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MoO1 trying to run in XP, help !?

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  • #16
    I tried with no startup items and all win.ini and system.ini boxes checked, every single service checked and dt@16bit. Orion.exe produced exactly the same message about needing EMS.

    I dont understand why I am not getting EMS or rather why MoO is not seeing EMS even when I manually specify EMS 1024 and Win95 emulation in the shortcut.

    I have one folder with the autoexec and config files & shortcuts set up and in that one I tried a config.nt line calling EMM386.exe which I placed in windows root, currently it contains the following.

    dos=high, umb
    device=%SystemRoot%\emm386 RAM

    and the shortcut is using this config file as it recognises when it has bad syntax in it, i just dont know if this works with XP *shrug* worth a try

    I also changed memory settings and noticed that the Total memory always resets to auto when I close the shortcut properties, ie if I set it to 640 manually it wont stick so I get the feeling XP is ignoring me.


    • #17
      I use auto for all of the mem settings.
      Here is mine that I usd for MoM

      REM Windows MS-DOS Startup File
      REM When you return to the command prompt from a TSR or while running an
      REM MS-DOS-based application, Windows runs COMMAND.COM. This allows the
      REM TSR to remain active. To run CMD.EXE, the Windows command prompt,
      REM rather than COMMAND.COM, add the command ntcmdprompt to CONFIG.NT or
      REM other startup file.
      REM By default, you can start any type of application when running
      REM COMMAND.COM. If you start an application other than an MS-DOS-based
      REM application, any running TSR may be disrupted. To ensure that only
      REM MS-DOS-based applications can be started, add the command dosonly to
      REM CONFIG.NT or other startup file.
      REM EMM
      REM You can use EMM command line to configure EMM(Expanded Memory Manager).
      REM The syntax is:
      REM EMM = [A=AltRegSets] [B=BaseSegment] [RAM]
      REM AltRegSets
      REM specifies the total Alternative Mapping Register Sets you
      REM want the system to support. 1 <= AltRegSets <= 255. The
      REM default value is 8.
      REM BaseSegment
      REM specifies the starting segment address in the Dos conventional
      REM memory you want the system to allocate for EMM page frames.
      REM The value must be given in Hexdecimal.
      REM 0x1000 <= BaseSegment <= 0x4000. The value is rounded down to
      REM 16KB boundary. The default value is 0x4000
      REM RAM
      REM specifies that the system should only allocate 64Kb address
      REM space from the Upper Memory Block(UMB) area for EMM page frames
      REM and leave the rests(if available) to be used by DOS to support
      REM loadhigh and devicehigh commands. The system, by default, would
      REM allocate all possible and available UMB for page frames.
      REM The EMM size is determined by pif file(either the one associated
      REM with your application or _default.pif). If the size from PIF file
      REM is zero, EMM will be disabled and the EMM line will be ignored.
      REM Add in EMM=RAM 7/6/02 for Mom and changed file=40 to 20
      dos=high, umb


      • #18
        Autoexec.nt for MoM

        @echo off

        REM AUTOEXEC.BAT is not used to initialize the MS-DOS environment.
        REM AUTOEXEC.NT is used to initialize the MS-DOS environment unless a
        REM different startup file is specified in an application's PIF.

        REM Install CD ROM extensions
        lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe

        REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
        lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir

        REM Install DPMI support
        lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx

        REM The following line enables Sound Blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM.
        REM The command for setting the BLASTER environment is as follows:
        REM SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330
        REM where:
        REM A specifies the sound blaster's base I/O port
        REM I specifies the interrupt request line
        REM D specifies the 8-bit DMA channel
        REM P specifies the MPU-401 base I/O port
        REM T specifies the type of sound blaster card
        REM 1 - Sound Blaster 1.5
        REM 2 - Sound Blaster Pro I
        REM 3 - Sound Blaster 2.0
        REM 4 - Sound Blaster Pro II
        REM 6 - SOund Blaster 16/AWE 32/32/64
        REM The default value is A220 I5 D1 T3 and P330. If any of the switches is
        REM left unspecified, the default value will be used. (NOTE, since all the
        REM ports are virtualized, the information provided here does not have to
        REM match the real hardware setting.) NTVDM supports Sound Blaster 2.0 only.
        REM The T switch must be set to 3, if specified.
        SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

        REM To disable the sound blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM, specify an invalid
        REM SB base I/O port address. For example:


        • #19
          device=%SystemRoot%\emm386 RAM

          The command for my Win98SE is

          The RAM part should not be needed, but I have at times used the
          E:2048 form or whatever the syntax is, I forget now. This is added after the em386 entry.


          • #20
            I've tried and tried to get it to work on my win2k machine (toshiba laptop). It just won't go no matter what I do to the pif and/or the config.nt file.

