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Ground forces

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  • Ground forces

    Grrrrrrrrrrr.... the game is telling me I can't create ground forces, but not WHY. The manual doesn't tell me why. I hate the C3PO "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" whine from the old awful Star Wars 4X game - and this is no better.

    If someone is refused an option, TELL THEM ****WHY**** they can't do it.

  • #2
    *sniffles* you have the gammmmmmeeeeeeee?! I'll trade, you can have my Empire Earth I am playing.
    Veni, vidi, vici.
    [I came, I saw, I conquered].
    -- Gaius Julius Caesar


    • #3
      I played Empire Earth. It's not a good RTS.


      • #4
        I know...that's my problem. LoL

        I just need to waste time till MOOIII.
        Veni, vidi, vici.
        [I came, I saw, I conquered].
        -- Gaius Julius Caesar


        • #5
          Get Generals, its pretty good.
          By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


          • #6
            As far as I know, Generals isn't out anywhere in Ohio -- but most C&C games rule, and Generals looked like the best of'em.
            Veni, vidi, vici.
            [I came, I saw, I conquered].
            -- Gaius Julius Caesar


            • #7
              What are you guys talking about! If your just killing time play MOO2 or MOO if your desperate. Speaking of old games find a copy of StarControl 2. Best RTS EVER! (I'm not kidding)


              • #8
                This is getting WAY off topic--



                • #9
                  Try the beta testers who ACTUALLY HAVE PLAYED THE GAME!

                  The rest of us mortals have to wait for it to hit the stores, so forgive my inability to empathize with your plight...


                  • #10
                    As I don't have the game, I really can't say... but if you want a guess... perhaps you need to build a Military DEA first (or a structure within that DEA, like a Barracks or something).

                    Good luck... although you might want to ask on the IG forums and try to catch the attention of a BT...


                    • #11
                      Tried having a Military DEA. Didn't help.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JonahFalcon
                        Tried having a Military DEA. Didn't help.
                        There's probably a line of code in the reviewers' version that says you aren't allowed to build ground forces... that's to keep the cat from getting completely out of the bag in the reviews so the surprises of ground combat are saved for the players when they finally get the game...


                        Remember, we're talking about MoO3's publicity people here...

                        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                        • #13

                          you need some prerequisites first:

                          1) some built Troop Ships (or any ship that has Troop Pods w/ a "Transport" mission )
                          2) some marines / ground army units built on the planet you wish to "remove" them from.

                          You create an army much the same way you create a TF - click on the planet and select the "create ground force" option, right above "create task force". after you put some units together into an army, you'll be instructed to create a Transport taskforce. It's a good idea to include some escorts with your troop ships unless you want them to get ripped to shreads during space combat - or better yet - obtain space superiority, then send in the Transport TF's the turn after.

                          Hope that helps. If you are whining about your army/TF/ship designs getting rejected but not being told why, i got the same complaint bro'

                          and i thought creating an invasion force was a bit obscure too. had to get some help for that. now i'm passing it along to you.


                          • #14

                            a) you misread what I wanted. I wanted ground troops on the planet - not necessarily for a troop ship.

                            b) finally saw the Infantry selection - you have to "build" them like you would a ship, etc, on the military build item list.


                            • #15
                              oh sorry, yeah. The AI likes to build them on its own, in due time. it's not usually something i have to do manually.

