Twilight of the Arnor Beta 5 has arrived, and here is a list of some of the new and updated features.
You can read the full release notes at the link below.
Here are a few of the major highlights:
* Ascension Victory Condition is now in! Maps with this condition enabled get 5 ascension crystals. Build a starbase on them and collect 1 ascenion point per turn for each one. Collect 1000 and win. Of course, the alien civilizations won't be too keen on this.
* AI designed ships. Players can now opt to have the computer AI design combat ships for them.
* Auto-Launching of ships. Players can specific various parameters to have ships auto launch when they're built.
* Custom Races are back in! Now you can design your own race and choose which technology tree for them to use.
* Updated graphics. Make sure you ooh and ahh at the updated human ship textures and such. And feel good knowing they use a fraction of the memory that they did back when they were ugly.
* Updated Economy. Mo money.
* New weapon effects!
* First build with any real AI updates. The beta 5 series begins the official updating of the computer AI players.
* Ascension Victory Condition is now in! Maps with this condition enabled get 5 ascension crystals. Build a starbase on them and collect 1 ascenion point per turn for each one. Collect 1000 and win. Of course, the alien civilizations won't be too keen on this.
* AI designed ships. Players can now opt to have the computer AI design combat ships for them.
* Auto-Launching of ships. Players can specific various parameters to have ships auto launch when they're built.
* Custom Races are back in! Now you can design your own race and choose which technology tree for them to use.
* Updated graphics. Make sure you ooh and ahh at the updated human ship textures and such. And feel good knowing they use a fraction of the memory that they did back when they were ugly.
* Updated Economy. Mo money.
* New weapon effects!
* First build with any real AI updates. The beta 5 series begins the official updating of the computer AI players.