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Society VII: Resurrection

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  • Society VII: Resurrection

    Hello. I'll post the rules below. Right now this first post is a listing of all interested in playing Society.

    Thanks for signing up!

    Game Time Commitment (Players): 10-20 minutes/day
    Game Update Frequency: 24 Hours (hopefully); (48 hours on weekends)
    Game Length: 10-15 Days

    GM: DarkCloud

    Players (Max: 9)

    1. Theben
    2. EPW
    3. Sparrowhawk
    4. Spaced Cowboy
    5. Jonny
    6. MJW
    Last edited by DarkCloud; July 24, 2008, 18:40.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    I'll join
    “...This means GCA won 7 battles against our units, had Horsemen retreat from 2 battles against NMs, and lost 0 battles.” --Jon Shafer 1st ISDG


    • #3
      Thanks. I'll add you to the list.
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        Rules Post

        Gameplay takes place on a square grid map, on which cities are built. Each society lives on the following resources:

        Gold comes from cities and is used to build weapons, research technology, expand you empire, and just about everything else.
        Technology increases your tax revenue as well as your army's effectiveness.
        Armies capture enemy cities, and inflict damage on enemy invaders.

        In the beginning, the world was created...

        Players sign up in the thread. When signup is closed, the GM generates a square map with an area as close to 12 squares per player as possible.

        The GM will arrange player starting locations equidistantly but randomly.

        Starting Resources
        Each player starts with 1 city, 20 gold, and Tech Level 1 (Masonry).

        Map Adjacency

        * Two squares on the map are adjacent if they have a common edge.
        * Catty-corner squares are not adjacent.
        * The sides and top and bottom of the map wrap around and people can attack over the edges.

        Gameplay is synchronous, with players issuing orders each day. Each player's turn is made up of the following parts:

        0. Government/Revolution
        1. Espionage
        2. Trade
        3. Production
        4. Foreign Aid
        5. War
        6. Tax Collection

        Expanded Turn Sequence- orders are processed down the turn sequence list, first in, first processed.

        0. Government/Revolution: A government can be changed. You must designate which turn segment you would like to "protect" for that turn.

        1a. Espionage: New spy is trained.

        1b. Espionage: New spy can be used immediately, or stockpiled.

        No Spies can be used against this phase

        2a. Trade: Money in Treasury can be used for trade. Cost is based on the tech levels on the chart, not new research.

        2b. Trade: Payout is collected. Bonuses for governments are factored in the payout. This money goes into Treasury and can be budgeted in this very production turn as part of your orders.

        Each spy can target the entire trade phase

        3a. Production: Scientific Research

        3b. Production: Military (armies, nukes, SDI)

        3c. Production: Cities

        3d. Production: Wonders and Spaceships

        3e. Conquered cities rehabilitated free of charge.

        Each spy can only target one of the production phases

        4a. Foreign Aid: You can give away anything, but not cities. There's too much potential for abuse there.

        Each spy can target the entire foreign aid phase

        5a. War: Wars are fought based on the sequence orders are recieved by the GM. If an army is unable to fight a war due to someone else beating them to the target, it will stay home and defend. (This is not Galactic Overlord where ships travel through hyperspace, here your troops are within your nation until they invade the enemy) The person initiating the war can decide whether to use armies or nukes first.

        Each spy can target the entire war phase

        6a. Tax Collection: City Income + Wonder Income (From Specific Wonders such as the Tower of Babel). Government bonuses are applied at time of tax collection. A Republic generates 10 gold * cities * tech, for example.

        Taxation is inevitable. It is immune to Espionage

        0.) Governments/Revolution
        * You start in Despotism.
        * Change governments by Revolution.
        * You will forfeit your entire turn when you have a Revolution except for one phase of your choice which must be stated in your orders for revolution.
        * Revolutions complete at the beginning of the next turn. At the beginning of Phase 0, a revolution from the past turn will have completed.

        * NOTE: In a Revolution unless you use your free action to harvest taxes from all your citizens, you only collect half taxes for that entire turn.

