Originally posted by Kc7mxo
The english didn't invade the US while we were off fighting in afghanistan. Heck, they were there helping us. And we're basically a bunch of rebels who gave them the finger two hundred years ago. . .
Alliances between countries of cultures friendly to one another can often last a very long time. Thats the kind of alliances I'd like to see in games. I don't want to see the meklars (who I've been allied with for two hundred years) suddenly invade me when I happen to declare war on the Sakra.
The english didn't invade the US while we were off fighting in afghanistan. Heck, they were there helping us. And we're basically a bunch of rebels who gave them the finger two hundred years ago. . .

Alliances between countries of cultures friendly to one another can often last a very long time. Thats the kind of alliances I'd like to see in games. I don't want to see the meklars (who I've been allied with for two hundred years) suddenly invade me when I happen to declare war on the Sakra.
Alliances are built on mutual gain for all parties who enter them. If they do not get anything out of the Alliance then there is no reason to continue to uphold that Alliance or treaty.
Take for example your long time ally who "all of a sudden" declares war on you. You say there is no reason...well it should be obvious, the goal of the game is to win and since your getting to big and your ally isn't growing as fast as you, there is no reason to continue the current alliance as it is not beneficial to themselves.
Many of you falsely point to modern day alliances such as NATO or whatnot as examples of how alliances should't be broken. Once again, you fail to understand the idea of mutual benfits for the parties involved.
Ofcourse Britain is not going to declare war on the US while it is embroiled in Afganistan, why should it? Are its intrests being threatened directly or indirectly by the US? No. The US has no territorial aspirations on Britain nor does current US actions infringe on Britain's sphere of influence. In fact stability brought by US control over the troubled region would be in Britain's best intrests.
But what if Afganistan was the lastest in a long line of American invasions and it is becomming clear that the US is going to gain total world dominance soon if nothing is done? You bet that Britain would be busy collecting a group of allies to stand up to the US before it was too late.
So before you start tearing your hair out saying "Why the **** did they declare war on me?", ask yourself this, if you were the AI and you watched yourself rampaging across the galaxy, what would you do? Thats right, you would start looking around to see who you could buddy up with before your "friend" decided that your colonies would be best served by joining their empire.