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In-House Preview Online: Part 4

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  • #31
    There is that effect, especially at the start...

    In the early and midgame, if the NOs oppose a bill, it wont happen, if they support it it will.

    Often however, they abstain (they are apathetic after all)...THEN it really matters what the various races vote)

    Late game, The NO voting block is no longer huge compared to yours, and you can eventually surpass them.

    You cant really convince the NO to support or to not support something....they arent affected by the normal diplomacy that others work with, they are so far above you. They will pretty much just ignore whatever you do, unless you specifically piss them off.


    • #32
      Originally posted by To_Serve_Man
      I was wondering, can you, as the player, propose bills to the Orion Senate?
      Yes. They can range from condeming/praising an empire to lifting the NBC ban or forming a senate wide research team.


      • #33
        Rantz has been lurking around here a lot lately... I'd like to hear comments from him regarding the preview. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
        Objects in mirror are insignificant.


        • #34
          I am sorry I cant say anything nice about these reviews. They have got to be the most painfull crap I have ever read. These reviews are turning people away from the game and making them gouge out thier eyes so they dont read another word.

          Dan Q's english and grammer are so damn horrible, and the fact that hey says the stupidest things in the most painfully long winded way possible makes me want to buy hooked a phonics and send it to him and then kill myself.



          • #35
            Originally posted by Possibility
            I am sorry I cant say anything nice about these reviews. They have got to be the most painfull crap I have ever read. These reviews are turning people away from the game and making them gouge out thier eyes so they dont read another word.

            Dan Q's english and grammer are so damn horrible, and the fact that hey says the stupidest things in the most painfully long winded way possible makes me want to buy hooked a phonics and send it to him and then kill myself.

            Maybe you should just buy a good spellchecker and keep it for yourself.


            • #36
              Did I just stumble into English class or what?


              • #37
                Originally posted by jimmytrick
                Did I just stumble into English class or what?
                If you did you should send Dan your location


                • #38
                  Blah blah blah, lets all talk about style and ignore comment. If style was important, then AquaNox was the greatest game ever

                  Thanks again Dan, and don't let the nay-sayers get to you. You are developing into a cult icon, don't forget that And I thought the first paragraph was quite funny, in a surreal kind of way. So there. The big question now is which comes first, the game or part 6 ?

                  1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                  That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                  Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                  Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                  • #39
                    [EDIT: Never mind.]
                    Last edited by darcy; January 31, 2003, 07:20.


                    • #40
                      One Question comes to my mind after reading this preview: what is the effect of the praise vote?

                      Besides nice Preview. I think that most people forgot that this isn't a review. In my opinion a preview should cover all game aspects and compare them to the predecessors(mild complaint). Only a small part (part 6) should cover the gameplay itself( that's what reviews are for).


                      • #41
                        Dan - thanks for that... this preview was fine.

                        It surely does not deserve getting bashed, on the contrary, but there is so little visible happening on MoO3 at this moment, apart from your Thursday review and the AAR which the BT's make for us that you get the beating.

                        carry on, we wait for next Thursday


                        • #42
                          Good preview.

                          Moving the hard detail to an appendix and keeping the main content focused on the GAME was a good decision.

                          Take the critisism with a grain of salt, its just a little bit of carry over (since bashing the previews were a tradition). Your preview part 4 does not deserve critisism.

                          I'm glad that you took our complaints into consideration.


                          • #43
                            Some of you guys are harsh. Ouch. But then I am a programmer and used to reading requirements documentation so maybe I am closer to the audience for this review.

                            That said, I am drooling with anticipation. I liked the previous MOOs better than the CIVs and MOO3 seems ready to continue that trend.


                            • #44
                              Overall, it was far better than the other parts. Interesting read (if a little longwinded). I think one of the main problems, is that MOO3 fans are quite frequently scientist/engineer types, and as such they prefer short, concise, technical documents (and previews) to longwinded explainations in flowery english - i imagine the Civ crowd is a lot more humanitarian (historians, geographers etc) and so will prefer the longwinded style... just a thought from an engineer.


                              • #45
                                Some of you guys are harsh. Ouch. But then I am a programmer and used to reading requirements documentation so maybe I am closer to the audience for this review.
                                I have read plenty of technical specifications. Part 2 & 3 were ****.