        Phases that can be saved
        1. Espionage
        2. Trade
        3a. Production: Scientific Research
        3b. Production: Military (armies, nukes, SDI)
        3c. Production: Cities
        3d. Production: Wonders and Spaceships
        3e. Conquered cities rehabilitated free of charge.
        4. Foreign Aid
        5. War
        6. Tax Collection


        Revolution- 1/2 tax, 1/2 trade, (full wonder income/turn)
        Army support cost = 0
        Despotism- Free army support. (full wonder income/turn)

        You can only collect taxes from a maximum of 6 cities in a Despotism.
        Monarchy- +50% tax, trade, (full wonder income/turn)
        You can only collect taxes from a maximum of 12 cities in a Monarchy.
        Army support cost = army size / cities
        Republic- Double tax, trade, (full wonder income/turn)
        Army support cost = army size

        (Clarification: Republic (or Monarchy) trade: A Republic gets the bonuses both when sending and recieving. The trading partner gets a bonus congruent to its own government; a Despotism recieving trade from a Republic still gets base value.)

        1. Espionage

        * Once you discover Espionage (Tech Level 7) you gain one Spy every turn at the beginning of your Espionage turn. Spies are free and can be stockpiled up to a maximum of 5.

        * You may send this Spy at any other player and target any one of the other player's actions, except for Tax Collection and Espionage. (With Trojan Horse You can target Espionage) That player's action is negated for the turn.

        * Spies can target a Society in a revolution as there is now production in a revolution, however, if the spy is sent to another phase it is lost.

        * You may use a Spy to defend any phase (or part of a Production phase) against all enemy spy action. Afterwards your Spy is retired, whether or not it actually comes into play.

        CHANGE: A spy sent to defend will only stop the first spy trying to sabotage that function. Additional spies may be set to defend a function, but will only stop equal number of opposing spies.

        * I.) Spies aren't revealed who they're from, unless they are caught by defense.
        * Ia.) A Spied nation can treat as DoW, and attack all enemy's cities next turn.

        2. Trade

        Distance: You can trade with any society as many spaces away as your Tech Level. For example, at Tech 1, you can only trade with adjacent neighbors. At Tech 2, there can be one square separation. Note: It is impossible to profit from trade until Tech Level 3 is reached.

        Cost = Sum of tech levels between you and trading partner.
        Payout= Product of tech levels.
        Net Gains= the Difference between (Payout-Cost)

        Trader: Receives Net Gains of trade immediately that can be budgeted into Production Phase.

        Recipient: Receives Balance during Tax Phase (6.) This makes this portion of trade immune to spying, but it is subject to 1/2 income during a revolt.

        * Exception If Trader has Silk Road; then trader gets (payout) and recipient gets 1/2 of the trader's (payout).

        Limitations: You may only trade with countries whom you are not currently at war with. Peace may be declared by both players allowing a return to trading on the same turn it is declared.

        * A declaration of peace by one side results in remaining at war and no trade with the other empire is possible.

        * You cannot send additional caravans with gold made from caravans just sent the same turn.

        * Maximum caravans per turn = your tech level or 15,
        whichever is less.

        Recommendations: When formulating orders, please realize that your trading may be interdicted by spies. So please list what expenditure to cut in that event, or else the GM will take stuff off the back of your list.

        Cost = Sum of tech levels between you and trading partner. Reward = Product of tech levels, to both societies.

        3.) Production

        Aside from Caravans, gold can also be spent on building cities, researching technology, armies, building Wonders, nukes, SDI defense satellites, and spaceship parts.

        3A.) Technology

        Buy Technology with Gold. You must buy them in sequence, but you can buy more than one if you can afford it.

        The more people who have a tech, the cheaper it is to research it.

        Cost = Base Price * (P - R )/ P

        P = Total number of players

        R= Number of players who have discovered that particular technology.


        Tech Name Cost Allows
        1 Masonry auto Colosseum
        2 Iron Working 4 Tower of Babel
        3 Monarchy 8 Trojan Horse, Monarchy
        4 Architecture 12 Silk Road
        5 Geography 20 Acropolis
        6 Religion 32 Jihad
        7 Espionage 52 Mafia, Spies
        8 Industrialization 84 Trans Siberian RR
        9 Representative Government 136 National Rifle Association, Republic
        10 Mass Education 220 Univ. of California
        11 Nuclear Fission 356 NASCAR, Nukes
        12 Miniaturization 576 KGB
        13 Space Flight 932 Majestic-12, SDI
        14 The Laser 1508 Galactic Overlord
        15 Fusion Power 2440 Spaceship Parts
        16 The Flux Capacitor 3948 O-rings (Not A Wonder)
        17 Inductive Pulse Field 6388 Pulse-Field Generator (Not A Wonder)
        18 Nano Diodes 10336 Nano Mfg. Corp. (Not A Wonder)
        19 Subline Warp Fields 16724 Warp Generator (Not A Wonder)
        20 Tunneling Gamma Quarks 27060 The Gamma Machine (Not A Wonder)
        21 Artificial Intelligence 43784 The Universal Intelligence (Not A Wonder)
        22 Impossible Structures 70844 The Superstring Elevator (Not A Wonder)

        3B.) Military

        3Ba.) Armies
        Buy armies with Gold.

