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Call of Duty: Never again a GOTY nominee

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  • #16
    Honestly, Asher, I like when I hear those pre-pubescent brats mouthing off. It's more satisfying when I kill them.

    DrSpike is right about the subtle improvements. IW did a really good job of polishing the game. It's derivative, and essentially the same as every other CoD, but it's execution is generally better.

    Wiggy, shooting a man in his genitals is my favorite tactic.
    John Brown did nothing wrong.


    • #17
      This is the kind of **** I was talking about, by the way, that seems to have flown over Dr Spike's head.

      Turns out in October of this year, almost all of the key people at IW had their contracts coming up and the word was they were not going to renew. They wanted IW to be bought out by an independent investor so they can become independent.

      Activision fired the top two guys before they could quit or otherwise interfere. Now they're suing Activision for $36M and other things pertaining to who owns 'Modern Warfare'.

      This is a big deal. Attempts to downplay it are retarded. Where the leaders go, much of the team is bound to follow...either now or at the end of their contracts. What's likely going to happen is they'll found a new studio and poach talent back and make COD-esque games, but not under the Call of Duty brand.

      Also, article on Gamasutra:

      Analysis: Infinity Ward's Double-Edged Sword?

      Every developer and every studio aims to be as globally successful as possible. With record-breaking hit titles come acclaim, affluence, and often special treatment from publishers in the form of favorable contracts.

      For creating the Grand Theft Auto franchise hits for Take-Two, Rockstar Games' top brass were able to negotiate a nearly unprecedented profit-sharing deal. Halo house Bungie earned its independence while retaining the benefits of a close relationship with Microsoft.

      And Infinity Ward, creator of the multi-billion-dollar Modern Warfare branch in Activision's Call of Duty franchise, earned the freedom to develop a new property when it signed its newest contract with the publisher in 2008.

      But amid this week's apparent standoff between Infinity Ward and Activision -- one that multiple sources confirm has seen the ouster of the studio's co-founders -- the publisher is accusing the studio of breaching that contract.

      Activision confirmed in an SEC filing that its allegations of "insubordination" and breach of contract will likely lead to litigation. All of the tension and drama today raises one question: Can making a record-breaking franchise become a double-edged sword?

      Only top brass at Infinity Ward and Activision are privy to all the facts about the their contract. But numerous sources close to the situation have told Gamasutra there's been tension between Activision leadership and ousted Infinity Ward co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella for some months.

      The pair hasn't maintained a reputation for being easy to work with -- and some sources have told us they first fell out of favor with bombastic Activision CEO Bobby Kotick when they refused to allow Activision to check up on Modern Warfare 2 milestones.

      Modern Warfare 2 broke retail records, and a third installment could perform even better. With music genre revenue declining, sources say Activision is eager to have Infinity Ward start on Modern Warfare 3. Infinity Ward, on the other hand, would rather finish the new IP its contract allows.

      Numerous sources with knowledge of the situation have speculated to Gamasutra that the contract dictates only Infinity Ward may make games in the Modern Warfare arm of the Call of Duty franchise. Other studios, like fellow Activision subsidiary Treyarch, may continue develop other Call of Duty-branded titles.

      Sources say one development candidate would be newly-founded Sledgehammer Games, but Activision can't put another studio to work on the third Modern Warfare installment any more than it can force Infinity Ward to work on it now.

      Another source suggests West and Zampella could have demanded a larger share of profits in return for developing Modern Warfare 3 on Activision's schedule instead of in line with Infinity Ward's original plans. According to that account, those attempts to re-negotiate or add to the current contract prompted Activision's ire.

      Some media reports have inaccurately conflated this week's situation with outstanding royalties from Activision to Infinity Ward. But sources confirm to Gamasutra that Activision routinely pays royalties at the end of the quarter after which they were earned, which will begin next month, meaning the publisher is not overdue in its financial responsibilities.

      The major issue is that Activision's hands are tied by the contract, sources say -- and that may be the root of the "insubordination" allegation against Infinity Ward's leaders.

      Activision has a history of using legal muscle to get the better end of its agreements, as it did with its Brutal Legend spat with EA and the DJ Hero battle that caught Scratch developer 7 Studios in the crossfire.

      The company also never hesitates to treat games as a business -- for example, now that Guitar Hero is no longer the cash cow it once was, it closed Red Octane and made cuts at Neversoft, despite the way those studios have performed for Activision in the past.

      Another source with knowledge of the situation tells Gamasutra that although Infinity Ward is only about 75 developers strong, Activision brass demanded layoffs at the studio anticipating a refusal -- which they received, potentially opening the door for Activision to use that refusal as a way to launch a breach suit that would help it escape its contract.

      Certainly, rumors and speculation will run rampant all over the dramatic exit of West and Zampella, and all eyes are watching the situation closely for the real facts to emerge.

