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In-House Preview Online: Part 5

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Dinamarth

    How is it even possible to make something worse than this part, while still using English?
    Ok, when I wrote that post I was only starting on page 2, I see it gets much worse later.


    • #32
      Originally posted by viciouscycle
      The combat information was laughable. How about getting into a skirmish with some ships that have shields and armor and weapons?
      Dan's had the game for several weeks now, how come the biggest battles he's had is 1 scout?


      • #33
        because he played 1 game of it, for only 80 or so turns.

        its possible that they didnt give it to him, they only let him play it for a couple hours...or something


        • #34
          Are you kidding? Y'all didn't hear?

          The combat system was causing the biggest bugs. So they removed the ability to have more than one ship in combat, and only one of the two ships (picked randomly) will have the use of it's weapons, armor, and sensors.

          This makes the AI have a fighting chance, as half the time the player does not actually get to fight.

          In addition, all ships must blockade planets - even if they're colony ships.

          Seriously...that's like playing Civ and never building anything more than a 'warrior' unit, and then complaining when an archer takes you out. Or even better, a cavalry unit, since you might not get to see it coming. C'mon, man, while I appreciate the info out of the game and all, this was the combat experience? No ground combat even? Sigh...

          I get the impression that DanQ didn't really like this game. It's sounding more and more like he's just going through the motions about how it played, talking about the various details that bore him (and by extension, us), and not bothering to check anything out - because it doesn't matter to him. That's a scary thought, IMO - DanQ not liking the game bodes ill for others liking it.

          And for the couple of you that read my 'AAR' - thanks for the nice words. I was thinking of doing a couple for the other previews along those lines.


          • #35
            Personally, I dont care if Dan didnt like it

            There are plenty of people with much more exciting writing styles that love it and tell us about it all the much as they are allowed to.

            Its quite possible that this game just isnt Dan's type, and that would explain why he hasnt played it much.


            • #36
              Originally posted by kalbear
              "With our military might, I'd like to see them try and declare war on us! Nothing can defeat the Apolytonian Space Ship Invincible!"

              "Sir, this is the ship Intangible...."
              Those have to be the funniest lines in the whole thing - i nearly fell off my chair laughing when i read that. Has to be in context though for the full impact.


              • #37
                The U.S.S. Intangible. (Actually for Apolyton you would substitute the U with the A but this is a family show...)

                I love it!

                To be joined later by her sister ships the Inflammable, the Inscrutable, the Incapable, and the Inoperable.
                Objects in mirror are insignificant.


                • #38
                  I dont know if anyone knew it or not. But I just learned about MOO3 2 days after it went gold or something.. maybe one day after. (I really only get into games a like this... well only after that fiasco of a game Civ3 came out. But thats another story) Anyway, I'm don't know like all the 'inside' stuff and assume the game is going to be good. I guess you can say that i have the best situation, since I've never played MOO, or MOO2, so whatever Moo3 is like, its going to be good in my perspective since I cant compare it to its predessors. Plus I havent played it vicariously over and over and over like you guys hav ethrough AARs and stuff... I just can't see why you guys always want to ruin your games by scrutinizing over every detail 2 years before the game is even done...

                  Anyway, I was wondering what the names of those races where in the Concept art? Mostly Concept Art #6. It looks like a cat/kangaroo. Also, i'd like to know what space ships belong to which race. It would be nice if someone told me so I can start putting names to faces and names to architecture type. I mean, all those fake sci-fi names are a little confusing if you dont know what the race looks like.... like when I say Klingon, we all think of like Warf. But what I say Pakled... well, what race was that? (You got to be a pretty big Trekkie to know about the Pakled)

                  Anyway. Thanks. I really enjoyed all these 'In House' Reviews since I'm so new to Moo3 enviroment. I look foward to part 6 Dan Q.
                  "Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"


                  • #39
                    My best guess is that concept art #6 is a Mrrshan.


                    • #40
                      Well, To_Serve_Man, welcome to the world of Moo3

                      most of us havent played it yet, only the betatesters, but we are all really looking forward to it.

                      To get loads of info about the game, I recommend registering for the official moo3 forums:

                      and then reading the following threads, which contain the thoughts of the betatesters, game summaries, and lots of questions answered by the betatesters:

                      for info, and

                      for the game reports

                      The game reports are also on this forum in the AARs thread, posted by Roland the Mad, and also on Orion Outpost at in the "reports" section

                      The game looks to be quite amazing, and the evidence of that is how much the betatesters love it, and how much time they spend answering our questions and writing up stories about their games. People that dont care for a game dont do stuff like that

                      a tip for the IGMOO boards: every question ahs been asked there 1000 times, and every complaint made 10000 times. Thus, people often get annoyed at newbies who ask the same questions or make the smae complaints. Dont let that throw you. Read the threads I pointed too, and then you should know enough not to ask questions that will get you flamed. And generally if you dont make complaints about moo3, people wont flame you.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Alexfrog
                        Its quite possible that this game just isnt Dan's type, and that would explain why he hasnt played it much.
                        I have to agree. If someone liked the game, and had it for this long, I'd think at least several games from start to finish (including some real nice defeats) would have transpired.

