1.) Theben
2.) Spaced Cowboy
3.) MJW
4.) Whoha
Right now we're still hammering out some rules revisions- we hope to have everything cleaned up by the 10th

Thanks for your interest!
Gameplay takes place on a square grid map, on which cities are built. Each society lives on the following resources:
Gold comes from cities and is used to build weapons, research technology, expand you empire, and just about everything else.
Technology increases your tax revenue as well as your army's effectiveness.
Armies capture enemy cities, and inflict damage on enemy invaders.
In the beginning, the world was created...
Players sign up in the thread. When signup is closed, the GM generates a square map with an area as close to 12 squares per player as possible.
The GM will arrange player starting locations equidistantly but randomly.
Starting Resources
Each player starts with 1 city, 20 gold, and Tech Level 1 (Masonry).
Map Adjacency
* Two squares on the map are adjacent if they have a common edge.
* Catty-corner squares are not adjacent.
* The sides and top and bottom of the map wrap around and people can attack over the edges.
Gameplay is synchronous, with players issuing orders each day. Each player's turn is made up of the following parts:
0. Government/Revolution
1. Espionage
2. Trade
3. Production
4. War
5. Foreign Aid
6. Tax Collection
Expanded Turn Sequence- orders are processed down the turn sequence list, first in, first processed.
0. Government/Revolution: A government can be changed. You must designate which turn segment you would like to "protect" for that turn.
1a. Espionage: New spy is trained.
1b. Espionage: New spy can be used immediately, or stockpiled.
2a. Trade: Money in Treasury can be used for trade. Cost is based on the tech levels on the chart, not new research.
2b. Trade: Payout is collected. Bonuses for governments are factored in the payout. This money goes into Treasury and can be budgeted in this very production turn as part of your orders.
3a. Production: Scientific Research
3b. Production: Military (armies, nukes, SDI)
3c. Production: Cities
3d. Production: Wonders and Spaceships
3e. Conquered cities rehabilitated free of charge.
4. War: Wars are fought based on the sequence orders are recieved by the GM.
5. Foreign Aid: You can give away anything, but not cities. There's too much potential for abuse there.
6a. Tax Collection: City Income + Wonder Income (From Specific Wonders such as the Tower of Babel). Government bonuses are applied at time of tax collection.
* A Republic generates 10 gold * cities * tech, for example.
0.) Governments/Revolution
* You start in Despotism.
* Change governments by Revolution.
* You will forfeit your entire turn when you have a Revolution except for one phase of your choice which must be stated in your orders for revolution.
* Revolutions complete at the beginning of the next turn. At the beginning of Phase 0, a revolution from the past turn will have completed.
* NOTE: In a Revolution unless you use your free action to harvest taxes from all your citizens, you only collect half taxes for that entire turn.
Phases that can be saved
1. Espionage
2. Trade
3a. Production: Scientific Research
3b. Production: Military (armies, nukes, SDI)
3c. Production: Cities
3d. Production: Wonders and Spaceships
3e. Conquered cities rehabilitated free of charge.
4. War
5. Foreign Aid
6. Tax Collection (Otherwise it is 1/2 taxes)
Revolution- 1/2 tax, 1/2 trade (full if calculated saved phase.) OR NOT USED 0 trade (unless that phase is saved, in which case trade is calculated as despotism), (full wonder income/turn)
Army support cost = 0
Despotism- Free army support. (full wonder income/turn)
You can only collect taxes from a maximum of 6 cities in a Despotism.
Monarchy- +50% tax, trade, (full wonder income/turn)
You can only collect taxes from a maximum of 12 cities in a Monarchy.
Army support cost = army size / cities
Republic- Double tax, trade, (full wonder income/turn)
Army support cost = army size
Tech Name Cost Allows
1 Masonry auto Colosseum
2 Iron Working 4 Tower of Babel
3 Monarchy 8 Trojan Horse, Monarchy
4 Architecture 12 Silk Road
5 Geography 20 Acropolis
6 Religion 32 Jihad
7 Espionage 52 Mafia, Spies
8 Industrialization 84 Trans Siberian RR
9 Representative Government 136 National Rifle Association, Republic
10 Mass Education 220 Univ. of California
11 Nuclear Fission 356 NASCAR, Nukes
12 Miniaturization 576 KGB
13 Space Flight 932 Majestic-12, SDI
14 The Laser 1508 Galactic Overlord
15 Fusion Power 2440 Spaceship Parts
16 The Flux Capacitor 3948 O-rings (Not A Wonder)
17 Inductive Pulse Field 6388 Pulse-Field Generator (Not A Wonder)
18 Nano Diodes 10336 Nano Mfg. Corp. (Not A Wonder)
19 Subline Warp Fields 16724 Warp Generator (Not A Wonder)
20 Tunneling Gamma Quarks 27060 The Gamma Machine (Not A Wonder)
21 Artificial Intelligence 43784 The Universal Intelligence (Not A Wonder)
22 Impossible Structures 70844 The Superstring Elevator (Not A Wonder)
City Cost
1 free
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15
6 18
7 21