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Accessing windows without quittin MOO I

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  • #16
    The folder should be allow open with Windows Explorer, not IE. The html, should be open with IE or what ever broswer you use.

    I don't currently have ME on my PC's (well I do have it dual booted on one), but I used Win98Se last week to play with these types of files.

    I used windows explorer and copied and delete items, including pics. So are you saying you cannot double click the folder and have it open?

    IIRC someof your post, I think you were able to open with windows explorer (calling it just explorer form now on).

    Once that was done, could you the select views and pick details?
    If so, do you see gif files and maybe some others?

    If so what happened when you DB click one? Did it open with Paint?

    Did you download Irfanview?
    Last edited by vmxa1; June 1, 2004, 16:37.


    • #17
      Hmm, Groc doesn't seem to be that skilled with computers like you and me vmxa1. So maybe we should concentrate on only one method, rather than explaining two things at the same time.

      I have an idea. I can send him an email containing either gif or jpeg version of the image embedded in a word document, provided he has Microsoft Word. Then he's going to need only to doubleclick the file and the chart will appear.

      The only info I need before I do this is if he has Microsoft Word (Office) installed or not. So Groc, please answer the question: Do you use Microsoft Word?


      • #18
        Well for sure one should be able to double click the folder and then double click the file named ships_1.gif and it will open with paint.

        The two tools needed for this are part of ME. If you do not see the file in the folder, then be sure that all file extensions are displayed. With the view set to details, you can see the filename and type.

        If it fails to open, then you do not have an application that can handle gif or it sould let you pick one to use. In Win9x you may need to set an affinity (called association).

        If you have Irfanview, you can use file open and point to the folder and it will (hopefully) show all gif/jpegs and such in the folder and let you view it.

        This app will have less overhead than paint or word. I have the ships memorized, so I never need it or my manuals.

        Good luck, we can do this.


        • #19
          Ljube-ljcvetko did you change your name recently?


          • #20
            Yes, used to be ljcvetko, but wanted to change to Ljube, my real life nick and the name I'm known by in civ2 mp community. But then again, since I change avatars often, I didn't want to confuse people that knew me only by my former name at Poly (ljcvetko), so I decided to take a compromise solution


            • #21
              Hello Again,

              Have been just playing the game instead of trying to resolve my saving to hard drive problem. My apology for keeping you waiting. Vxma1, I did as you suggested. I got to the folder via detail, there were no gif files. There were a couple of files called ships but ther were lbx files. Paint would not open them.

              Ljube-ljcvetko. no, sorry, I don't have word. When I tried to open the ships.gif file (in the folder) I ge the promopt," This is not a vialid bitmap file, or it's format is not currently supported. I downloaded irfanView. When I opened and pointed to the ship_gif file, irfanView said, " ships?1.gif is an ART file with incorrect extension. And that irfanView could not open ART files." It also called it an "unknow file."

              The good news is that I printed the page, and so gat a copy of the the pics that I can use! This relieves my need to have the pics, but like you, would like to solve this puzzle as to how to read it on my hard drive.

              So, the new information is: When I open open the folder with windows explorer: l. go to View/Details/Paint, it shows itself as an lbx file. 2. if I db click on it and try to open it with irfanView, irfanView tells me it is an ART file with incorrect extension.

              Does this mean that my computer has done something unique when it saved the forum message?

              Actually, I went to the library to print the page. I don't have a printer. It offered me a gif file right on the forum message. I clicked on it an printed it. No problem.

              However, my computer treats it differently. Again. I thank you, very much for all you help. It IS very much appreciated.

              Any new revelations, inspirtations?


              • #22
                lbx is a special format use my Steve (author of the game) and it will not be recoqnized by any stand viewer.

                If you highlight the pix posted above by me, right click it and you will see an option "save as". Select this and fill in the name as you please. You can use the default of bitmap or use the drop down menu to select jpeg.

                If should save it to where ever you directed it (desktop is good).

                Once it is on the desktop, right click it and see what is says under properties. If it is bmp or jpeg, you can double click it and it will open in the aplication that is associated with the file type.

                You can also just open Irfanview and then file and point to the file on the desktop.


                • #23
                  Ta Dah!!! Wow!!! Whoopie!!! It works!!!!. Thanks vmxa1. Both ways that your last message said to do , worked. But, only for the image that you e-mailed me. It still wouldn't work for the image that was on the forum. But, who cares about that!!!. Why that doesn't work is a question for those that know more about computers than I do. Acturally your methods only worked on desktop. Could not get the file to open where I saved it in program files. Now I have the issue of always seeing the file on the desk top Looks like if I keep a copy of the forum page with the image on it I can save that to desktop whenever I want to play MOO. Come to think of it, to clarify, saved the attachment, the second one, the enlarged one, to desktop and that was the one that worked. I don't recall is I got an attachment through the email link. If I did I don't have it any more. But, like I said, I can save the second attachment to desktop, and it works fine, with either method you said. So.....

                  That's about it then. I very much appreciate you persistamce in seeing me to the end of this. Thanks, thank you, and thanks again. Be seein you.



                  • #24

                    You should be able to copy it to any place you want and then open it. If that works, you can delete the one on the desktop.

                    My guess is that the one I sent you last was a jpeg and you have an app that can open it.


                    • #25
                      vmxa1, you were right. The file saved on desktop was a jpeg, and the first one was a gif. When I copied the jpeg to my MOO folder, it worked fine. (For some reason when I saved the jpeg directly to the MOO file it got turned into a gif file and would't open.)

                      Now, I can create a short cut to use when I play game. It works fine now.

                      Again, thanks. Again, I appreciated your help.


                      P.S. Now that you have solved the problem for me, I will be removing my thread from the forum, once I find out how to do that, so my email address isn't out there for every Tom, Dick, and Harry dude to see.

                      P.P.S. Thanks, again.


                      • #26
                        Groc, just edit out your email address.

                        No need to remove the thread.


                        • #27
                          It is best to use some obscure method for you email address such as accountname [at] address [net].

                          This will slow down the scripts looking for addresses.


                          • #28
                            Thanks Ljube-ljcvetke, That will work. ( ...and thanks for your earlier help too.)