      But it makes clear one unfortunate downside to success: The game industry is a business, and when success is high, the stakes get higher. A sweetheart contract with a publisher might appear to be the ultimate reward -- but it may also turn out to be an ultimate weakness.
      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


      • #18
        By the way, Activision is easily the douchiest publisher of them all. They make EA look like angels.

        Bobby Kotick especially. What a king douche.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #19
          It looks like the former leadership of Infinity Ward are not going down without a fight. Former Infinity Ward CTO Jason West and president Vince Zampella have officially filed a lawsuit against Activision, according to a press release issued by their lawfirm, O'Melveny & Myers LLP.

          According to the release, West and Zampella were terminated by Activision "weeks" before receiving royalties for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Activision purchased Infinity Ward in 2003.

          "We were shocked by Activision's decision to terminate our contract," said West. "We poured our heart and soul into that company, building not only a world class development studio, but assembling a team we've been proud to work with for nearly a decade. We think the work we've done speaks for itself."

          O'Melveny & Myers LLP attorney Robert Schwartz is suing Activision in pursuit of West and Zampella's right to compensation for the production and sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and the contractual rights allegedly granted to the duo to control "Modern Warfare-branded games." It seems West and Zampell are actually fighting for the right to create Modern Warfare games outside Activision.

          Here's the full passage.

          "Modern Warfare 2 is arguably one of the most successful games in history and together with Call of Duty, has generated more than $3 billion in sales for Activision. In addition, Activision seized control of the Infinity Ward studio, to which Activision had previously granted creative control over all Modern Warfare-branded games. The suit was filed to vindicate the rights of West and Zampella to be paid the compensation they have earned, as well as the contractual rights Activision granted to West and Zampella to control Modern Warfare-branded games."

          Let that idea sink in.

          "Activision has refused to honor the terms of its agreements and is intentionally flouting the fundamental public policy of this State (California) that employers must pay their employees what they have rightfully earned," said Schwartz in the release. "Instead of thanking, lauding, or just plain paying Jason and Vince for giving Activision the most successful entertainment product ever offered to the public, last month Activision hired lawyers to conduct a pretextual 'investigation' into unstated and unsubstantiated charges of 'insubordination' and 'breach of fiduciary duty,' which then became the grounds for their termination on Monday, March 1st."

          According to the release, the suit is alleging "breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, wrong termination in violation of public policy, and declaratory relief."

          The implications of this lawsuit are tremendous and far-reaching.
          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • #20
            Originally posted by Asher View Post
            This is the kind of **** I was talking about, by the way, that seems to have flown over Dr Spike's head.

            Turns out in October of this year, almost all of the key people at IW had their contracts coming up and the word was they were not going to renew. They wanted IW to be bought out by an independent investor so they can become independent.

            Activision fired the top two guys before they could quit or otherwise interfere. Now they're suing Activision for $36M and other things pertaining to who owns 'Modern Warfare'.

            This is a big deal. Attempts to downplay it are retarded.
            I don't see anyone downplaying anything. The links you're posting are interesting info but with the exception of your posts everyone else is addressing the wider point from your OP about the quality of MW2.

            All I've said is that I like MW2, along with 10 million+ people and all the reviewers. Everyone basically except you, and that's only because you're not skilled enough for MP.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DrSpike View Post
              I don't see anyone downplaying anything. The links you're posting are interesting info but with the exception of your posts everyone else is addressing the wider point from your OP about the quality of MW2.

              All I've said is that I like MW2, along with 10 million+ people and all the reviewers. Everyone basically except you, and that's only because you're not skilled enough for MP.
              This is what I don't understand. How can you be this stupid?


              How can you honestly not comprehend that I'm referring to the future of the series given the ****ing blatant title and the ****ing blatant content of the OP?

              Jesus Christ.

              Maybe you aren't downplaying it. I assumed by your refusal to actually discuss the content of the OP you were trying to downplay it by focusing on the erection that shooting teenage boys in MW2 gives you. It turns out you're just ****ing stupid.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #22
                Yes, your thread title references the future. Your OP also refers back to your views on MW2, making it perfectly fair ground for discussion.

                It's also the case that you (incorrectly) predicted that MW2 wouldn't be a GOTY contender, so again it's fair to question on that basis whether or not your predictions about future CoD games will similarly be wrong.

                I think the problem is that your inability to play MP skews your view on what has become a predominantly MP oriented franchise, since you can't recognise the improvements in the series.


                • #23
                  But don't let that stop you posting the IW drama - it's interesting stuff.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by DrSpike View Post
                    Yes, your thread title references the future. Your OP also refers back to your views on MW2, making it perfectly fair ground for discussion.

                    It's also the case that you (incorrectly) predicted that MW2 wouldn't be a GOTY contender, so again it's fair to question on that basis whether or not your predictions about future CoD games will similarly be wrong.

                    I think the problem is that your inability to play MP skews your view on what has become a predominantly MP oriented franchise, since you can't recognise the improvements in the series.
                    I said MW2 wasn't a GOTY. And it wasn't in the vast majority of cases.
                    I said it SHOULDN'T be a GOTY contender.

