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Update By Chantz

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  • #46
    As far as "the crash bugs are way in the endgame which may make them difficult to isolate"- Then why are the external BT's using their time to post such wonderful after action reports in single player? Is someone saying that not ONE of these BT's have experinced this crash, or have they all been told NOT to speak of this specifically in remarks, because of NDA's?
    i think it's quite obvious that when it comes to posts by BT's the producers/developers would prefer them to post about how the gameplay is and not what kind of crashes they experienced. and since these crashes are intended to be fixed, it would be unfair for the game to talk about each of them.

    after the release the BT's will be free to give their opinions on the bug fixing process
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


    • #47
      I am suprised not to see this suggestion...

      Infogrames' standards have not changed. Maximum profit. Further developement is on QS's dime so IG's primary concern is about market timing. I believe they have so many pre-sales orders that they expect to improve post-release sales with less competition and a higher quality product.

      Remember, IG originally intended MOO III to be a first Quarter release. If it was a good idea last year, why is it not a good idea this year?

      Quick Poll:

      Do you think the delayed MOOIII release boosted Play The World sales?


      • #48
        Ok- our updates now need updating.


        • #49
          Originally posted by JohnT

          Connecticut is a Southern State?
          What? Who are all these people? Why is everyone staring at me? WHERE ARE MY PANTS?!?!


          • #50
            There are no reproducible crash bugs in the latest build, that I know of, FWIW.

            The reason the external testers aren't as likely to catch these late game MP bugs is that most of us, at least, can't play MP 8+ hours a day, and we have disparate schedules so it's harder for us to schedule any extended MP at all.

            The internal QA people have it a bit easier on that front.


            • #51
              Hmm, play moo3 multiplayer for 8+ hours a day. Damn, sounds like a stressful job.

              Where do I sign up?
              By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


              • #52
                Infogrames' standards have not changed. Maximum profit. Further developement is on QS's dime so IG's primary concern is about market timing. I believe they have so many pre-sales orders that they expect to improve post-release sales with less competition and a higher quality product.
                Actually, I think it has. If you consider "not going bankrupt" a standard. Maybe theyve learned from past mistakes (like Hero X), who knows?
                Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

                People should be poked in the eye....


                • #53
                  Actually, according to market research that I've read, IG has made some decent profit in the console gaming industry as of late.

                  Green Lantern


                  • #54
                    I believe there was an IGMOO thread about their stock price lately. Not too promising. Romur has it theyre making feelers for a buyer.
                    Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

                    People should be poked in the eye....

