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what is the difference between manufacturing and mining?

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  • what is the difference between manufacturing and mining?

    In MOO2 "mining" was somewhat determined by the mineral abundance of the planet. Then you would construct things based upon your manufacturing ability (primarily determined by the number of workers and what facilities you had constructed on the planet. Manufacturing was also influenced by race.)

    Now, in MOO3 these two abilities are seperate. Does anyone know how this will work in game terms? Sorry for being so uniformed but I think I just realized they were even seperate.

  • #2
    mining generates minerals, which are needed in order to produce stuff. Manufactuing generates production capacity, which dictates how efficiently you can create production.

    so if you have no minerals, you cant produce....if you have only 30 minerals/turn being produced by mining, but need 40 for the amount of production you want to do, you can only do 3/4 of it.

    industry DEAs produce production capacity, lets say you produce a total of 100 production capacity on a given planet. this means that you can spend up to 100 AUs (money) to get production points, at a 1 for 1 rate. If you want more, you can get 100 more for 2 AU each, then more for 3AU, and so on (up to 6x max)

    so lets say you need to produce 100 production points (and you have necessary minerals). if you had 100 industry capacity, this would cost 100AU, if you have 50 capacity ,it owuld cost 50+(2*50) = 150 AU. If you had 33 capacity it would cost 33+(2*33)+(3*33) = 200 AU, and so on, to produce 100 production points...

    also, mining DEAs produce rare minerals as well, which you sell for income. Manufacturing DEAs also produce money. (to help fuel that production....they produce money and production capacity)


    • #3

      Thanks. Your answer is very clear with the examples.


      • #4
        Minerals are also eaten by certain races. I think this was one of the primary driving factors behind separating the two; having the silicoids live off of better manufacturing and industry doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but making them live better because they can mine better and as a by-product having more raw materials for production? That makes a lot of sense.

        To my knowledge, the only races like this are the cybernetics and silicoids. There might be others.


        • #5
          The difference between the cybernetiks and the geodics is that the former eat minerals and the latter have their "farming" production based on mineral richness rather than biodiversity. IIRC from the race data dump.


          • #6
            the data dump is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Old.......

            like pre-major redesign and cut-list old.

            cybernetics eat 1/2 minerals 1/2 food.
            silicoids eat all minerals.


            • #7
              From lore_weaver's latest strat guide, that information is incorrect, or at least not entirely correct. Meklar apparently eat 1/2 bio, 1/2 minerals.


              • #8
                the data dump is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Old.......

                like pre-major redesign and cut-list old.
                Indeed, they should have a dislcaimer to warn people how out of date it is.
                By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


                • #9
                  Even in the dump, Cybernetik ate half food and half minerals. I was addressing a possible distinction between the way the two ate minerals. A distinction which may not still exist, if Alexfrog is correct.

