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Sencho-b-gone too.

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  • #16
    So you are still able to return sencho? i got the impression you were banned


    • #17
      No, not banned. Just angry. In theory I can return there whenever I wish, but until several issues are redressed, there is absolutely no reason for me to go there.

      "Even the clearest and most perfect circumstantial evidence is likely to be at fault, after all, and therefore ought to be received with great caution. " - Mark Twain


      • #18
        Something I found on delphi forums:

        While Sencho has always been fair and supportive on these boards there was a poll and some posts on other forums that we felt were questionable. There was definately a grey area and the posts could have been interpreted either way, but moderators represent the company and so we felt it would be better to remove him. I'm sure some folks (including Sencho) disagree with the decision and certainly we didn't like making it. He has not been removed from the boards in anyway, we've just removed his Moderator status.

        Cory Nelson, Producer
        Quicksilver Software, Inc.


        • #19
          I totaly disagree with Mr. Nelson.

          Sencho should post what he wants in his free time on OTHER forums.
          That's his private life.

          He just should not break his NDA. (and he isn't)


          • #20
            And removing MODERatior status (on DELPHI forums) for posting something on OTHER (non DELPHI forums) forums looks silly.


            • #21
              A shovel not being a sufficient tool for the size of the hole they're digging, it appears that they've switched to a backhoe. We may need to locate a steam shovel next.

              On the plus side, since this game is being aimed at a much broader market than just the hard-core fans, I'm sure that most prospective buyers aren't likely to have read any of this stuff...
              If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

              Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew


              • #22
                Originally posted by Stormhound
                On the plus side, since this game is being aimed at a much broader market than just the hard-core fans, I'm sure that most prospective buyers aren't likely to have read any of this stuff...
                Games that are changed to please more people rarely work out you can't please anyone.

                As far the ignorance of most buyers regarding QS's behavior that may work for the general population but i'm sure this knowledge will spread among the game developers, all it takes is on person who knows to post on another board and the avalanche begins.

                Even I am beginning to switch to this board, because i have lost faith in MOO3 and don't want to be surrounded by paranoid mods and the eternal rumor machine


                • #23
                  "No, not banned. Just angry. In theory I can return there whenever I wish, but until several issues are redressed, there is absolutely no reason for me to go there."

                  You were always fair. I scratch my head too?????

                  It is funny how someone always hears something different from what one says - even with the written word.
                  Just goes to show that we all speak English but we all understand a different language.

                  187 days to end of third quarter.

                  Lost Prince of Atlantis

                  Coming soon to a TV near you
                  (If Infogrames can do it - so can I)


                  • #24
                    It wasn't about being a fair mod, QS just didn't like the fact that sencho has an oppinion that doesn't completely agree with theirs.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Stormhound
                      A shovel not being a sufficient tool for the size of the hole they're digging, it appears that they've switched to a backhoe. We may need to locate a steam shovel next.

                      On the plus side, since this game is being aimed at a much broader market than just the hard-core fans, I'm sure that most prospective buyers aren't likely to have read any of this stuff...
                      I find the extent to which they seem determined to shoot themselves in both feet quite astounding.

                      The appropriate response to speech one does not like has always been to counter with your own information / views, not to censor the speech you don't like.

                      I will undoubtedly still buy the game, because I think it will be fun. I will also undoubtedly feel a good deal of disdain for the company because:

                      1) A game is just a game.
                      2) Free Speech is NEVER "just" Free Speech.

                      An NDA I can respect. A hyper-over-reaction to manage "perceptions" deserves nothing but well-merited scorn.

                      I have to admit that I expected the fans on the delphi boards to over-react. I have to admit I also (wrongly) expected QS to NOT over-react - to keep their heads. Ah, well, always another opportunity for disappointment.

                      I wish there were a real way I could help you and sencho out - but short of that, I will give you my regards. Good luck, you two!



                      • #26
                        One further point of interest...Cory Nelson recently visited a certain location to complain that the persons there were afraid to make the same comments on the MOO board as they were in this other location.

                        Storm (my fiancee) took this as a challenge, and cut and pasted her remarks just a little while ago to prove that she was willing to say the same things in public as in private.

                        The post was deleted within an hour.

                        I think that we can see who's afraid of what at this point.

                        But don't worry, there's still worse news to come sometime around the middle of the month.
                        If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

                        Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Stormhound
                          But don't worry, there's still worse news to come sometime around the middle of the month.
                          What for example?
                          (you start to be pessimistic as yin)


                          Ah, now remebemer!

                          THE OFFICIAL LIST OF CUTS & SLASHS


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Stormhound
                            One further point of interest...Cory Nelson recently visited a certain location to complain that the persons there were afraid to make the same comments on the MOO board as they were in this other location.
                            Hmm, and where exacly is that location?

                            This is not the delphi forum, nobody would delete your post for posting a link.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Stormhound
                              But don't worry, there's still worse news to come sometime around the middle of the month.
                              Glorious! Morrowind, here I come!
                              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                              • #30
                                Sorry, but that location is currently a private forum. Even I didn't know about it until after I became ex-QS and got invited.

                                BTW, Storm now reports she's also been banned from the chat room. Guess Cory really didn't want to hear people speak after all...

                                As to the bad news, it's not something you're already expecting, but that's all you get for now. Just keep in mind that I told you ahead of time that I'd have an announcement for April 1, and I think I had something interesting to say at that point...
                                Last edited by Stormhound; April 6, 2002, 21:12.
                                If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

                                Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew

