this is by sid
u can find it here
the system you describe sounds better than the description that came with the eventengine.doc
i just don't want the event engine to be the deus ex machina for the AI, and that everytime the player gets a significant lead the event engine cavalry rides to the AI's rescue
other than that quibble MoO3 looks like it is really shaping up...the guys at Quicksilver seem to have alot of fire in their belly, and even if they go down, it seems like they want to go down in a blaze of glory, it looks like they fired the newbie represent from Nerf and want this to be a game that might take a little more invesment time to learn how to play but that it will be more than worth it
right now i bought myself EU2 and wrapped it and put it under my (nonexistant) christamas tree as a present to me from me
so once chrismas comes i'll play that for a while and when MoO3 comes out if i have the time i will pick it up and play that too
this is by sid
So I call it the Covert Action Rule. Don't try to do too many games in one package. And that's actually done me a lot of good. You can look at the games I've done since Civilization, and there's always opportunities to throw in more stuff. When two units get together in Civilization and have a battle, why don't we drop out to a wargame and spend ten minutes or so in duking out this battle? Well, the Covert Action Rule. Focus on what the game is.
the system you describe sounds better than the description that came with the eventengine.doc
Beneficial and detrimental Events will tend to break in favor of those civilizations that are lower on the PowerGraph and against those that are higher on the PowerGraph. That is, more detrimental and fewer beneficial Events will be created that affect the leader, while the opposite is true for the player in last place. Furthermore, the closer the proximity and greater the disparity in relative PowerGraph positions between neighbors will increase the likelihood of such Events being generated
other than that quibble MoO3 looks like it is really shaping up...the guys at Quicksilver seem to have alot of fire in their belly, and even if they go down, it seems like they want to go down in a blaze of glory, it looks like they fired the newbie represent from Nerf and want this to be a game that might take a little more invesment time to learn how to play but that it will be more than worth it
right now i bought myself EU2 and wrapped it and put it under my (nonexistant) christamas tree as a present to me from me
so once chrismas comes i'll play that for a while and when MoO3 comes out if i have the time i will pick it up and play that too