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You call yourselves MooII players?!

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  • #46
    OK Let's clarify everything then... lol

    My subject title -> it was deliberate to show my view on using repulsive as a pick in Multiplayer Games and as a claim for "Best Races". I often saw people in ehre claiming "best races" with repulsive and I consider that cheap. Why cheap? Because atleast things like reduction in ship attack DO have an effect whereas repulsive doesn't and even gives you -6 picks to spend!!!

    What I meant by lame -> I played so many multiplayer games and all the players I played against, it was already agreed upon without even any further explaining that no player could use it (whereas we'd allow even creative, even before its pick-increase) because atleast creative was something that had an influence on the game, whereas with repulsive you might as well just give the guy -6 picks anyway, since he loses practically nothing!

    Now, as to why some people didn't get my msg Da Hal, yeah it could be that my msg was unclear then again it could be that people don't read the whole msg or msgs which I believe to be your case, as the meaning of my msg was restated time and time again prior to your very first responce... Showing you didn't read much/enough before replying bud

    "And you get on my nerves because you question the intelligence of another person because you think they couldn't understand your post. That means you assume anyone halfway intelligent would automatically assume your position."

    Well, read above Iasus. Instead of getting a discussion about whether or not repuslive should be used in multiplayer, which is what my intention was, I was contested on my skill because I couldn't handle the game as a repulsive race which is ridiculous sicne my POINT all along was that repulsive is FREE PICK POINTS

    "Finally, your flame was rather lame (which, i mean in this instance: "not strong".) While your style of "biting people's heads off" might pass for literate in say Starcraft boards, you should understand that most of us here have been playing for over 20 years. Personally, i cut my teeth on prodigy and BBS's. "
    One final thing, I wasn't trying to flame, instead I was trying to keep it civil because if you don't keep it civil half the people who read won't side with "you" (ie me) even if they feel I am right, just for the spite of it, especially since I'm the "newcomer".

    And don't give me that bull**** about your "vast experience". I'll let you know when I am in need of an english literature lesson ... oh great one!
    Last edited by Brutalisk; January 3, 2004, 00:50.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Brutalisk
      And don't give me that bull**** about your "vast experience". I'll let you know when I am in need of an english literature lesson ... oh great one!
      this paragraph alone contains 5 grammar errors.


      • #48
        testing this smilie


        • #49
          You must be 5 years old da hal. Is that the best you can come up with? That's the same person who critiscised "my flames"? LOL

          In the forum you don't use "formal english", you use.... SPOKEN english. Only a 5 year old brat would nick pick on something like that and use it as "flame material".

          I guess you can't really reply to the real arguement of my post leaving you with little to say eh?



          • #50
            I'm certain that your examples are with rich planets in the starting system and probably splinters nearby. And what about with poor LG planets or even no planets at all? If you are unable to pop farm, then you'll certainly lose.
            You guys on Kali, are very good but there isn't much variety in your strats and this screws the best part of the game imo.

            The only point that I agree with brutalisk is that huge galaxy favours expansionistic races, so large or even med is ok, and the reasons for which he uses his galaxy settings. The rest of his tirade is absolutely out of place.
            When you play against AI Rep is really a negative, since it is "willing to do as you say" most of the time - no matter what do you talk about - money, systems or techs.

            And if anyone wants to show that he really is good at this game, then he should pick the starting save game of the democracy game and try a speedkill (without save/load of course, and without using game flaws) - I personally did it for 182 turns. This is a kind of challenge for the newcomers who are out of the DG and wants their words to have weight. The better the result, the more will people believe what they say. I expect that at least Brutalisk and P-K will accept the challenge. It is not the race measured here but the players.

            The idea of the DG is not to play the best race, nor to play it in the best way. The main idea is the democracy.
            Almost everyone here agrees that Uni Tol +1prd is the best race, but ours is good enough since it is hard to lose against the AI with it no matter if the player is experienced or not. We need more citizens here and we do not need rude people spitting bulls**t on us, while not understanding what we are trying to do.
            Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.


            • #51
              age insult = 1 cent.

              vague reference to some superior form of communication that only exists in your own mind = 15 cents.

              repeated age insult = .5 cents (depreciates when reused.)

              total content of post = 0, or, priceless.

              Seriously, your board-fu is straight from forums. What you gonna do next, call me a homo? That's the next level.

