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Compelling Features

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  • Compelling Features

    Just wondering guys, which of the following features:


    for GalCiv II do you think is the most compelling that might convince you to purchase the game and 'upgrade'?

    Personally I'm a tad bit worried about increased complexity especially in planetary colonization, ship building, and fleet composition, but I like the innovations of different types of star bases, the streamlined tech tree, I also like how they scaled the 3D mode for less tech-heavy users, and the ability to create custom alien races.

    I love customization- as long as it doesn't take place during the game. During the game, I like to get sucked into it- like in Civ II. However, toolsets outside of the game for editing are amazing in adding replay value and I made a point to purchase games which I could 'mod.'

    So... how about you? What are your opinions?

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  • #2
    Yes i like the idea of GalcivII. But i haven't been able to find time to play the first one properly yet - so that needs to be done first for me.

    I think Brad is taking his efforts away from the the mainstream, and i like that. I get the impression that Galciv didnt quite hit the mark, but it obviously did well enough to provide him with a base to do some more on the genre.

    As for customisation - its something i like in my games; wether its changing all my Xcom soilders names to S48 T50 H40 B25 etc, searching Daggerfall/Morrowind for the best looking outfit/weapons for my character, modding my ship in Elite or many other things. I like to be able to project my own persona/preferences into my games.

    Do i want to pay £40(for example) for an unfinished game/do i want to encourage developers to produce unfinished software(more than they currently do)?

    No - unless it was a really amazing game and the effort i was to put in would be worth it, and the game was priced accordingly.

    Do i care for AAA graphics? Well not in the current trend of graphics over gameplay. So i can happily live without the part of games that costs the most to currently do.
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    Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


    • #3
      Ship Design: Meh. Every space strategy game has this... it's fun, but is it really that important? I wouldn't mind seeing a 4X game which uses a handful of archetypes, like EU.

      Unique Planets: Yeah! The solitary planet class in the first one was fairly dull. But adding 'artifacts' or 'ore' is still only reaching the standard set by MOO, years ago.

      I'd like a 4X game with hundreds of 'hand-crafted' planets; not just random convergences of stats, but unique, compelling worlds with their own natural histories.

      New Map System: This sounds interesting. It's not realistic... but that's hardly an issue with space strategy games anyway.

      Play as any race: Meh. I always instinctively pick the humans, and I don't mind it when other races are excluded.

      Fleets: I like the idea that the player has a logistic skill which limits the size of fleet you can amass. Could be very interesting.

      Enhanced Combat System: Bleh. It sounds like an explicit stones-paper-scissors arrangement.. never a good idea in strategy games, because it precludes strategy in favour of luck. Less tangible aspects like initiative, logistics, flexibility and intelligence should play a role in deciding battles as well.

      A final note: I really hope that they bring an end to the 'colonists = soldiers' mechanic common in 4X games. Not likely though.
      Last edited by Sandman; August 4, 2005, 16:05.


      • #4
        I am just hoping that those screenshots are indicative of the whole visual experience.

        And a better AI? That should be interesting.
        "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


        • #5
          asking for hundreds of hand-crafted planets would be like asking for a wargame to make each and every one of its units 'hand-crafted'..

          it's asking for vaporware


          • #6
            I'm fairly sure you get strategy games with hundreds of unit types...


            • #7
              Unique planets

              At last, everything but dumb planet (or city in Civ) planification. Economic specialization exist and it is crucial... which should shine in GC2.
              Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


              • #8
                Personally I'm a tad bit worried about increased complexity especially in planetary colonization, ship building, and fleet composition
                Actually, in the beta, there is part of this and nothing looks like it's going to get out of control.
                Planets: Instead of building as many improvements as you wanted , and only once each, you can now build only (PQ) ones, but can build some more than once. You need some food to get pop to work in factories, but that's quite clean and easy to manage.
                Ship building is nothing out of the ordinary (MoO did it more than 10 years ago).
                Fleets are not yet coded so we have little idea what they'll do either early in the betas or when the game is out.
                Clash of Civilization team member
                (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                web site and forum here on apolyton)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LDiCesare

                  Ship building is nothing out of the ordinary (MoO did it more than 10 years ago).
                  Shipbuilding worries me a little too. MoO wasn't too bad but with the increasing complexity of MoO2 the AI really suffered with regard to ship designs and counter-designs (ie: It didn't have counter-designs).
                  If you throw in players adding in custom-designed weapons/shields/devices Stardock is going to have their work cut out for them.


                  • #10

                    well, I just worry that the game may go in the direction of Star Generals with fleets, etc. While the concept was nice- and the implementation worked well, the game just didn't addict.

                    Simplicity addicts. Complexity confuses.

                    For what you mentioned about the planets- I don't see how that simplifies things.

                    As for designing ships- it just doesn't seem that necessary to me- yes I know that Alpha Centauri had that feature as well, but I never used it- I wanted to play the main game, not tweak and mini-game... though if the game allows the 'main types' as someone above mentioned... and permitted further modifications should people wish it, then okay- I'd have no trouble. I think that AC managed the best implementation of this feture.

                    Never played Master of Orion, so I can't comment on that.

                    Thanks for your feedback.
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sandman
                      Ship Design: Meh. Every space strategy game has this... it's fun, but is it really that important? I wouldn't mind seeing a 4X game which uses a handful of archetypes, like EU.

                      Gal Civ 1 didn't have this.... and yes, it really is that important. The lack of ship design was the thing I disliked most about GalCiv 1. Cookie Cutter units just don't cut it in a Sci-Fi game.
                      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

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                      • #12
                        I'd say it was more the hobbling micro-management. Dozens upon dozens of planetary improvements, base enhancements and techs. Would adding ship components to this list really add to the fun?


                        • #13
                          I'd rather design ships than build all that crap on the planet. Its a freaking war about concentrating on the war part.

                          Combat tactics and strat are more important that building another food blah-blah on the 14th planet. Part of the strat is going with your ships.
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                          • #14
                            Re: Compelling Features

                            Originally posted by DarkCloud
                            Personally I'm a tad bit worried about increased complexity especially in planetary colonization, ship building, and fleet composition
                            Funny, this is exactly what got me to pre-order. GalCiv 1 was one of those games I felt I should like, but ultimately didn't work for me. The planetary management system, which was indeed dull and didn't really have much in the way of choices, played no small part in that. The GalCiv 2 Beta has already fulfilled my hopes of planets that must be crafted uniquely by the player, and so long as good AI is put in to handle all the upgrades and such for the player, I don't think this new system will result in any more turn-by-turn micromanagement than the first GalCiv.


                            • #15
                              The GalCiv 2 Beta has already fulfilled my hopes of planets that must be crafted uniquely by the player, and so long as good AI is put in to handle all the upgrades and such for the player, I don't think this new system will result in any more turn-by-turn micromanagement than the first GalCiv.
                              Hmm... if their governors are as smart as Alpha Centauris, then hey, I'd give it a try
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                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

