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Ship Armament and equipment

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  • Ship Armament and equipment

    I've gotten my hands on MOO2 the first time in this past May, and by habit from MOO1, most of my games as Psilons or any custom race with 'creative'

    But I was wondering if anyone ever used Achilles targetting, Structural analyzer, and high energy focus.

    Is there an additive effect of the HEF as opposed to the ATU + SA, because I've been testing two cutom modified ships over and over, firing from the same range at the same target, and the end damage range yielded by both are overlapping. (Both have the same configuration, except with or without HEF, and Ship A has had damage ranges of 117-300 while Ship B (with HEF) has had 125-450)

    Anyone ever 'cheesed' their fleets by arming several battleships with this ship configuration:

    Neutronium Bomb

    (Battle Pods required)
    Phase Cloak
    Time Warp Facillitator
    Sub-Space Teleporter
    Automated repair
    Iniertial nullifier

    Essentially, 1 attacking ship can take out a whole enemy fleet. It would make for poor defense however.

  • #2
    I rarely use SA or Achilles, but always use HEF for a beamer.

    Rarely use BHG, cloaking, TWF, AR or Teleporter. You just don't need them.

    TWF and Phase cloaks are bugged and over powered. I don't use bombs either, but I will in Moo1.
    Last edited by vmxa1; June 26, 2004, 13:47.


    • #3
      They all do different things, so they do work together.

      the ATU bypasses armor and makes system hits more likely, the SA doubles damage that pierces the shields, and the HEF increases beam strength by 50% immediately. Try out the Hyper-X Capacitor, it gives you 2 times to fire on the first turn.

      Yea people have done that cheese before, initiative screws it up for more then one ship though, and if the enemy has TWFs then it doesn't work at all.


      • #4
        Maybe you people will find this tutorial interesting:

        (Btw, this is my first post here. )


        • #5
          I got a link error.


          • #6
            Here is the above link without URL parsing selected. Does it work then?



            • #7
              Yeah that works, but I already have that FaQ.


              • #8
                I do use those specials on my ships, and also throw in Battle Scanners and probably Rangemasters; also Hyper X capacitor; Put some Hv AF disrupters and your ships are real killers

                Of course it does not make any difference if you attack or defend, if you play with initiative turned on. You may want to add Augies, and even leave some empty space for better initiative.
                Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.


                • #9
                  Re: Ship Armament and equipment

                  Originally posted by PsilonDependant
                  Essentially, 1 attacking ship can take out a whole enemy fleet. It would make for poor defense however.
                  attacking isn't necessary, if you get attacked just skip the first turn, it'll come back to you and the process will still work like a charm


                  • #10
                    It's a poor defense because the AI can destroy my star base and dent my planetary defenses. Antarans don't quit bombing the planet until their payload is empty. the other AI enemies may or may not stop attacking the colony after the defense platforms are destroyed.

                    thats why its a poor defense, because how good is a super defender if the AI manages to wipe out the colony? sure it may be one colony of 5 in the system, but it sure gets in the way to have to rebuild it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PsilonDependant
                      It's a poor defense because the AI can destroy my star base and dent my planetary defenses. Antarans don't quit bombing the planet until their payload is empty. the other AI enemies may or may not stop attacking the colony after the defense platforms are destroyed.

                      thats why its a poor defense, because how good is a super defender if the AI manages to wipe out the colony? sure it may be one colony of 5 in the system, but it sure gets in the way to have to rebuild it.
                      if I see a super sized fleet going towards one of my colonies with no planatary stuff, and rushing mb/sb isnt an option, I send my fleet to their homeworld , usually if you can bomb it before they bomb you ,they'll fall back to defend I've found


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vmxa1

                        TWF and Phase cloaks are bugged and over powered. I don't use bombs either, but I will in Moo1.
                        imo getting those two on a ship are just as bad as going non repulsive, its fun to play around with it though


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by PsilonDependant
                          It's a poor defense because the AI can destroy my star base and dent my planetary defenses. Antarans don't quit bombing the planet until their payload is empty. the other AI enemies may or may not stop attacking the colony after the defense platforms are destroyed.

                          thats why its a poor defense, because how good is a super defender if the AI manages to wipe out the colony? sure it may be one colony of 5 in the system, but it sure gets in the way to have to rebuild it.
                          I have yet to see the ai glass a colony in tactical mode.

                          Of course antarans are pushovers once you get that kind of tech in any event.


                          • #14
                            They can if they can get a huge fleet there with no defenders. This should not happen if you build warp interdicters in each system.

                            How lame are the anties? On the test run I did for barriers the other day, I was waiting for the AI to build a barrier and lost track of an antie attack. I did not see it and I thought it was going to the AI planet (too lazy to look hard).

                            Anyway they sent three titan class ships and I had no ships and they still got killed. They did manage to bust the Star fort.

                            I rebuilt it the next turn.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vmxa1

                              How lame are the anties?
                              I wish the anties had separate planets and actual race characteristics

