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Best bang/buck?

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  • #16
    Whoa, never knew Heavy Mounts were that useful.

    I guess I'm still in my MOO3 mentality, which Standard weapons are better en-masse than Heavy Mounts.

    Guess I'll definitely give Heavy Mounts a try in my next MOO2 game.

    About Doomstars, is there any way to mod the shields from 525 max to 2,000 or 3,000 max? That'd be overkill, I know, but is that possible at all?
    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


    • #17
      SP negates the effects of shields completely, even the minus 10 damage from class X shields. A normal mount SP Phasor will do twice as much damage against class X shields even after the shields are down compared to standard normal monut phasors (20 instead of 10, tried that out just now).
      Also, if you have structural analyzer those 500 damage against the shields would be 1000 against armor with shield piercing. It is definately worth it against ships with shields of class V - X IMO. Of course the computer usually does a good job of adding hard shields against this, but only after the first battle at which time his fleet should be gone anyway.
      Last edited by Iasius; February 19, 2004, 23:40.


      • #18
        What kind of f-cking moron would use normal-mount Phasors against Class X Shields? You should have AF Disruptors by that point.


        • #19
          It depends on what tech level I'm at. Until I researched the first future tech I often use phasors instead of disruptors. I don't always use phasors, but all I wanted to point out is that shield piercing is not useless, even with heavy mount the difference is 30 damage vs 17 damage.
          Even at 15000 RP level you can fit about 3 AF, SP phasors instead of one af disruptor. Nevermind that you can have AF, SP phasors at 4500 RP while AF disruptors come at 15000 RP.
          Also, I mind that you call me a f-cking moron!


          • #20
            I guess I should design 100 different ships with all these different combos. You guys keep coming up with so many different combos and modules to use.

            Now I gotta fire up a new game of MOO2 just to try out all these combos! Fun! Fun! Fun!
            Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Iasius
              Nevermind that you can have AF, SP phasors at 4500 RP while AF disruptors come at 15000 RP.
              And Class X Shields also don't come until 15k RPs, so that doesn't matter, does it?


              • #22
                Actually, I just realized something: Long before your opponents get Class X Shields, they should also have Hard Shields available, which negate the Shield-Piercing mod

                Isn't learning fun?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Admiral Sparky

                  And Class X Shields also don't come until 15k RPs, so that doesn't matter, does it?
                  I don't play multiplayer and the computer regularly gets way ahead of me on various techs like shields.
                  The point is, 15000 RP for me and for the AI are very different things.

                  The AI also tends to put hard shields into their ships only after you've beaten them a few times with SP weapons.
                  All I'm trying to say is, SP isn't worthless like some have said, there are situations when they are quite useful.


                  • #24
                    No need for the human to use hard shells and by the time they show up on AI ships, it is not a problem.


                    • #25
                      I use hard shields quite a bit. The AI likes SP phasers.
                      Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                      • #26
                        wouldn't heavy autofire AP mass drivers be better then env fusion beams at the appropriate tech levels vs class 3 shields? considering that the drivers hit 1 shield face rather then all of them


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Garth Vader
                          I use hard shields quite a bit. The AI likes SP phasers.
                          My position is that you can get about three more guns in the space nneded for hard shells. You add three more phasors for each ship in the fleet getting in two rounds. That is going to stop a lot of AI stops.

                          If the AI manages to bust a ship or two, they are replaced. In the time frame where I am using phasors, I probably am near the CP cap anyway.

                          So all I am saying is I never use hard shells, not that they are bad. I just don't need them and would rather have more guns.

                          Maybe if I was using Titans and DS, I may see it differently. Those are not so easy to replace. I just use battleship 90% of the time and they just get cheaper and cheaper to build.

                          Well actually, I never had the AI destroy a DS, so I do not need hard shells for them either.


                          • #28
                            VMXA: why don't you play multiplayer ? You mentioned earlier you only play single player...


                            • #29
                              Ok I don't usually use them on BS, but I use Titians a lot.

                              What is the CP cap? I usually have a smallish fleet.
                              Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Brutalisk
                                VMXA: why don't you play multiplayer ? You mentioned earlier you only play single player...
                                Got burned out a long time ago on MP games. You can't control the pace. I often want to stop after a few minutes and do something else.

                                SP gmes lets me come and go as I feel like it and I do not have to rely on others.

                                I played a lot of RTS MP games and they are so intense it is draining.

