Just thought I'd make a thread for you experienced old timers to impart some wisdom.
While I can beat the AI on impossible sometimes when the chips fall my way, usually I find I'm coming second in every game I play. I'll be taking on other races fine, until the superpower race decides to end my fun with 50 titans or so, be it Sakkra, Psilon, or most frequently, Silicoid.
I've been trying some of the play styles i've read about on this board, ie just sitting on home planet researching then exploding outwards.
I found this worked really well and I took down the whole klackon empire in no time, but by the time I met the silicoid they had some absurd amount of population, so even with all my research power they were still ahead of me in tech.
Most of you vets have no trouble with the AI on impossible, so... lets hear some hints/secrets
While I can beat the AI on impossible sometimes when the chips fall my way, usually I find I'm coming second in every game I play. I'll be taking on other races fine, until the superpower race decides to end my fun with 50 titans or so, be it Sakkra, Psilon, or most frequently, Silicoid.
I've been trying some of the play styles i've read about on this board, ie just sitting on home planet researching then exploding outwards.
I found this worked really well and I took down the whole klackon empire in no time, but by the time I met the silicoid they had some absurd amount of population, so even with all my research power they were still ahead of me in tech.
Most of you vets have no trouble with the AI on impossible, so... lets hear some hints/secrets
