hmm, I've never used death spores, I just use bombs. I'd rather have one of those microbiotics things than death spores. It might be a bug. I've had planets with zero pop (invade and annihilate pop), and you can move in citizens (either before 0 pop or after if you are fast). In case anyone doesn't know, you never kill a assimilated citizen, only the yellow ones.
Speaking of killing pop, can you turn 'annihilate' population on after you select not to? I haven't been able to find out how, so I have been assimilating them, then moving them to a really small planet and killing them that way.
Speaking of killing pop, can you turn 'annihilate' population on after you select not to? I haven't been able to find out how, so I have been assimilating them, then moving them to a really small planet and killing them that way.