground Combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Attack Strength +20

    Max Oppressometer =6, Polution Tolerance +25%, Population Growth Bonus +15%, Ground Combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Attack Strength +20

    Max Oppressometer 7, Ground Combat Initiative +20, Ground Combat Evade +30

    Max Oppressometer 7, Ground Combat Initiative +20, Ground Combat Evade +30

    Max Oppressometer 4, Ground Combat Initiative +20, Ground Combat Attacks +1

    Max Oppressometer 4, Ground Combat Initiative +20, Ground Combat Attacks +1

    Max Oppressometer 4, Population Growth Penalty 25%, Mining Effeciency +40%, Ground Combat Armor +20, Ground Combat Hit Points +2, Uses Bioharvest Output 0% and Mining Output 100% to Feed Population

    Max Oppressometer 4, Population Growth Bonus 30%, Ground Combat Initiative +10

    Max Oppressometer 4, Population Growth Bonus 35%, Ground Combat Initiative +10

    Max Oppressometer 6, War Tolerance +1 (More likely to have war declared), Senate Effectiveness 60%, Ground combat Initiative +10, ground Combat Rally Chance +2, Ground Combat Rout Chance +2 (Less Routs)

    Metashifters (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 6, Senate Effectiveness 85%, Ground Combat Rating 3, Ground Combat Initiative +30, Ground Combat Attack Strength +20

    NonCorporeal (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 6, Ground Combat Rating 4, Ground Combat Initiative +30, Ground Combat Evade +60

    Protoplasmic (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 4, Ground Combat Rating 3, Ground Combat Hit Points +4

    Plant (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 3, Polution Per Population 25%, Ground Combat Rating 5, Ground Combat Evade +30

    Fungal (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 4, Military Maintenance 85%, Population Growth Bonus 15%, Ground Combat Rating 3, Ground Combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Evade +120

    Avian (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 4, Ground Combat Rating 3, Ground Combat Initiative +40, Ground combat Evade +60

    Gargantua (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 4, Ground Combat Rating 9 (Best), Ground Combat Attack Strength +20, Ground Combat Armor +10, Ground Combat Hit Points +2, Polution Per Population 200%

    Bulrathi (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 5, Mining Efficiency +10%, Ground Combat Rating 7, Ground Combat Initiative +20, Ground Combat Attack Strength +20, Ground Combat Armor +10, Ground Combat Hit Points +2, Ground Combat Morale +2, Ground Combat Rally +2

    Mrrshan (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 6, Military DEA Efficieny +40%, Ground Combat Rating 4, Ground Combat Initiative +30, Ground Combat Accuracy +40, Ground Combat Evade +10, Ground Combat Morale +4

    Elerians (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 5, Unrest per Region -30, Ground Combat Rating 3, Ground Combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Accuracy +10, Ground Combat Evasion +10, Ground Combat Rally +4

    Gnolam (Magnate only)
    Max Oppressometer 5, Trade Level +1, Space Port Efficiency +20%, Trade Efficiency +20%, Ground Combat Rating 3, Ground Combat Initiative +10, Ground Combat Rout +2
    Last edited by JonahFalcon; February 24, 2003, 13:40.

  • #2
    it's a kinda sorta spoiler, yes. better remove it and just let people wait a few days


    • #3
      Wow. All this is in the read-me file?
      Objects in mirror are insignificant.


      • #4
        There's a ton of stuff in the readme. I won't remove it unless someone from QS says I should. This has nothing to do with the Ikthul, really.


        • #5
          Just printed it . Give us more please. At least for me it is more fun to read such information before I have the game. Imagination how everything fits together is always best . With the game you wont have the time to enjoy the data.


          • #6
            That's it for now. Just a word - print out the readme.txt file -- it has a lot of interesting stats and information. (Similiar to Heroes of Might & Magic with the "How many monsters in a legion?" sort of stats.)

            However, I modified the first post as a true spoiler so no one will accidentally view the info.


            • #7
              Ah, we finally find out about the plants. 25% pollution makes perfect sense, and is a pretty hefty bonus.

              The gargantua get double pollution! Lol.


              • #8
                So amagnate civ. is their way of saying natives as in good old MOO2, correct? Once you control a planet of these civs, can you export them? or are they limited to the planet you took?
                If you don't like reality, change it! me
                "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                • #9
                  The only difference between magnates and playable races is that the magnates aren't playable and don't have their own empires -- instead, they start as indigenous populations on some worlds (which the playable races can then control). In all other respects, they're full-fledged races.

                  Such is my understanding from BT/dev/reviewer comments.


                  • #10
                    However, the big plus is that the planet they're found on is a Sweet Spot for them - they work at 100% effiency, regardless of how the planet "cons" to you (even if red or yellow). So you're getting a work force of 4 or 5 for free that works at maximum effeciency.


                    • #11
                      If you find a magnate race on a planet that is red for your own race and colonize that planet to incorporate the magnate race into your empire, will those original colonists you used to claim the planet migrate to a world that is much more habitable to them (a green), thus leaving a planet that is populated exclusively by the magnate race?
                      Objects in mirror are insignificant.


                      • #12
                        You're missing one magnate race, the Darloks.
                        This is not The Greatest Signature in the World, no. This is just a tribute.


                        • #13
                          Those are the metashifters.


                          • #14
                            Humans = Evon

                            Interesting.... especially interesting, given the huge gulf I've pointed out between the Evon's # of suprerior and good picks and the # of human superior and good picks (not to mention Humans get 3 times as many "poor" picks).

                            There's GOT to be something we're missing here... that seems a wee bit unbalanced and I suspect the designers probably didn't do that (though you never know...).
                            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                            • #15
                              jonah, i've edited your post to use the spoiler tag...
                              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
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