        The cost per army is your Tech Level.

        Note: Armies are produced after tech research, thus they will cost an amount equal to your NEW tech level.

        When you advance in technology, existing armies are automatically upgraded free of charge.

        Despotism- Free army support.
        Monarchy- Army support cost = army size / cities
        Republic- Army support cost = army size

        Army support will be deducted from Taxation at the end of the turn, if this results in a negative, armies will be disbanded until Tax Income - Army Support = 0

        3Bb.) Nukes:
        Cost = 500, destroys 1 enemy city starting with non-wonder cities, wonder cities cannot be nuked until all other cities have been captured/destroyed. Nuked spaces cannot be reused.

        3Bc.) SDI:

        Cost = 500, each will stop 1 nuke from hitting you per turn.

        3C.) Cities

        Base Income = Cities x Technology Level x 5

        Build additional cities in the same way the first is built, with one exception. New cities must be adjacent to an existing one. If you don't give coordinates, the GM will build cities in a way to minimize your borders.

        The cost of building a new city is equal to 3x the number it will be


        City Cost
        1 free
        2 6
        3 9
        4 12
        5 15
        6 18
        7 21

        3D.) Spaceship Parts:

        Cost = 1000 each. You can only build one per turn, and need 4 to win. You can overpay on the 4th part, whoever spends the most wins a tie.

        3E.) Wonders of the World

        There are 14, one for each tech level. Wonders for levels after 14 can be used to destroy other players' space shuttle parts.

        Only one Wonder may be built in each city. The base cost of each wonder is the square of its tech level. You may, however, overspend. In the case more than one player gives orders to build the same Wonder, the one who spends the most gets it. In ties, first to send orders wins. Loser gets their gold back.

        Wonders are captured when a player is eliminated. Allies must agree who gets it.

        It may appear that many of the wonders might be unbalancing, but don't worry, forum games seem to have a natural way of correcting any sort of imbalance.

        1. Colosseum- makes you immune to enemy attack and espionage. Expires when anyone reaches Industrialization (#8). Clarification: If you attack someone, they get a counterattack, and are thereafter considered at war with your Society.

        2. Tower of Babel- Generates gold per turn equal to the square of your tech level.

        3. Trojan Horse- you get a spy every turn before Espionage (#7), and Sabotauge of the Espionage Phase is allowed afterwards.

        4. Silk Road- Your caravans are free. Additionally, every turn you receive 10% of worldwide trade. (Worldwide trade being defined as the gross income of the senders; not the combined net income of senders/recipients) (see Trade) for more info on Silk road. Expires with Mass Education (#10)

        5. Acropolis- you have the option to change to Republic even without the technology. You still need a Revolution.

        6. Jihad - Allows the Society to attack all cities without a war declaration (unlike a sneak attack which only allows the attack of adjecent cities). (Jihad and NRA cancel each other)

        7. Mafia- All Cities can be taxed even if your nation is a Despotism or a Monarchy.

        8. Trans-Siberian Railroad- Your new cities may be built anywhere.

        9. National Rifle Association (NRA)- The First turn of a declared war is treated like a sneak attack. Only border cities may be taken. (Jihad and NRA cancel each other)

        10. University of California- Allows you to build anything that you have not yet discovered the technology for, providing that someone else has (spaceship parts, wonders, nukes, SDI).

        11. NASCAR- You can trade with yourself. Your Caravans are Free. (income per caravan = 0.75 * square of your tech level) [Note: You only get income once- you don't get double trade income]

        12. KGB- When built, allows you to designate any other wonder obsolete. After use the wonder is obsolete.

        13. Majestic-12 Program- your nuclear missiles can only be taken down by a grid of at least 3 SDIs.

        14. Galactic Overlord- SDI satellites of all nations are used to defend your nation.

        3F.) Rehabilitating Cities

        * Usually conquered cities do not contribute to taxes for that turn. If you have a specific wonder, these cities can be rehabilitated in the same turn they are captured.
        * Wonder benefits cannot be applied until a city is rehabilitated.

        4.) Foreign Aid

        Once per turn you may grant any or all the following to any one other nation; as per the rules on Trade distances.

