I've just bought GalCiv II in the store and have been amazed that the AI has beaten me every single time! That's great!
I don't think I will be able to go back to cIV's simple AI! But I really would like to win sometimes.
Sooo... a bit of help. I'd like some simple quick advice for survival if not victory. I'm sory to bug everyone about this but, I don't belive in playing a game where I have unfair advantages over the AI. I've goten better with my third game (the AI set as intelegent); I didn't expect to win on masohistic but I refuse to give myself slac; I'm not going below ecual terms with the AI.
So quickly please as I'm sarting my fourth game. I usualy play on large maps.

So quickly please as I'm sarting my fourth game. I usualy play on large maps.