1st Masochistic challenge started.
(Competition ends in 9 June 2003 24:00 GMT)
Current Rules: (v 1.01)
1) Everyone fights, noone quits!
2) Have fun! That's an order.
3) Download this save of the 1st turn.Link
Starting conditions was:
Starting picks: War party (+50% HP), +1 Speed, +3 Soldiering, +20% HP
Map: Medium, Scattered, Abudant
AI: 5 Incredible Pure Evil AI
Patch: 1.04.059
4) You must play a game with a patch 1.04.059 and bonuspack 1.07 installed. No mods, no editing or deleting any game files.
5) You must play your own game without the assistance of spoilers and other information that is not available to you as an individual player. Also, don't post AARs before end of competition.
6) 'Hardcore' or (another name) 'Ironman' game - so if you stop playing, you must save. Then you start playing again, must load from latest save. (So, no save-loading is allowed.)
7) Don't use bugs.
For now, i know issue about population growth and almost free techs (second one is perhaps an exploit, also this is not a diplomacy-related one, so any diplomacy trades are fair under current rules). Save game every ~6 turns and keep the saves.
8) Everyone uploads http://apolyton.net/upload archive of a save of a last turn (register on Apolyton forums first to bee able to upload files), so that you need just press 'turn' button and you'll get victory screen. For defeat, save 1 turn earlier. Only one victory/defeat save per player. (Better turn autosave on then you're close to victory/defeat).
Then, reply in this tread and place a link to your save in your reply (In the "View Files" (Upload -> Click "View" button) page there are links to all files you uploaded).
Upload zip archive (winzip can be foud here) containing your save (both GalCiv\Data\SaveGames\'SaveGameName'.sav file and GalCiv\Data\SaveGames\'SaveGameName' directory, there 'SaveGameName' is a name of your save).
Also, you may upload all intermediate saves too, but posting link to these saves is optional.
Competition ends in 9 June 2003 24:00 GMT, so post your saves before this time.
It may be a bad idea to post this game on metaverse - all games will have same key(pirate one, not mine
), and same game id. So i suspect that it will be a score 0 and anomalous difficulty.
9) Ranks will be:
Winners - fastest wins first
Other participants - slowest loses first
(Competition ends in 9 June 2003 24:00 GMT)
Current Rules: (v 1.01)
1) Everyone fights, noone quits!
2) Have fun! That's an order.
3) Download this save of the 1st turn.Link
Starting conditions was:
Starting picks: War party (+50% HP), +1 Speed, +3 Soldiering, +20% HP
Map: Medium, Scattered, Abudant
AI: 5 Incredible Pure Evil AI
Patch: 1.04.059
4) You must play a game with a patch 1.04.059 and bonuspack 1.07 installed. No mods, no editing or deleting any game files.
5) You must play your own game without the assistance of spoilers and other information that is not available to you as an individual player. Also, don't post AARs before end of competition.
6) 'Hardcore' or (another name) 'Ironman' game - so if you stop playing, you must save. Then you start playing again, must load from latest save. (So, no save-loading is allowed.)
7) Don't use bugs.
For now, i know issue about population growth and almost free techs (second one is perhaps an exploit, also this is not a diplomacy-related one, so any diplomacy trades are fair under current rules). Save game every ~6 turns and keep the saves.
8) Everyone uploads http://apolyton.net/upload archive of a save of a last turn (register on Apolyton forums first to bee able to upload files), so that you need just press 'turn' button and you'll get victory screen. For defeat, save 1 turn earlier. Only one victory/defeat save per player. (Better turn autosave on then you're close to victory/defeat).
Then, reply in this tread and place a link to your save in your reply (In the "View Files" (Upload -> Click "View" button) page there are links to all files you uploaded).
Upload zip archive (winzip can be foud here) containing your save (both GalCiv\Data\SaveGames\'SaveGameName'.sav file and GalCiv\Data\SaveGames\'SaveGameName' directory, there 'SaveGameName' is a name of your save).
Also, you may upload all intermediate saves too, but posting link to these saves is optional.
Competition ends in 9 June 2003 24:00 GMT, so post your saves before this time.
It may be a bad idea to post this game on metaverse - all games will have same key(pirate one, not mine

9) Ranks will be:
Winners - fastest wins first
Other participants - slowest loses first