In one of his AARs, Keb was able to "sneak" fleets past an Antaran-held system by flooding the system with more than the max # of TFs one can put into a battle... also, I think there have been cases of players attacking the Orion system, winning the battle but not completely annihilating the Antaran system ships, and bombarding the target planet even though the Antarans still had a defense fleet. If one can bombard in such a situation it would seem to follow that one can mount a ground assault as well.
I'm not entirely sure if that was the situation, though...
edit - I think I misunderstood the AARs, because it would be kind of annoying if someone could just send 10-12 TFs of one empty lancer each to escort a huge fleet of bombardment ships or troop transports, occupy your fleet with the lancers, then bombard or assault one of your planets with impunity
... they could probably do that to "sneak" fleets past your fortress systems into your empire, though.
I'm not entirely sure if that was the situation, though...
edit - I think I misunderstood the AARs, because it would be kind of annoying if someone could just send 10-12 TFs of one empty lancer each to escort a huge fleet of bombardment ships or troop transports, occupy your fleet with the lancers, then bombard or assault one of your planets with impunity