                    English is hard, but suck it up, princess.

                    I should also make it clear that I don't have an inability to play COD MP. I've not once played a single game of COD MP nor do I ever want to. Your ****ing obsession with portraying my lack of interest in playing with children in a console FPS as some kind of failing of mind is childish and transparent. Honestly, anyone over the age of 16 playing COD MP on a console needs to grow the **** up.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Asher View Post
                      I said it SHOULDN'T be a GOTY contender.
                      A view that could be charitably described as not widely shared, given it was a contender in all the big awards and is played more widely than any other console game online at the moment.

                      So yeah, there would appear to be a strong chance that your view on future CoD games will also not be widely shared.

                      Originally posted by Asher View Post
                      I should also make it clear that I don't have an inability to play COD MP. I've not once played a single game of COD MP nor do I ever want to. Your ****ing obsession with portraying my lack of interest in playing with children in a console FPS as some kind of failing of mind is childish and transparent. Honestly, anyone over the age of 16 playing COD MP on a console needs to grow the **** up.
                      My strong suspicion is that you don't have the skills to compete. But maybe it's just not your thing, so I'll make it worth your while to test it. Play MP for say 50 kills (you can get these in about 30 mins, so it's not much of time commitment). If you can get them with a K/D of 0.8 or better (a very poor K/D) I will stop making the point about your lack of skill, and change my sig for a month to anything you want.

                      30 mins work to shut me up and make me have an embarrassing sig - got to be worth it if you are even halfway skilled enough for MP.


                      • #26
                        DrSpike, what the **** do you not understand?

                        I have zero desire to play COD MP, especially on consoles. Zero. This is because I don't feel I need to show off my mad skills with console FPS to children. This is probably what you do not understand, because that is clearly an innate desire of yours. I've beaten the Call of Duty games on Veteran, I can play them. I just do not, at all, enjoy online console FPS games. This is not just for COD, but also Gears of War, Halo, etc.

                        I am not going to play any game, period, to prove a point to you (why the **** would I care) or to get you to put something in your signature (why the **** would I care).

                        I play games because I enjoy them, and that's it. I do not play it to compete with children, I do not play it to whip out an e-wang and compensate for a real-life size deficiency as you do.

                        I don't have a lot of free time these days so the free time I do have is spent playing other games. I'm always very behind on games...I'm still not done ME2 (been playing it for about 6 hours today). After that I move on to BioShock 2. Still want to play more Forza 3 and then Killzone 2. I also just bought Supreme Commander 2. On top of my sporadic play in LOTRO and NHL 10. I've also got various TV shows I keep up on, movies I get from my movie rental service, etc.

                        On top of this, I've spun up a little side consulting business independent of work so I need to work on the weekends sometimes.

                        Simply put, and hopefully for the last ****ing time, I don't have the time nor the inclination to play childish games of COD MP on the consoles. You do, so more power to you, just get over yourself. Don't pretend that because other people are more mature than you they don't have the skills to play the games you choose to play.
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Asher View Post
                          DrSpike, what the **** do you not understand?

                          I have zero desire to play COD MP, especially on consoles. Zero. This is because I don't feel I need to show off my mad skills with console FPS to children. This is probably what you do not understand, because that is clearly an innate desire of yours. I've beaten the Call of Duty games on Veteran, I can play them. I just do not, at all, enjoy online console FPS games. This is not just for COD, but also Gears of War, Halo, etc.

                          I am not going to play any game, period, to prove a point to you (why the **** would I care) or to get you to put something in your signature (why the **** would I care).
                          Yeah I thought so.

                          Also worth emphasising I'm not just raising this to tease you about your lack of skill. The improvements in MW2 are subtle and in MP. So it's really not surprising that you have a different view than the 10 million+ people who like MW2 MP.


                          • #28
                            Subtle improvements is a euphemism for minor ****ing changes. Precisely why it shouldn't be a GOTY candidate.

                            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DrSpike View Post
                              A view that could be charitably described as not widely shared, given it was a contender in all the big awards and is played more widely than any other console game online at the moment.

                              So yeah, there would appear to be a strong chance that your view on future CoD games will also not be widely shared.


                              • #30
                                Yeah, and millions of Justin Bieber fans can't get enough of him and think he should win a Grammy.

                                There's no accounting for taste or standards, is there?

                                GOTY should not be a simple popularity contest. It should be granted to games that are innovative and special, not derivative and formulaic. Even if the unwashed masses play it like crack.

                                The COD MP mechanics, much like many of the MMORPGs on the market, focus on addictive gameplay over fun gameplay. A lot of the people who think they're having fun with it are addicted to just various degrees. Now instead of having the macro-focus of addiction (gotta level and get a new perk!) they've also got micro-level addictive gameplay (damn, I almost had that killstreak! I was so close. I'll get it this time).

                                It's superficial, to me. But this is my burden, being as intelligent as I am. I don't buy in to such addictive mechanics, while you clearly can't get enough of it.
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

