I am seriously going to have to remember to always check the Senate victory off. I have lost every single game because of the Senate victory. Either I am not in the Senate to begin with, and someone gets elected out of blue without me even knowing about it, or I am in the Senate but someone else still manages to get elected eventhough I am leading the game.
I just played a superb game as the Psilons. I was leading in tech, I had 2 Antaran X's and 3 armadas on their way to find the others, I was #1 in Power, but I lose the election cause my ally had a few more votes than me.
That's not fair. I am #1 in power, stronger than any other race, and yet I lose cause I lack the votes. Argh!
I just played a superb game as the Psilons. I was leading in tech, I had 2 Antaran X's and 3 armadas on their way to find the others, I was #1 in Power, but I lose the election cause my ally had a few more votes than me.
That's not fair. I am #1 in power, stronger than any other race, and yet I lose cause I lack the votes. Argh!