Originally posted by Stormhound
There was always lots more than just ethos going into deciding how underlings act; there still is.
To be fair to Infogrames, Alan's design was the most ambitious thing I've ever seen, and I think that he was also designing with hopes of the franchise seeing a 4th game, eventually. All of the cut material is being saved, just in case. Infogrames still has to end up making enough money on this thing, or else there WON'T be a MOO4 (nor, quite possibly, a MOM2). So there is very little here that can be addressed without consideration of all sides.
There was always lots more than just ethos going into deciding how underlings act; there still is.
To be fair to Infogrames, Alan's design was the most ambitious thing I've ever seen, and I think that he was also designing with hopes of the franchise seeing a 4th game, eventually. All of the cut material is being saved, just in case. Infogrames still has to end up making enough money on this thing, or else there WON'T be a MOO4 (nor, quite possibly, a MOM2). So there is very little here that can be addressed without consideration of all sides.
Stormpup: Err....well Alan...maybe it was a little ambit....
Alan: Shut up! How dare you say that about my masterpiece. I just got back from eating crow with the money boys. They said I'm a lousy project manager...that I need to learn what Gant chart are. ( ) They even said one of our guys is telling all the Netrats to bug Mr. Big with whiney e-mails...
Stromie: Well Alan, actually it was a lousy project plan...
(Alan chases Stormen around the desk)