Great review indeed. Look for "star base" in the whole text... Mmmm... Star base? What's that? A constructor ship is really useless, isn't it?
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"reviewer cant win game, thinks game is bad" virus hits avault
it was amazing that they guy didnt like(and kept mentioning) that his review was reviewed at 1/10....Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
I still cannot fathom how he initially gave GalCiv's AI--which he acknowledged was too challenging for him--a 2.5, when MOO3--which is braindead--got a 3 in its AI. By what absurd standard is he measuring AI? Even if it DID cheat (which it clearly doesn't), so what? How would that be different than most other games? Certainly no different than Civ3, which got a 4.5 from AV for its AI!
His lame excuse in the forums was that he didn't write those other reviews, so was just using his own standard. Well, as Brad accurately pointed out, this would completely eliminate the value of a rating measurment for AV entirely.
The bottom line was that the reviewer didn't like the game all that much--which is totally fine--but tried to lend his opinion more weight by citing something totally bogus as the reason. He should have just swallowed his pride and told the truth: he didn't like it because it was too hard for him.Tutto nel mondo è burla
There is something to be said for a developer who is so confident in his fantastic product that he is willing to go and defend it wherever it is being bashed. He did it over at the MOO forums, and now he went over to AVault. That's what I call agressive advertising.
This just proves again that I will always trust the reviews I hear from gaming forums like this before the crap they spew on 'gaming' review sites.A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
-V. I. Lenin
game reviews are horrible lately, not just this one in particular either. i rarely even bother to read them anymore. the only way to get a good sense of a game is to goto the forums right after it's released.Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.
I am not so sure about the board either. I mean how large of a percentage of the public will be posting on any game board? What you get are the angry ones and the fanboys for the most part.
I guess it is better than nothing, but I would think a demo is your best bet. Even my best friend and I do not agree on everything. Heck I do not even agree with myself all the time.
a comparison of our galciv and moo3 forums would give you an idea of the public perception of the two games.
galciv of course has the advantage of NOT being massively marketed or having a "big" title. this means that so far most of the people who got it are the classic ("hardcode") strategy players who are much much more likely to like it
still, i think we had so far 1 (one) complain thread and that tells something...Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
Originally posted by Fried-Psitalon
I'm thinking/hoping that was a joke on Tuberski's part.....?
I can't stand games with a lot of silly names and such.
It's a simple prejudice, I admit, but I can't seem to get past it.
Plus, I don't think my wife will go for me getting another space game a month after MOO 3.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!
Originally posted by Tuberski
Yes and no. Space Sharks just seem a like a silly name for a space monster.
I can't stand games with a lot of silly names and such.
It's a simple prejudice, I admit, but I can't seem to get past it.
Plus, I don't think my wife will go for me getting another space game a month after MOO 3.
To appease your wife you can either put GC CD and manual in the MOO3 box, or return Moo3 to your shop