              Now, if you want, i can show you some real flames:

              Buddy, if i wanted to, i could expose you for the immature, egotistical, pre-pubescent noob you really are. However, since i doubt you have a dictionary handy, you will probably not understand how badly you have been dissed (which is short for 'disrespected.') I refuse to match wits with the unarmed, therefore, all i will say is: Wubba wubba woob knob, which, in my own prefabricated, non-existent language means: do everyone a favor and get kicked really hard in the nads to prevent your DNA from being passed on to the next Jeffery "Mutalisk" Dalhmer.

              Ps. "Nads" are those little things that look like shelled walnuts next to your brain.

              Pss. i couldn't give a monkey's hemmorroid if you used "formal" english or not. what matters is that if you don't communicate by the same rules everybody else does (eg. grammar) then your meaning becomes lost, which is the reason we have those rules in the first place. For example: Brutalisk ate crap, Brutalisk is eating crap, and Brutalisk is crap has 3 different meanings.

              Now wipe the crap off your face, suck it up, and admit you are out your league, son. Go back to yahoo chat and practice.

              Originally posted by Brutalisk
              You must be 5 years old da hal. Is that the best you can come up with? That's the same person who critiscised "my flames"? LOL

              In the forum you don't use "formal english", you use.... SPOKEN english. Only a 5 year old brat would nick pick on something like that and use it as "flame material".

              I guess you can't really reply to the real arguement of my post leaving you with little to say eh?



              • #52
                A short reply to Da Hal: listen youa re dragging this down your immaturity levels so I let you be. The meaning of my posts was conveyed just fine. Your inability to read the whole thread is what made you give a reply thatw as completely off subject in the first place. So get a hold of yourself. I bet your stupidity is surpassed only by your lack of MOO skill.

                Bakalov, I agree with a lot of what you have to say and actually I didn't come here to argue with anyone. As for repulsive the arguement is:

                - in multiplayer games it's a freebie

                One thing you raised yet you didn't expand on, -> different strategies Players should not be imposed with following certain strategies. I agree with that.

                The only real way to test skill is pit our heads against each other in an honest game. Unfortunately I can't play at the moment, but I am sure you'll be around for a while so we should be able to arrange something in the upcoming months with other players who also want to participate



                • #53
                  Originally posted by bakalov
                  I'm certain that your examples are with rich planets in the starting system and probably splinters nearby. And what about with poor LG planets or even no planets at all? If you are unable to pop farm, then you'll certainly lose.
                  You guys on Kali, are very good but there isn't much variety in your strats and this screws the best part of the game imo.

                  The only point that I agree with brutalisk is that huge galaxy favours expansionistic races, so large or even med is ok

                  And if anyone wants to show that he really is good at this game, then he should pick the starting save game of the democracy game and try a speedkill (without save/load of course, and without using game flaws) - I personally did it for 182 turns. This is a kind of challenge for the newcomers who are out of the DG and wants their words to have weight. The better the result, the more will people believe what they say. I expect that at least Brutalisk and P-K will accept the challenge. It is not the race measured here but the players.
                  Ok ... ok i see this heavy gauntlet heading my way

                  Save has 5 planets in hw with 2 nice riches i think. Save has: 0 uriches normal gravity, 0 natives, 1 late arti (~T55), and 1 late (~T70) splinter. System around hw arent special. About 2-3 planets per system maybe, nothing that can be called the supreme planets. It is from avarage tech level. 1 AI player is on the other side of large map. But noone takes his planets, cos it is a waste of time. So as u see it is not so good lookin as u might think.

                  When i cant farm or i wont find planets, it is obvious i am dead as any other player. I can try attack but this often fails on large maps.

                  U say that kali players are limited in strategies for moo? I think ur deeply wrong. We got players who loves adv uncre games (like db), = hw pre warps (me or staffa), straight large (sky), medium (me again), edited large (cyber), non uni games (popular lately --- demo rulez hehe) and many other types of moo games. We got plenty of good predefined starts. Some players like one type, some other type. Free choice for everyone.

                  I like to play moo as it was made in original and i like to add some specials which makes it more = for both players and more balanced to play. I play for fun, but mostly to win, so i am not a big fun of banning everything good in moo. Demo games are ok, but quite bit too long for me. I remember playin Dmitry earlier on large map. Aqa prod vs tol prod battle. Map was bit better for me, so he lost. But game lasted for 16 hours. It ended in T180 when my 31 bb hit is main fleet. It was enough long

                  I dont like huge map too. Large is very nice, med too.

