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Accessing windows without quittin MOO I

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  • Accessing windows without quittin MOO I

    I am playing MOO I with Windows Me. I dowloaded the game and do not have a physical manual. This creates a couple of problems:

    1. When asked to identify ships I have to guess. I deal with this by saving the game a lot. Is there a way to get the pictures of the ships on the internet?

    2. I downloaded the manuel and a stategy guide too(from Jon Sullivan), and have saved them, but the quickest way to bring them up is keep them as a window in my internet prOOvider. To access this I have to quit the game. Is there a way access these windows without quitting MOO - that anyone knows?

    Thanks very much. All help appreciated.
    Last edited by Groc; June 11, 2004, 00:28.

  • #2
    1. See this thread:
    2. Hold down the Alt key, then press Tab. Keep holding down Alt and pressing Tab until you have the window you want selected.


    • #3
      Alt-Esc gets you to the desktop in ME or Win98. You can select any open task from the task bar or use the ALt-Tab as DaveV mentions to tab around all open windows.

      I do it all the time on 98. XP you just use the windows key.


      • #4
        Here is the list :
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Just save it to your HD. I have a MOO folder for stuff for all Moo games. It has been posted here at least a dozen times.

          Have fun.


          • #6
            Thanks, DaveV and vmxa1 for your help. It solved both my problems. Apprciate it.


            • #7
              Not done yet. How do I save this file so that it can be retrieved. When I first downloaded it to a file I created for MOO stuff, I then copied it another file. After that the attachment from vmxa1 was gone. It was also gone from the message forum. I didn't have a clue what was happening.

              Today when I went back to the message forum, the chart was there, but when I saved it I can never retreive it. i.e. I am given no options with what to open it, and when I just hit open, it shows the files that make up the message, but never shows the chart it self. One of the files is titled "Ships". I tried to open it with my exporer, but it only shows a litte box with a red circle in it.

              My apology for being so ignorant about computers, but can anyone tell me how to download, and how to retried the chart that vmxa1 sent me as an attachment?

              I was tantalizingly close to not having to guess the identiy of the ships, but was thwarted completely.

              All help greatly appreciated.


              • #8
                I'll send you the chart (gif file) as an attachment. I'll use the file posted here by vmxa1. To open a gif, you only need to double click it.

                If you have trouble opening it, just save it to disk and right click the file. A menu should appear with many options, one of which being 'Open with'. It is not an option in itself, but rather an additional nested context menu, in which you should choose Internet Explorer and you should be able to view the file.

                If you have any questions, you can reply to my email which I'll send promptly.


                • #9
                  If you want to save any page(s) from a web site, just use the save as function. It will put the non html part (pics) into a folder and the html as and html file.

                  The folder owns the html and they must stay in the same directory for it to work.

                  If all you want if the pic, save it. In this case it will be giffile as Ljube said. It can be open directly by double clicking or with the option tab. You will need a tool to view it with, but IE will work and many other tools that can handlegif/jpeg/ You could even convet it to jpeg.


                  • #10
                    Well, dah, I think I did everthing as you guys suggested. I tried them all three times. And still no picture opens from the hard drive. Thanks for the explaination about the non html folder and html file, that helps make sense. The html file did open, but the pics were not there. The non html file still stumps me, and that is where the pics are, right?

                    When I saved it to disc, same thing. I have the file and the folder. explorer opens the file as on the hard drive the pics were not included.

                    So, Im still stumped. Call me stumpy. I am using Windows Me, AMD 450, 256 Ram. Does my computer have anything to do with this. Apparently it works for you guys when you do what you told me to do. Why doesn't it work for me? Any more help, and patience available. I appreciate you taking the time to answer me. Any advise, reasoning why it doesn't work for me?

                    I saved it as, right clicked on the file, not the folder, and the message on the forum opens, but the pics are not there.

                    Thanks again.


                    • #11
                      I just saved it as to my desktop. I see the folder for poly and the html. If I doubel click on th efolder it gets opened by the windows explorer. I see many file and several pics.

                      If I double click on one (the guy fron DS9) it gets opened by the viewer. I could set it to details and see the gif stats.

                      Oh you are not using XP. This should still work as I have made may road maps via this method for games in Win98.


                      • #12
                        Ok I see something is secial from the forum. I used Dreamweaver and still could not the flags to show. Even when I changed the source.

                        The avatars did.

                        So try this, open the folder in explorer. Select the Views and choose details. You should see a number of file. One is called Ships_1.gif.

                        Right click on it and open with paint. This will show it for sure.

                        I will post a jpeg version here that should be easier to open.
                        I would goDL Iranfanview and use it to view all pictures, it is free and works in ME, 98 and XP.


                        • #13
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Groc
                            Well, dah, I think I did everthing as you guys suggested. I tried them all three times. And still no picture opens from the hard drive. Thanks for the explaination about the non html folder and html file, that helps make sense. The html file did open, but the pics were not there. The non html file still stumps me, and that is where the pics are, right?

                            When I saved it to disc, same thing. I have the file and the folder. explorer opens the file as on the hard drive the pics were not included.

                            So, Im still stumped. Call me stumpy. I am using Windows Me, AMD 450, 256 Ram. Does my computer have anything to do with this. Apparently it works for you guys when you do what you told me to do. Why doesn't it work for me? Any more help, and patience available. I appreciate you taking the time to answer me. Any advise, reasoning why it doesn't work for me?

                            I saved it as, right clicked on the file, not the folder, and the message on the forum opens, but the pics are not there.

                            Thanks again.
                            Did you get my mail sent to *** containing an attachment (a gif file) and did you follow the procedure I explained in my earlier post?
                            Last edited by Ljube; June 12, 2004, 20:56.


                            • #15
                              Weel, guess what? It still didn't bring up the pics. I cannot open the folder with explorer. I am not given that option. Only option I am given with the folder is "open". So, I couldn't follow your advice, as much as I would have liked to. I appreciate your repeated efforts fo help me. Really. Any other suggestions.

                              I don't know why I am not give the option to open the folder in explorer. Is there a way to do this manually as it were. (Hey, I know nothing!)

                              Again, thanks.

