I see what you mean Vic. Me sorry
I havn't herd anything Jimmy but since all the goodies were deleted or taken out from the game because it wasn't fun I bleive the lag between turns will not be like Civ3 since that wouldn't be fun but I am just guessing.
I can 't see this bieng a piss poor game like Civ3 was with all the delays they had. I am shure they wanted an excellent product that would not need patching up.
ps the patched that will come out will be from what us the community want, eg naming systems, etc.

I havn't herd anything Jimmy but since all the goodies were deleted or taken out from the game because it wasn't fun I bleive the lag between turns will not be like Civ3 since that wouldn't be fun but I am just guessing.
I can 't see this bieng a piss poor game like Civ3 was with all the delays they had. I am shure they wanted an excellent product that would not need patching up.
ps the patched that will come out will be from what us the community want, eg naming systems, etc.