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Would I like it?

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  • Would I like it?

    Tough question I know, and one only I can answer, but I'm still after opinions. I didn't play GalCiv1 very much cos to me it seemed a bit tedious. I just played the demo of GalCiv2 and wasn't excited at the end. Is the demo a good approximation of the gameplay in the full version? Often demos can stop before anything "proper" has happened. For the record, I like Civ4 and MOO2, but not MOO3. Again I found MOO3 required too much tweaking of settings.

    Initially I'm thinking about giving it a miss. Seemed to be lots of things, for example taxes per planet, that would get rather mundane after a while. Also seemed to build on all useable tiles fairly quickly, which left not a lot to do there. Maybe I'm just starting to loose patients trying to keep everything balanced.

    I don't want to be rude either, but please keep in mind that I'm not asking if you enjoy the game, but if you think I might. Don't worry, I won't hold you to your opinions

  • #2
    I think your best bet would be to read the thoughts and comments that others have posted about the game, and try to decide based on those if you would like it... it's hard to tell of course if you'd like the game .

    I think GalCiv2 1.1 is definitely worth it, if you're willing to look past some AI issues. I really want a great AI, and still find the game enjoyable in many aspects, I think it could work for you too... then again I should probably let someone who's also played the demo answer.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      if you liked the original verson of civ3, you will like this. If you prefered the expanson to civ3, then you will still like this, but not as much.

      it is a good game. Some AI issues as Solver said.

      I am just beginning to play it, and only have 4 games under my belt, but it is better than GC1. I did the alpha and beta for GC1, and this is much better, let me tell you.
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      • #4
        What was it you liked about MOO2? I probably played GalCiv1 more than you, but I burned out after a while as well, it just seemed like the same game, over and over again. I haven't found that yet in GalCiv2, and I blame being able to design your own ships! That's a big play enhancer for me.

        You can even be a little bit technologically inferior to an alien race, but by carefully designing your ships (and making sure you used your intel to research 'appropriate' techs), you can design ships that really go after the AIs weakness.

        My favorite stunt now is that the AI seems to often build the same offense/defense. That is, if it's building missiles, it will also be researching missile defense. So, I research missile defense, and one of the other offensive techs.

        Don't know how far the Demo goes, but I don't build out my planets very quickly anymore, I like leaving open tiles to build trade goods and galactic wonders on. It's also easier to keep a health economy if you don't spam factories everywhere.
        Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?


        • #5
          Also, at least with 1.1 update, if you build up too fast before your population is higher your economy can collapse. It's a balance to keep this from happening.


          • #6
            Re: Would I like it?

            Originally posted by Strudo
            Tough question I know
            Yes, this is. Hope my answer can do it justice.

            Originally posted by Strudo I just played the demo of GalCiv2 and wasn't excited at the end. For the record, I like Civ4 and MOO2, but not MOO3. Again I found MOO3 required too much tweaking of settings.
            Based on your answers above I'd say that if your system can run Civ4 then play that for now, and wait for GalCiv2 to mature some more. The game is improving as the updates come out, and based on this track record, as well as Stardock's pledge to continually support and update this game, I expect things will continue to improve for the game.
            So, IMO, make it an item for next X-Mas: by then it should be a very mature game, as well as probably being a few $s cheaper...