                  I havent read ur post about moo demo game. I will look at save and i might try to play it. Sadly i played so many hundreds ai games that i am tired with it. Humans are much more fun to play with !




                  • #54
                    Brutalisk does not want to accept the challenge :P But we'll wait for the time when he becomes able to play.

                    And P-K I'll agree with you :-) I said that about the limitation of strategies because everyone from Kali coming here starts talking about UniTol+1Prd, and I am a bit annoyed :-) Of course you play different types of games, no doubt.
                    Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.


                    • #55
                      4381 - Reply part I of III

                      Firstly I would like to say how happy I am there is so much interest in Moo2-Multiplay. I have tried to reply to each peson in this post the best I can. I am not the Moo2 God, I am just a dedicated fan like you guys, so please feel free to disagree.

                      Whoha: Assuming we are Talking about Multi-player , Ion Cannon rarely wins a game. But if you can win a game with ION cannon , you are a better player than me, and I can count the Number the players better than me on my fingers , ( and maybe a few of my toes too

                      vmxa1: Did you say "OriginalBork" ? I remember Bork as one of the players who turned-up at my home system with a Battleship at Turn 50-odd. (Those were the days when I used to play 1 Vs 1 and when I thought "playing to win" was important.)

                      Comrade Tassadar : I ponder to think you are "off-topic", Huge Multiplay? I did have the Honour that my 1st game in 2004 was was a 7-player Huge, I can't imagine how long a 2 or 4-player Huge galaxy would take. My last 2-player Large game lasted over 3 sessions with over 24-hours game play. (One of the reason for my burn-out ! lol)

                      da_hal : AI's are rarely played on Kali , they are too easy. The only games we usually have AI is for Tactical combat or Uncreative games. I would say AIs feature in less that 10 or 20% or the games, AI's are just too stupid.

                      jimmytrick: I would allocate 4 to 6 hours for a 4-Player Large Galaxy game on Kali. Do not expect a "resume" , unless it is the last 2 players surviving of a 4-way.

                      izom: You could come and visit us on kali ... we have a few Canadian Players and I wanted to get a USA Vs the Rest of the world tornament going (Get ICQ and I will give you the ICQ number of the other Canadian Moo2 Players)

                      System370 (AKA 4381) (4381 was the Hardware and System 370 was the software for those of you In-The-Know)


                      • #56
                        Part II of Part III

                        Part II of III

                        bakalov: I am not sure I agree with you that there is "little variety" on Kali. I joined Multi-player quite late compared to most others (in the summer of 1998), and I think I have played every conceivable variation possible. (I am currently making a list for my website ... you'll see what I mean when I finish the list.) But generally speaking there are a lot of players "playing to win" , I am one of the minority who like to play with picks like Low G, Stealth or Uncreative. Zirkahn is a player you should seek-out on Kali, he can play HG and still win. Corney (from scandinavia) was a good player and could win with a Democracy Govenment. If you want to play variety on Kali just ask. BUT remember we have seen 100's of newbies come and go, 90% of the newbies cannot even beat the AI on impossible. I would suggest you get good at the "default" Kali-Moo2 settings and then after 1 or 2 years experiment with variations. Some Kali players will not waste valuable Moo2-Time, playing variations with sub-standard opposition.

                        General points: Time warp Facility and Gyro Destabilisers ... Never Known these to be a big problem. Stasis Field and Phased Cloak; these were "removed" from the 1.32 Mod, and in General should not be used.

                        Not Until you have spent 1 or 2 years gaming on Kali can you appeciate the depth we have taken this game. I would consider anyone who cannot sustain Kali Multiplay (with all its faults) a L-a-m-e Player. Not everyone can play 10 or 12 hours non-stop multi-play Moo2 (Rep or no Rep). Not everyone can play once a week on Kali Multiplay for over 5 years ... and I guarentee 95% of Newbies will NOT play a Huge Galaxy with AI for a suitable time - 10 hours ? )

                        System370 (AKA 4381) (4381 was the Hardware and System 370 was the software for those of you In-The-Know)


                        • #57
                          4381 Reply. Part III of III

                          Part III of III.
                          The Saint / Drutalisk: I work from Home and I stay on Kali all day. I spend 30 minutes with each Newbie in Kali and get them set-up. I remember you as One of the Hundreds of players who "pop- in" and I never saw again.

