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LOL...I was threathened with a ban, on the IG forums

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Darkrenown

    What's your point here? You did something wrong, you got a warning. Don't do it again and everything is fine.

    What do you want, everyone to gather round, pat you on the back and say "Yeah, IGmoo sucks"? Seems pretty immature to me.
    No I don't want that. And I really wish that people would stop hurling abuses at each other. I just pointed out that in this particular case i felt that there was an overreaction. I you had taken the time to read the thread, you would have seen that I also stated that in general I was quite happy with the mods at IGmoo. And Darkrenown: Maybe you should take a little more time to get the feel of these boards before you make statements like that. That is NOT what Apolyton is about, as I'm sure most here would agree.

    Originally posted by GP
    You're right. I was reading the time at the top, not the bottom. My bad. Anyway, he's still a little Europuss for crying about Sencho using rough words. Sencho was no big deal. Ming or MTG would say it the same way. Sorry, As--noone has time to kiss your As.
    Again...more abuse. Grow up, GP. Frankly everybody here is getting sick of your trolling.

    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


    • #17
      Heh, this is one of the lamest arguments I've seen in a while. . . .
      By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


      • #18
        Well, Asmodean, what do you want?

        By Asmodean:
        But really. Am I wrong, or are they just a tad paranoid??
        So yes, the question was EXACTLY 'was I wrong'?

        Several people stated the former, and you choose to not take their input. That's fine, but why ask the question if you're not going to get the answer you like?

        Sencho didn't seem particularly rude to me. The thread was a month old, and there was no contribution to the thread until after Asmodean was chastised. Afterwards he did right, but before that, it was a bump. Did the thread get some good input afterwards, and was it a good bump? Yep, it did - but there was no clear reason why you bumped it. Even saying something like 'bumping this thread because there's some good information here about galciv' would have been nice.

        Alternatively, you could have linked to this thread from the one that it was important in.

        So yes, I still think it was the wrong move, and a stern warning was in order. I don't think they were out of line for this particular deal.

        It doesn't sound like a forum that you're suited for posting in.


        • #19
          I've read the posts Asmodeun bumped up and agree that it was a major overreaction by the IG/MOO people. Though it seems to me it is perfectly consistent with their anti-customer policies in the past.

          I am amused, though, to see that there always apologists for every action. It must be nice for IG to know no matter how abusive and negligent they are as a company, they will always have willing syncophants.


          • #20
            Originally posted by kalbear
            Well, Asmodean, what do you want?

            By Asmodean:

            So yes, the question was EXACTLY 'was I wrong'?

            Several people stated the former, and you choose to not take their input. That's fine, but why ask the question if you're not going to get the answer you like?

            Sencho didn't seem particularly rude to me. The thread was a month old, and there was no contribution to the thread until after Asmodean was chastised. Afterwards he did right, but before that, it was a bump. Did the thread get some good input afterwards, and was it a good bump? Yep, it did - but there was no clear reason why you bumped it. Even saying something like 'bumping this thread because there's some good information here about galciv' would have been nice.

            Alternatively, you could have linked to this thread from the one that it was important in.

            So yes, I still think it was the wrong move, and a stern warning was in order. I don't think they were out of line for this particular deal.

            It doesn't sound like a forum that you're suited for posting in.
            You're missing the point, kalbear. I know I was wrong. I also think their reaction was. As for choosing not to take their input, I think there is none to take. Especially input worded like the input in this thread.

            Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


            • #21
              If you know you were wrong, I ask again: Why did you ask us if you were wrong? Why phrase it as "was I wrong OR was..."?

              Here's some input for you: don't bump threads without giving some kind of new information or reason for the thread to be bumped. This is good practice on _any_ forum.

              If it makes you feel better, Sencho could possibly have been more polite to you. However, I didn't read his statement as a threat - I read it as a warning and a statement of fact. "Do X often enough and you will be banned". That's more like a wording from a FAQ than a threat, in my mind. It might have been more constructive to say "Welcome newbie! There are rules to this forum and it is your responsibility to read them. Specifically, bumping is not allowed here - repeat offenders will be banned. Read the FAQ here. "

              I guess I don't see that the moderators need to be polite when the person being moderated wasn't polite enough to follow the rules in the first place, or to even read those rules. Or to follow basic netiquette.

              Bah. This is stupid. Time to bug best buy again...


              • #22
                Kalbear misses the point alot. It gives him a chance to write novella posts.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kalbear

                  I guess I don't see that the moderators need to be polite when the person being moderated wasn't polite enough to follow the rules in the first place, or to even read those rules. Or to follow basic netiquette.
                  Forgetting a rule has nothing to do with politeness. As I stated earlier, I had read those rules (several times in fact).

                  Bah, this is stupid
                  Maybe so, but no one likes to be misinterpreted, when they wish to be constructive, not disruptive.

                  Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                  • #24
                    a couple of days ago GP, has asked for one more "GP"(e.g. a self-invoked vacation from posting(for any kind of personal reason, usually having to do with one's availiable free time))

                    i ignored the request thinking that he might get over it. that it was something temporary.

                    i guess i was wrong. vacation granted. hope to see you soon GP.

                    one that note, this is not exactly the place for discussing IG forum rules, and since i dont see this thread going very well....
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