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  • #61
    I was feeling tired and a little bored on Saturday morning so I fired up GalCiv (for the first time in two years as it turns out), and the other feature about the economics that bugged me was the global spending percentages. A start up planet does not want to spend on military or research. It wants moral and production buildings, while a well established planet will want to spend only on research and military.

    As with the tax rate, it just doesn't make sense to have a global allocation!


    • #62

      I completely agree. I believe this waste is supposed to be toned down in GalCiv2, albeit not completely eliminated.


      • #63
        This is good to hear ... although I'd prefer to have individual planet sliders. Even better yet, link to tax rate to the govenor template. This would allow one to set up 'devloping worlds' govenors versus established world govenors.

        I can't access the official GalCiv2 boards (stupid company web filter blocks it), so do you guys have a good summary of the expected changes anywhere? (aside from this thread of course)
        Last edited by Lintra; September 20, 2005, 06:57.


        • #64
          like this one?
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


          • #65
            Thanks for the link - that was just what I was looking for. Looks like this one is a must have for me. It has all the bells and whistles I could wish, as well as pretty graphics.

            Both the planets and ship design had been discussed here before so I was aware of those changes (both of which I heartily agree with!), but some of the others sound good too. Like playing any race, cleaner tech tree, and the fleet option sounds like it could be a great addition ... especially if implemented correctly with the ship design.

            Many decades ago I played a very bare bones strategy game depicting a 'holy war' between two planets (there were a few others that could be colonized, but given the time scale they never really were able to amount to much ... turns where (I believe) monthly, and even 360 turns is only 30 years) - there is no way I can dig up the name from my damaged memory banks ... Stellar Crusade maybe - and there the fleet managment and design coupled with the ship design was very rewarding. I spent a ton of time researching then building my fleet to set up a tactical trap for my opponent (the AI was pretty good but not great). I can recall few more satisfying computer gaming moments than watching those fleets in action. Not everything went as planned, but I'd counted on that!!

            Stellar Crusade (it that was the name) aside, I am very much looking forward to GalCiv 2. Reading through the FAQ it appears release is for later this year or early 2006 ... gives me something to look forward to.


            • #66
              Planetary spending that isn't being used (ie, you don't have anything in the social queue for building) now goes back into the national treasury, instead of being wasted. A very nice change.

              Still no seperate tax rates per world or govenor. That's to keep things simple, despite that's precisely what representative governments always do (play with the tax rates ). Oh well. Maybe we will get that feature in GC3.
              (Knight Errant Of Spam)

