Originally posted by Pave
If we want battleships, we should research chem > advanced mangnetism > neural scanner > super comp > cloning > battle pods > space port > robo miner > colonyship.
If we want battleships, we should research chem > advanced mangnetism > neural scanner > super comp > cloning > battle pods > space port > robo miner > colonyship.
We are so far away from being able to make a BB, it is not funny.
Level 1 Chem is all we need in that line for some time. That is standard cells, needed to make a scout.
Level 2 cells can wait. If you use F9 to look around you will see that the D. cells will get you nothing. You will need OP or Irr Cells.
Level 3 Chem is useful. but not a useful as Robo's and Super Comp at this time.
After we get Robo/Comps, we can research Chem in nothing flat.