Tough question I know, and one only I can answer, but I'm still after opinions. I didn't play GalCiv1 very much cos to me it seemed a bit tedious. I just played the demo of GalCiv2 and wasn't excited at the end. Is the demo a good approximation of the gameplay in the full version? Often demos can stop before anything "proper" has happened. For the record, I like Civ4 and MOO2, but not MOO3. Again I found MOO3 required too much tweaking of settings.
Initially I'm thinking about giving it a miss. Seemed to be lots of things, for example taxes per planet, that would get rather mundane after a while. Also seemed to build on all useable tiles fairly quickly, which left not a lot to do there. Maybe I'm just starting to loose patients trying to keep everything balanced.
I don't want to be rude either, but please keep in mind that I'm not asking if you enjoy the game, but if you think I might. Don't worry, I won't hold you to your opinions
Initially I'm thinking about giving it a miss. Seemed to be lots of things, for example taxes per planet, that would get rather mundane after a while. Also seemed to build on all useable tiles fairly quickly, which left not a lot to do there. Maybe I'm just starting to loose patients trying to keep everything balanced.
I don't want to be rude either, but please keep in mind that I'm not asking if you enjoy the game, but if you think I might. Don't worry, I won't hold you to your opinions
