DiCesare, you should check out the Beta Tester's game and battle descriptions on the infogrames moo site..
you have to register to read the forums, but its worth it. Some very well written, exciting, informative stuff there
And from people who have actually played the game a lot and faught real battles! not accidentally ran their scout into an enemy colony and had it destroyed....
Also, your sig mentions you are in to low micromanagement and good AI....
in a question and answer session at orion sector, when asked "what are your 3 favorite things about the game", fully half the betatesters replying responded that they loved the AI control of their colonies (i.e. that you could let it do lots of the micromanagement work for you and it would DO A GOOD JOB!!!!)
you have to register to read the forums, but its worth it. Some very well written, exciting, informative stuff there

Also, your sig mentions you are in to low micromanagement and good AI....
in a question and answer session at orion sector, when asked "what are your 3 favorite things about the game", fully half the betatesters replying responded that they loved the AI control of their colonies (i.e. that you could let it do lots of the micromanagement work for you and it would DO A GOOD JOB!!!!)