        1. Spies
        2. Technology (When gifting technology, you may only gift a max of ONE technology per turn.)
        3. Military: (Army, Nukes, SDI) (You MUST BE ADJACENT To provide this sort of aid.)
        4. Gold

        NOTE: Wonders, cities and spaceship parts are not grantable.

        5.) War

        * When you advance in technology, existing armies are automatically upgraded free of charge.
        * You can fight one war per turn with an adjacent society.
        * Armies sent to attack do not defend.
        * Specify target and number of armies to commit.

        5A.) Waging War

        5Aa.) Declaring War
        * Normal diplomatic procedure is to declare war one turn before attack.

        5Ab.) Sneak Attack
        * You may carry out sneak attacks, but under such cases you are limited to capturing cities directly adjacent to your territory (Unless you have the JIHAD Wonder.

        5Ac.) Nuclear War
        * All Nuclear Wars can be sneak attacks, but remember, cities that are nuked are destroyed, never taken. (See 5E for more information.)

        5Ad.) Captured Spy
        * If a nation nominally at peace with you sent a spy against your Society and s/he was captured. You have an automatic Declaration of War on your new enemy next turn.

        5B.) When Attacking
        * Rank the enemy cities in preference of which ones you'd like to capture.
        * Each city must be adjacent to your territory or to a city further up the list. If you don't, the GM will take cities in a way to minimize your borders.

        5C.) Capturing Cities

        5Ca.) One-Way Attack
        * The attacker is the only one who can capture cities.

        * Factors include army size vs. defender technology, number of defenders per enemy city, and the ratio between attacker and defender's technology.

        C = ((A / DT) - (D / DC)) * (AT / DT), round down.

        C= cities captured

        A = attacker's army size

        D = defender's army size

        AT = attacker's tech level

        DT = defender's tech level

        DC = defender's number of cities

        * Captured cities do not generate income on the turn they are captured.

        5CaI.) One-Way Casualties
        See 5D.

        5Cb.) Two-way attacks
        * When two nations attack each other on the same turn, the armies first fight each other. Compare strength:

        A1 * A1T vs. A2 *A2T

        A1 = attacker 1's army size

        A2 = attacker 2's army size

        A1T = attacker 1's tech level

        A2T = attacker 2's tech level

        5CbI.) Two-Way Casualties
        * The loser's entire attacking army is destroyed.
        * The winner's attacking army takes casualties based on 5D as normal.

        5D.) Taking casualties

        Attacker takes casualties as follows:
        Casualties = D / AT.
        Defender takes casualties as follows:
        Casualties = (D / DC) * cities lost.

        5E.) Nuclear War
        5Ea.) Launching Nukes
        * A Nuclear Volley can be launched at any nation regardless of state of war.
        * However, any stockpiled nukes in that nation will be immediately used as a response volley.

        5Eb.) State of Nuclear War
        Once a nation launches a Nuclear Volley, they are considered to be at war with the nation they attacked for the duration of the game.

        5Ec.) Attacking Across Nuked Spaces
        * Attacking across nuked territory is allowed, but if your tech is less than 15, you lose half your armies from the radiation. If it is 15 or greater, but still less than 20, then you lose 25% of your armies. If 20 or greater, you lose no armies.

        6.) Taxes

        6A.) Tax Collection
        * Restock your treasury for the next turn as follows:

        Income = Cities x Tech Level x 5

        (+50% for Monarchy, double for Republic, 1/2 for Revolution.)
        Round Up.

        * Cities captured on the current turn do not generate tax income until the following turn

        Army Support
        In this phase Army Support is deducted from total tax revenue. (See Army)

        Recieving Trade
        In this phase, Trade is received. Benefits of trade are as detailed in Phase 2.



        Conquest- self explanatory

        Spaceship- build spaceship. There are 4 parts, each costing 1000 gold. You can only build 1 per turn. The first to complete a spaceship wins. The fourth part, the Engines, can cost as much as one wants to pay for them. Should two players complete spaceships in one turn, the one with the more expensive engine wins.

        Cultural- build and hold 7 wonders, or build/conquer 12 wonders

        Domination- achieve an unassailable position of power where GM and other players concede.

        Technological- Research 22 Technologies

        It is possible for two players to complete different Victory conditions on the same turn, this results in a dual victory.

        ---Appendix: Non-Sending Orders and Default Orders
        * In the event that the deadline for sending in orders has passed, the GM will "play" the non-sendee's turn. The GM will only defend, only trade with countries that were traded with in previous turns, and only research technology with gold. No other actions will be taken.

