One thing I disliked of GalCiv (and it is pretty much the only main point) is that all I could decide about how I rule my planets was if it was republic/empire/democracy, the level of propaganda and a few random events.
So, what do you think would be the best way to manage society and politics in GalCiv 2?
I have my own idea to propose, but go ahead with yours:
Like in Alpha Centauri, one could chose between 4 or 5 possibilities for each of a few caracteristics (fictive exemple: the economy, administrative structure, moral justification for power, presence of robots over humans, whattever else).
These bars could also depend on some choice done by some specific random events, but... in any way it would be even more immersive and fun to me
With a few choices, you can get in your mind how your world is, and how it is to live in your world. Of course, one can add to this what GalCiv1 already had
So, what do you think would be the best way to manage society and politics in GalCiv 2?
I have my own idea to propose, but go ahead with yours:
Like in Alpha Centauri, one could chose between 4 or 5 possibilities for each of a few caracteristics (fictive exemple: the economy, administrative structure, moral justification for power, presence of robots over humans, whattever else).
These bars could also depend on some choice done by some specific random events, but... in any way it would be even more immersive and fun to me

With a few choices, you can get in your mind how your world is, and how it is to live in your world. Of course, one can add to this what GalCiv1 already had
