There we are the Tuberian Hegemony is 5 turns away from a Cultural Victory. I leave the room to go get something to drink while the computer does it's turns.
I come back and there it is: Windows wants to send an error report on GC II. Clcik send and the game ends.
Okay I have autosave enabled, so I only go back about 5 minutes altogether, right before where they told me to keep my culture up 10 turns for the win.
Turn 1: Mega Event - All unihabited planets within two grid squares of so-so planet are now PQ 15!
About 40 planets.
Turn 2: Random event - Assassination of Terran Alliance president, time for war.
Turn 3: Random event - Assassination of Yor Collective president, again even more war.
I love this game!
I come back and there it is: Windows wants to send an error report on GC II. Clcik send and the game ends.
Okay I have autosave enabled, so I only go back about 5 minutes altogether, right before where they told me to keep my culture up 10 turns for the win.
Turn 1: Mega Event - All unihabited planets within two grid squares of so-so planet are now PQ 15!
About 40 planets.
Turn 2: Random event - Assassination of Terran Alliance president, time for war.
Turn 3: Random event - Assassination of Yor Collective president, again even more war.
I love this game!