            What I'm seeing is that there is no space available to actually load emm in the 1000 to 4000 block the comment states it requires:
            C:\DOCUME~1\500755~1>mem /d

            Address Name Size Type
            ------- -------- ------ ------
            000000 000400 Interrupt Vector
            000400 000100 ROM Communication Area
            000500 000200 DOS Communication Area

            000700 IO 000370 System Data
            CON System Device Driver
            AUX System Device Driver
            PRN System Device Driver
            CLOCK$ System Device Driver
            COM1 System Device Driver
            LPT1 System Device Driver
            LPT2 System Device Driver
            LPT3 System Device Driver
            COM2 System Device Driver
            COM3 System Device Driver
            COM4 System Device Driver

            000A70 MSDOS 001630 System Data
            CLOCK$ System Device Driver
            COM1 System Device Driver
            LPT1 System Device Driver
            LPT2 System Device Driver
            LPT3 System Device Driver
            COM2 System Device Driver
            COM3 System Device Driver
            COM4 System Device Driver

            000A70 MSDOS 001630 System Data

            0020A0 IO 001450 System Data
            KBD 000CD0 System Program
            HIMEM 0004E0 DEVICE=
            XMSXXXX0 Installed Device Driver
            0000B0 FILES=
            000030 FCBS=
            000170 LASTDRIVE=
            003500 COMMAND 000A20 Program
            003F30 MSDOS 000070 -- Free --
            003FB0 COMMAND 000680 Environment
            004640 DOSX 0087A0 Program

            I've tried alot of changes to the config.nt and by lowering files to 10 and stack to the min, etc. I finally managed to get that block from 3F30 to 3FB0 to go free, but its just not enough free space for the ems driver to load.

            Not sure what else can be done really, for now I've just given up.


            • #21
              Win2K is not very game friendly. If you could control the driver loaded in that address space, maybe. I know I used to have to do that in DOS to get enough conventional free.

              Other wise get a boot disk for win98 and use it with no CD support. Moo1 does not need a CD or sound drivers or even any VGA support.


              • #22
                Bootdisk, Boot Disk, Windows Boot disk, XP Bootdisk, 98 Boot Disk, Setup Disk, Startup Disk, NTFS Bootdisk

                I tried everything inside out and back to front. So bootdisk it is


                • #23
                  I do not belive it, well I do but its not good news.

                  I tried a win98 OEM bootdisk and a win95B bootdisk and in both cases, with both copies of the game ie vmxa1's as well as mine it gave exactly the same 1024 EMS error message.

                  But thats interesting as it means it is undoubtedly a platform problem.

                  FYI platform = Epox 8RDA+ nForce2, BIOS 2003/10/17 (latest), AMDBarton "2500" 1.8gig, 1024 Mb TwinMOS ram (Winbond chips).

                  So I will make amention of this in the appropriate forums. Thanks for your help though everyone at least I have the P3!


                  • #24
                    Wow, I have had many AMD box with Win9x and XP work. Maybe it is the nforce2.


                    • #25
                      Thanks for the files vmxa, but they didn't work for me either.

                      I have been getting the same message as booly and have a similar machine.

                      I can't seem to get it recognize EMS. I did some fiddling for the config.nt and autoexec.nt files but no success.
                      Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                      • #26
                        very intersting Garth, may I ask the mobo ram cpu bios specs of your machine ? (& chipset revision number if you have it (


                        • #27
                          I can play it with the dosbox emulator. It runs a tad slowly (mostly on end turn), but is playable.

                          Note for anyone wanting to try it, I've had better luck with version .58 than .60 with speed. The .60 version maxes out my cpu at about 6000 cycles per second (which still lags between clicking a ship/system and the response). With the .58 version I can get to almost 8000 cycles per second and it runs fairly smoothly except when changing screens (ie diplomacy).

                          If it helps I have a Toshiba 2435 S-255 notebook.

                          2.4 gz Pentium 4, 512 meg of ram, built in geforce 420go.

                          No floppy drive though, so boot disks are out.

                          (Don't feel too bad for me though, I also have an older 400 mz amd K-6 that runs moo1 just fine )


                          • #28
                            That really stinks. I can't understand why it is not working. I have had an AMD and two Pent system run XP PRO and all worked with no issues. Really nasty.
                            In the Win.INI from MSCONFIG does it have the 16 bit support checked? All of my entries are checked.
                            System.INI 386enh checked?


                            • #29
                              This thread discusses a bunch of tweaks for XP that may be worth checking out wervdon and others if you have not done so already.


                              • #30
                                That cpuid link doesn't seem to be working, I think I have it at work actually, I will look when I get there.
                                Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.

