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Update: Current Version 1.03A.056 (April 30)

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  • Update: Current Version 1.03A.056 (April 30)

    Current Version: 1.02
    Last Update April 4

    (keep "hey new patch!" talk here. for specific issues, post in the help forum)


    April 2, 2003: Cople of new tweaks, fixes
    New Features:
    + Made AI better at negotiating in trade screen
    + Changed navigation bonus to be +moves rather than a percent
    + AI easier to trade techs back and forth with.
    + AI puts more emphasis on how far away an empire is before deciding to go to war
    + planet/ship lists refresh if open at beginning of turn
    + optimized Listbox painting a bit
    + option to disable just event music in prefs.ini
    + code to make ship leave orbit if moved from ship list

    Bug Fixes
    + random buttons hide when race disabled
    + fixed dead ship maint bug
    + fixed trade routes not clearing when load/start new game bug
    + fixed up message coming late bug
    + Fixed tribute bug

    April 1, 2003: Couple of crash fixes
    Bug fixes:
    + Divide by Zero crash (Thanks bunboy)
    + Terror Star destroying stars could cause data corruption to starship object (Thanks bunboy)

    March 31, 2003: Tweaks, fixes, and events...
    New Features:
    + GalCiv AI tweaked so that it bargains more intelligently at lower levels
    + General difficulty level affects which random events will be used (i.e. no more getting clobbered by an advanced story arc when you're just learning the game)
    + New Cut scene: When a player dies, you get a cut scene of ships conquering them.
    + New random event - population boom.
    + Social programs cost slightly less to maintain
    + Details screen now displays how much maint. completed projects use "(X)" by their names.

    Bug Fixes:
    + Metaverse submissions should work for all players

    March 30, 2003: Tweaks, fixes, and events...
    + Some random events come later in the game.
    + Technology Trade United Planets issue nerfed
    + AI considers technology trade values more at lower intelligence levels
    + Crash bug in diplomacy screen hopefully fixed
    + Terraformer can be built
    + SDNet.lib updated for those who have had trouble submitting scores. Make sure you register with the metaverse.
    + Duplicate building of wonders / trade goods fixed
    + Added 2 new random events
    + Anti-Cheat methods beefed up
    + Metaverse submits difficulty level
    Last edited by MarkG; April 5, 2003, 06:56.
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog

  • #2
    New Version this morning.

    1.02 April 4, 2003
    New Features:
    -Auto-Launch Completed Ships button in Planet Screen
    -Minimap Toggable in Planet screen using Zoom Buttons
    -sort planet list by governor
    -AI much more intelligent in trading with one another

    -Fixed Welfare UP Issue
    -Fixed ship HP abilities crash
    -"Leaving UP and still affected by laws" bug fixed
    -fixed another endless dialog problem
    -fixed bug where cultural victory countdown was not saved
    -moved calc abilities for humans to make sure that ships will get bonuses calculated in
    -fleet invasion casualties bug fixed
    -fixed crash when viewing info on political parties
    -fixed star density not saving in prefs file
    -fixed bug that was overwriting DisableEventMusic
    -fixed backward tribute bug. (!!!!)


    • #3
      I don't see the link to download on the website


      • #4
        You download via Stardock.

        I beleive its for piracy reasons. Works pretty good on the whole


        • #5
          You use a tool called SDC (StarDock Central). It links you to what looks like an FTP site and handles updates to any applications that you have registered such as GalCiv.
          I am not so sure it is an anti theft device, but maybe. I say that as they say they will provide the normal all in one patch periodically for people that do not want the incremental stuf.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nirvana_CN
            You download via Stardock.

            I beleive its for piracy reasons. Works pretty good on the whole
            Oh, that explains some things. I just got it this weekend and downloading the updates seemed weird.

            I'll try Stardock, thanks
            Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


            • #7
              New patch up again.

              1.02 Update April 7, 2003
              New Features:
              + AI bargains more intelligently
              + AI tweaks to be less war happy in certain circumstances
              + Cannot attack allies, must break alliance first
              + Misc tweaks to gameplay

              - Divide by zero bug fixed


              • #8
                And again, up to 1.02.040 now

                1.02.40 April 7, 2003
                New Features:
                + Trade screen will update on the fly when you're using the money slider on trade deals.



                • #9
                  Good God, this must be 8 or 9 small patches/fixes/updates now...i never thought i would see such support in any game..ever.

                  I have never been loyal to a game creator before , but i think I will buy from these guys again!


                  • #10
                    Also note the Bonuspack has been updated too! And the multimedia to add a new soundtrack. {Edit this was false info, multimedia has not been updated..something to do with time saving in the US}
                    Last edited by Nirvana_CN; April 7, 2003, 21:48.


                    • #11
                      Again an update: 1.02.041

                      That's three updates in two days.

                      No details yet. I'll update this post when details are in.

                      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                      • #12
                        Ehhh...this patch is nice, but they actually added a bug or two. I get "String not found" instead of "Leave/cancel" (whatever goes there) on the diplomacy screen right hand button.... and the slider has only updated "on the fly" for me once- the rest of the time it acts normal, and I can't drag the slider around anymore- just click the arrows. The slider itself has gone white, though that may have something to do with my alignment.
                        Friedrich Psitalon
                        Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
                        Consultant, Firaxis Games


                        • #13
                          Fried, the 1.02.41 patch released today fixes that.

                          Not bad really, it only took 8 hours to patch the mistake..i dont see anyone else doing things this fast.

                          I prefer lots of small patches like this, and risk the odd gfx bug or two, than larger patches every few months


                          • #14
                            There was *another* patch today, fixing yesterday's patch 8 hours later?!

                            WOW. Now THAT is service.
                            Friedrich Psitalon
                            Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
                            Consultant, Firaxis Games


                            • #15
                              Anyone try to update the Multimedia? I Dl i before realizing it was 336MB. After I came back to see it said the update failed. I was gone about 40 minutes. looks like most of it got in:

                              Result: Failed (deleted file)
                              Installation aborted (failed)

                              Guess I need to report this!