                          The Solution to the -6 Rep game. Just request a "NON-REP" game ... 90% of the Players on Kali will accept this. Currently (Jan 2004) "Dirt-Bag" has got us playing uncreative races , lol . Picking a "stock-race" for someone else to play is in fashion at the moment. Having said that... trading is a major part of the game as Microprose wrote it. (Which is not necessarily the way it SHOULD be played.) If you stuck around on kali for 3 or 6 months, everybody would know you only play non-rep. You can just annouce you intend to play non-rep at the start of the game, then 1 or 3 of the other 3 players will also choose non-rep to trade with you , at least that is what I found during my non-rep days.

                          What has happened on Kali Mulitplay is that a "Default" setting has been agreed so games can get started quickly without loosing valuable game time - if you want something special , just speak-up. (-6 Rep is part of this default setting).

                          EMG question ... a 4-way multiplayer, ave tech, large. 50% of games are decided before EMG is achieved. EMG is deadly with Warp Dissipators. Some have asked for changes to the Warp Dissipatators in the Kali Mod.

                          Creative? I have gone head-to-head with the King of creative... "Cybersaber" , I won 4 out of 10. Challange him to 6 games and report back here. If you cannot kill creative by turn 90 or 100 - The chances are you will not kill the creative, unless you are a top 10% player. (I am a top 20% Player)

                          Most of the Kali Multiplayer Moo2 communtiy have voted to reduce Rep to a -4 , (for our Kali Mod.) some have voted for a -2. In fact I see PK voted to reduce Rep to -2 in the Kali Mod , so I don't really know what Drutalisk and PK are arguing about !

                          System370 (AKA 4381) (4381 was the Hardware and System 370 was the software for those of you In-The-Know)


                          • #58
                            4381's I ran VM on them around 1981.


                            • #59
                              Re: 4381 - Reply part I of III

                              Originally posted by system370
                              Firstly I would like to say how happy I am there is so much interest in Moo2-Multiplay. I have tried to reply to each peson in this post the best I can. I am not the Moo2 God, I am just a dedicated fan like you guys, so please feel free to disagree.

                              Whoha: Assuming we are Talking about Multi-player , Ion Cannon rarely wins a game. But if you can win a game with ION cannon , you are a better player than me, and I can count the Number the players better than me on my fingers , ( and maybe a few of my toes too

                              vmxa1: Did you say "OriginalBork" ? I remember Bork as one of the players who turned-up at my home system with a Battleship at Turn 50-odd. (Those were the days when I used to play 1 Vs 1 and when I thought "playing to win" was important.)

                              Comrade Tassadar : I ponder to think you are "off-topic", Huge Multiplay? I did have the Honour that my 1st game in 2004 was was a 7-player Huge, I can't imagine how long a 2 or 4-player Huge galaxy would take. My last 2-player Large game lasted over 3 sessions with over 24-hours game play. (One of the reason for my burn-out ! lol)

                              da_hal : AI's are rarely played on Kali , they are too easy. The only games we usually have AI is for Tactical combat or Uncreative games. I would say AIs feature in less that 10 or 20% or the games, AI's are just too stupid.

                              jimmytrick: I would allocate 4 to 6 hours for a 4-Player Large Galaxy game on Kali. Do not expect a "resume" , unless it is the last 2 players surviving of a 4-way.

                              izom: You could come and visit us on kali ... we have a few Canadian Players and I wanted to get a USA Vs the Rest of the world tornament going (Get ICQ and I will give you the ICQ number of the other Canadian Moo2 Players)

                              System370 (AKA 4381) (4381 was the Hardware and System 370 was the software for those of you In-The-Know)
                              I can not win with ion cannons, have never played with them, and was just updating a piece of info.


                              • #60

                                As for skill, we'll just have to wait and see, once I get my computer sorted

                                I don't like duels though, so as I said earlier when that time comes, we cna invite a few more players in.

                                As for time warp fascilitator -> it was bad only when used in conjunction with the phasing cloack for apparent reasons.

                                The gyro-destabiliser -> that I still see as a killer even after it got weakened. Try it in a single player game...

