I'm still enthusiast, but I'm awaiting more for an awesome MoO2 2.5+++ than the revolutionary TBS promised. The project was too ambitious from the start considering the state of the business right now.
No announcement yet.
Anyone still really Enthused about MOO3?
Originally posted by Master Marcus
The project was too ambitious from the start considering the state of the business right now.
Many developers either don't have the resources to make 'The Next Great Game', or the guts.
Well I for one cannot wait to have MOO3 come out so all the folks who love Moo2, but can't adapt to change, can bash it like the folks who loved Civ2 but couldn't adapt to Civ3 did.
Ah, for the record, this is a GAME, not the second (or first) coming of (insert favorite diety here). Get a grip folks!
Why is everyone so down and expecting the worst? None of you (or I) have even PLAYED a demo, much less the full game, so how can you say the game "sucks" (to paraphrase almost EVERYONE) without having every even SEEN it???
Games change as they are developed, yet a lot of people don't know to what degree they do change from design to shipment because NO OTHER company has EVER allowed the public to be a part of the process until now, with QS.
I don't blame QS (or ANY game company after seeing all the complaining and crap they have had to deal with) for saying they will never again have this process as exposed as it is now.
Would YOU like to have a group of faceless people only know a small aspect of what you did in your personal or working life and yet offer NOTHING BUT complaints on all the stuff you're doing wrong?? I know I wouldn't.
So... Go out and get a hobby, get OFF these boards (Apoly boards are amongst the MOST pessimistic and negative boards I have seen on the 'net, not the worst but in the top 5 easily), and just get excitied about the game WHEN IT SHIPS.
Relax, it will make you better people...
Re: Amusing...
Originally posted by Ozymandous
(Apoly boards are amongst the MOST pessimistic and negative boards I have seen on the 'net, not the worst but in the top 5 easily)
So far as going under intense scrutiny, you do have something of a point, though that part of things could've been better managed and is inevitable once any serious publicity starts. Even on Delphi, though, it wasn't a case of "nothing but" complaints...there was also a good bit of fan input and positive commentary.If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...
Former member, MOO3 Road Kill...er, Crew
TTTT, I am still somewhat enthused about MOO3. The colony model is still innovative, even if all the other innovative features have been axed. AI is always the weakest link, as nobody can tell what an AI is going to do until it is "in the box." It is difficult to get enough playtesting without a (somewhat) open beta. Unless early reviews say the AI and especially combat sucks (and can be specific on its major failings) I will certainly buy it.(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
I think I am adopting the loinburger's criterion on this game:If it is a good game, I'll buy it. if it is not, who cares?
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
Re: Re: Amusing...
Originally posted by Stormhound
Sorry, but they have a long way to go to compare to the Delphi MOO3 board. The negativity you're seeing now relates to recent decisions made on the game, and again didn't compare to the firestorm over on Delphi. Prior to that, things here were much more positive (except for a few people who've now gone into "told you so" mode).
So far as going under intense scrutiny, you do have something of a point, though that part of things could've been better managed and is inevitable once any serious publicity starts. Even on Delphi, though, it wasn't a case of "nothing but" complaints...there was also a good bit of fan input and positive commentary.
I agree, QS could have handled their boards better but essentially anytime you put anything up for public scrutiny, regardless of what it is, you'll always have *someone* from the peanut gallery *****ing about something, even if everyone is happy.
Heh, good input over at Delphi? You might find it, if you do nothing but patrol those unorganized and hard-to-navigate threads but I prefer almost any BBS that has the ultimate BB or something like here at Apoly and Civfanatics MUCH better.
EDIT: Oh, and I am looking forward to the game even so. As long as it's not a poor sequal as Moo2 was to Moo1 then I'll be happy. I wonder if you'll be able to land on any planet right off the bat in MOO3 like you could in 2, or if you have to discover the tech's to land and survive ala Moo1, IMHO, Moo1 was the better game for a variety of reasons.
Having not followed development for a couple of months, I must say it is really disheartening reading all that's been going on the past few months.
But frankly, what do QS care? After all, how much the game sells will not depend on the fans or how good it is (no judgements on that), but rather how many people they can get to buy the game based on the strength of its name and the reviews/adverts.
i am a bit, altho medival total war, gta 3 and republic attract my attention more, until we get more peaks at what moo3 is like now i wont be that enthusiasticJust my 2p.
Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
Which shows you learn something every day.
Re: Anyone still really Enthused about MOO3?
Originally posted by Yolky
With all what was happening I have lost some enthusiasim about MOO3 now. I am worried MOO3 will not be as we expected.
I hope I am wrong since the MOO series is one of my favorite series of all times.
Infogrammes is quickly learning that all those games with large followings, ones they got the rights to when they bought up all those other game companies, have hugh profit potential. This potential is realized when you release the game incomplete but playable. They then release the missing game components as an expansion pack, thus they get paid twice for the game.
They did it with Civ3, and so slickly that the vast majority of Civ fans are so happy to get the expansion pact that they don't seem to care that they will end up paying twice what essentially is a complete Civ3 game."The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
Re: Re: Anyone still really Enthused about MOO3?
Originally posted by Swissy
Don't worry, the recent developements with Civ3 lead me to believe that MOO3 will be all that we expected and more. But, we will probably have to buy some sort of expansion pact to get to this.
Infogrammes is quickly learning that all those games with large followings, ones they got the rights to when they bought up all those other game companies, have hugh profit potential. This potential is realized when you release the game incomplete but playable. They then release the missing game components as an expansion pack, thus they get paid twice for the game.
They did it with Civ3, and so slickly that the vast majority of Civ fans are so happy to get the expansion pact that they don't seem to care that they will end up paying twice what essentially is a complete Civ3 game.
I am still very enthusiastic about MOO3. I loved MOO2 and still play to this day.
As for paying $100. I do not think I have seen an expansion pack that equaled the cost of the original.
Most games sell for about $50 and expansions for around $30.If you do not want to pay full price for an expansion then wait several months and watch the price drop.
The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
- Aristotle
I don't know when I've last seen a game that I though was worth $80. It's a couple of years since I last bought a game within 6 months of its release (haven't bought Civ III yet, though I probably will after the expansion comes out, as I expect it to drop in price).
The only reason publishers are able to release half-finished games and get away with it, is because people are dumb enough to allow them to, IMHO.