I sent Alan a nice e-mail last week commending him and the team for seeming to 1) really seek out interaction with the public as they design the game and 2) push the envelope in exciting ways. He wrote back a quick mail. Nothing amazing here or anything, but still encouraging.
1) "Go all the way": Sure, it may backfire. But NOT going after a conservative MOO3 gives them a hell of a lot of credit in my book, and they just might help re-invent elements of the genre.
2) "Ivy Tower Designer": This was a comment made in response to a part of my e-mail in which I expressed regret that Civ3's development wasn't made more public. Heck, in case you don't know, the MOO3 team even periodically posts up a certain game screen and challenges the public to find things wrong or things that could be done better. Wow.
Thanks, Kelly [Yin]. Our publisher mandate was to "go all the way" with MOO3, and that's what we're trying to do. And speaking for myself, I'm not an "ivy tower" designer. I know I don't have a monopoly on great ideas and that every enthusiast probably has some good design nuggets to contribute when they're inspired.
Best, Alan Emrich
Best, Alan Emrich
2) "Ivy Tower Designer": This was a comment made in response to a part of my e-mail in which I expressed regret that Civ3's development wasn't made more public. Heck, in case you don't know, the MOO3 team even periodically posts up a certain game screen and challenges the public to find things wrong or things that could be done better. Wow.