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moo2 editor

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  • #16
    Thanks man, I wentand downloaded them straight away as a lot of websites go missing from one day to the next... (on a lot of occasions I take my time in downloading the sutff and then the website goes offline )


    • #17
      Originally posted by vmxa1
      I had no idea there were so many editors.
      Where there is a crazed geek fanbase, there is a way.
      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


      • #18
        In Corion2, the little ship icon is the Fleet editor, the face is the Player/race editor, the planet is the System editor, and the Superman logo is the Hero editor.

        Anything else is misinformation.


        • #19

          I'm Viger,

          I see you guys are looking for some cool moo2 stuff, suprisingly I'm the guy who created 4 or 5 editors for moo2 (PickHack, HE10, Scenario Randomizer, TechLevel Editor, ... )

          I found your site during a search for my editors because now I'm far away from home (in Dubai) and i left all the old cd's there (I mean in Poland) I searched my server there, but i think i've burned everything on cd... so ... the point is, this is so cool that my stuff is still known

          It's true that Moo3 is not the game we wanted so I started playing Moo2, that's why I'm searching... of course to make my game more entertaining (that was the first idea of creating these editors - cheating was not )

          As soon as possible i try to put it on my site and give you a link here, I think I've got also some source code so i publish also this ( No objection if someone is interested in extending these)



          • #20
            Welcome aboard.


            • #21
              This is a great site, we got all the cool people here
              (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
              (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
              (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


              • #22

                Welcome back to the Moo2 world, I am looking forward to working with your editors.


                • #23
                  Hello Viger (you don't know me, and I don't know you, but you have my respect because you contributed to the community). Glad to know that this community is still strong and happy. Do any of these editors have their source posted?
                  You forgot one thing... I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by viger

                    I'm Viger,

                    I see you guys are looking for some cool moo2 stuff, suprisingly I'm the guy who created 4 or 5 editors for moo2 (PickHack, HE10, Scenario Randomizer, TechLevel Editor, ... )

                    I found your site during a search for my editors because now I'm far away from home (in Dubai) and i left all the old cd's there (I mean in Poland) I searched my server there, but i think i've burned everything on cd... so ... the point is, this is so cool that my stuff is still known

                    It's true that Moo3 is not the game we wanted so I started playing Moo2, that's why I'm searching... of course to make my game more entertaining (that was the first idea of creating these editors - cheating was not )

                    As soon as possible i try to put it on my site and give you a link here, I think I've got also some source code so i publish also this ( No objection if someone is interested in extending these)

                    Polish version :

                    Witaj !!!

                    Jeœli rzeczywiœcie stworzy³eœ te edytory ( bardzo zreszt¹ dobrze znane w œwiecie ) to chwa³a ci za to ! Masz moje uznanie ! No ale do rzeczy. Widzê, ¿e jesteœ nowy na tym starym forum dla moo2. Na mojej stronie znajdziesz wiele fajnych rzeczy o i do moo2 :-) Jeœli bêdziesz chcia³ zagraæ online to daj znaæ, pomogê ci jak tylko bêdê potrafi³ ! To niesamowita wiadomoœæ. Polak potrafi ! BRAWO !!! Czekam na twoj¹ odpowiedŸ !


                    English reply.

                    Welcome !

                    I am AMAZED ! My contry fellow did a well knows editors for my favorite game. We must contact bro ! At my web site : u will find many cool things for moo. If u want to play this game via internet let me know ! I will do all I can to help u. My congratulations ! Waiting for ur answer !



                    • #25
                      P-K did you like SEIV? I was a big fan of SEIII and have SE IV gold.


                      • #26
                        I have it from several days. I played it very little. But i like it. It is well programed game.



                        • #27
                          Yes Aaron takes good care of his work. My biggest problem is the game takes too long, but it is well done. I love the combat tester they included.


                          • #28
                            MeltPot problems?

                            I got MeltPot recently and installed but when I go to access the program it loads then announces: Runtime Error 53 - File not found Does anyone know what I might have done wrong to cause this. If any forum members know please reply to this or even PM me thanks.
                            O-Ren Ishi, You and I have unfinished business!

                            (Tranlated from Japanese)


                            • #29
                              Never used it, what OS are you running?


                              • #30
                                Windows XP is my OS
                                O-Ren Ishi, You and I have unfinished business!

                                (Tranlated from Japanese)