                        Ah well, I have hopes for the Penny-Arcade guys and others...



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Alexfrog
                          because he played 1 game of it, for only 80 or so turns.

                          its possible that they didnt give it to him, they only let him play it for a couple hours...or something
                          I meant more 'why didn't he play at least one full game before writting a preview?' rather than 'how come in Dan's long gaming sesson in which collected many useful facts did he only ever fight one battle'.

                          Hey, I saw a poster about Homeworld 2, who wants me to write a preview on it?


                          • #43
                            your BAR (Before Action Review) was hilarious, though I am not sure what 'action' took place...

                            About this 5th sequel, I more and more believe Dan Q played 80 turns, wrote his paper during a whole night, cut it in 6 parts and made copy/pastes every night. And then never saw it again: they have taken the CD's away from him for sure... (some of you figured that out long ago)

                            But he is a civ fan, so once he is able to, he'll play the game again... Dan Q, have you received a boxed copy like the other sites? Are you making a full review at the moment?


                            • #44
                              To: To_Serve_Man

                              *Note* This will be one long post, make sure you have a comfortable chair while reading this.

                              Check out these screenshots of the 15 playable races in the game. There are actually 16 races you can play as, but the 16th race (Ithkul) are unknown to us. IG/QS has been keeping them a secret, we only know a few tid bits here and there about them.


                              There is another race, but you can't play as them. They are the "New Orions" (refered to as "NO" as short). They control the Orion Senate, which is made up of the NO, and X amount of other races. You can pick if you want to start a game in the Senate or not, or you can have it random if you can't decide. Pending how many Computer players you want in the game, some of them will be in the Senate and some won't.

                              If you start in the Senate, you have the opportunity to meet other races right from the start. This is of course an advantage, because this can lead to Technology swapping, trading agreements, research agreements and etc etc. The disadvantages is that you start near the core of the galaxy with the other Senate races, so expansion can be limited. Also, this can lead to early espionage/sabotage tactics and eventually war.

                              If you don't start in the Senate, then you can easily expand since you won't start as near to the core of the galaxy. Also, you won't have any contact with the races from the start. You will have to "scout" around to meet a race. This is of course good and bad, you can expand without worrying about other races, but then you can't set up early trade pacts and or research aggreements.

                              What can you do in the Orion Senate?

                              You can propose Bills and have the races vote on it, if its in favour then it will pass, if not then the Bill has been rejected. So you can propose a Bill that bans the use of Nuclear weapons, if the Bill passes, then it becomes a law. Once its a law, you cannot use Nuclear weapons. Well actually you can if YOU want to, but if you do then that will be breaking the "law" and the Orion Senate members will most likely declare war on you, or try to kick you out the Senate by proposing a Bill themselves. You can even propose to add a race to the Senate, if that passes then that new race will become a member of the Senate. Early in the game though, the NO have a huge amount of votes. So, say all of the Senate races agree to a certain Bill and the NO vote "Nay" then it will not pass. Don't worry though, as your empire becomes bigger, you get more votes. Also, the NO have almost a "no care" attitude, so its not like they will vote "Nay" all the time.

                              About The New Orions

                              The NO are a race that do have ships and advanced tech, so fighting them early on is a big mistake. I'm not sure how many systems they have, they might only have the Orion system but I'm not sure. You can declare war on the NO, or try to steal their technology with your spies if you want to. But for the most part, I heard that its best to leave them alone (until maybe you have advanced enough tech and a lot of ships to take them on ).

                              Magnate Races

                              Besides the 16 playable races and the unplayable NO, there are Magnate races. Some of these races are actually from previous MoO's (MoO1 and MoO2), and of course there are races that we don't know about yet. Anway, these races inhabit certain planets. They don't build ships, they don't expand and you can't set up trade or non aggression pacts with them. Instead you can colonize the world that they inhabit, which they will become a part of your empire.

                              Whats the point of that you ask? Well, magnate races offer bonuses in certain fields. Like espionage, and ground troop abilities. So say that your race aren't good warriors but you have a magnate race that are excellent warriors. You can make troop transports filled with warriors from the magnate race to fight ground combat. Or say that your race isn't tolerant to a certain planet type, but you have a magnate race that can tolerate that planet. Then make a colony ship with that magnate race to colonize that planet.

                              Hopefully this wasn't a boring read for you , and hopefully I made everything easy to understand. Expect part 2 by next I'm just kidding.
                              This is not The Greatest Signature in the World, no. This is just a tribute.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Alexfrog
                                a tip for the IGMOO boards: every question ahs been asked there 1000 times, and every complaint made 10000 times. Thus, people often get annoyed at newbies who ask the same questions or make the smae complaints. Dont let that throw you. Read the threads I pointed too, and then you should know enough not to ask questions that will get you flamed. And generally if you dont make complaints about moo3, people wont flame you.
                                Also, don't suggest things that have been suggested a thousand times before. Look what we did to utilae.