        * To avoid this circumstance, players are encouraged to send "Default Orders" in the event they will not make their time deadline. Default Orders may consist of the Following.

        1.) Build instructions when gone.
        (Build Cities with 30% cash, Build Tech with 50% of cash, build armies with 20% cash.) If 20% is not enough to build something, then that percentage will be added COMPLETELY to whatever order is rated the highest.

        2.) Trade instructions when gone.
        (Trade with X)

        3.) Nothing Else. This means no War instructions, no foreign aid instructions.

        Appendix: Example Orders
        Orders are PM'd to the GM.

        No Change

        Send spy to sabotauge Ljube's army recruitment.

        Send 1 Caravan to Gamecube64
        Send 1 Caravan to Smiley
        Send 3 Caravans to Jonny
        Send 3 Caravans to Whoha

        WHOHA (3)(8+8)= 48 cost (8)(8)(3) = 192 gold
        JONNY (3)(8+9)= 51 cost (8)(9)(3) = 216 gold
        SMILEY (1)(8+8)= 16 cost (8)(8) = 64 gold
        GAMECUBE (1)(8+8)= 16 cost (8)(8) =64 gold
        Income from Trade- 536 gold

        Tech 9- 91 gp
        Tech 10- 220 gp
        Tech 11- 356 gp

        Build City K 12 (cost 121) = City 11.

        Build 45 armies at tech 11. (Cost 495)

        Foreign Aid
        send Tech 9 to Whoha


        Send 50 Soldiers against Ljube.

        128 GP LEFT
        Another Model:

        Starting Gold:
        2870 Gold

        No Change.

        Train and Send Spy to MJW to sabotage Army Production.

        Send 13 Caravans to Theben.
        Cost= (13+13)*13= 338
        Revenue = (13*13)*13*2= 4394
        Net Gain = 4056

        Gold after Trade

        Production: Research
        The Laser 1508
        Fusion Power 2440

        Gold after Research = 2978

        Production: Armies
        Train 98 new armies Cost = 98 * 15 = 1470

        Gold after Armies = 1508

        Production: Spaceship Parts
        Build part #1 Cost 1000

        Gold after Spaceship Parts = 508

        Production: Wonders
        Build Galactic Overlord Cost: 508 Gold

        Gold after Wonders = 0

        Foreign Aid:
        Gift Tech 14 to YYYY

        Send all armies to XXX on attack, leave none to defend.

        Gold at end of Turn = 0.
        Last edited by DarkCloud; September 5, 2008, 19:15.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #5
          Okay, don't let the rules fool you- it's not too complicated.

          Also, I am working on programming a nifty tool that will help players calculate possible turns which should reduce turn times a lot.

          Attached is a sample map.
          Attached Files
          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #6
            *phew* It's gonna take a minute to read all those rules...
            I'm consitently stupid- Japher
            I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


            • #7
              Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow when I get bored at work.
              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


              • #8
                It's probably simplest just to acquaint yourself with the "GAMEPLAY" flow of events, then look at the tech and wonder trees up to tech level 4... then figure out how armies work.

                Then look at taxes.

                You can probably get acquainted with the rest on the fly.
                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                • #9
                  Is it leagal to build a city and put a wonder on it on the same turn?
                  “...This means GCA won 7 battles against our units, had Horsemen retreat from 2 battles against NMs, and lost 0 battles.” --Jon Shafer 1st ISDG


                  • #10
                    ...Everyone starts with one city, so I don't think that issue would come up. But if it did, I would say no. The city has to exist for a turn before a wonder can be built in it.

                    One Wonder per city.

                    As for your PM... I'll get back to it later today.
                    -->Visit CGN!
                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • #11
                      I fail.

                      (You can only do one production phase thinge per turn.)

                      Last edited by MJW; July 25, 2008, 17:09.
                      “...This means GCA won 7 battles against our units, had Horsemen retreat from 2 battles against NMs, and lost 0 battles.” --Jon Shafer 1st ISDG


                      • #12
                        Thats alot of reading


                        • #13
                          MJW... you fail? You can do more than one different production thing in a turn... I just read over your orders- they work perfectly... you have the right Idea. You understand the game.

                          I replied to your PM.
                          EPW- It seems like a lot at first, but remember, you don't have to worry about Spaceships/SDI until about turn 5-6 of the game... You can learn on the go.

                          It helps to have a strategy, to be shooting toward one of the goals from the beginning of the game, but everyone is probably relearning right now, so if you only have a half-formed plan, that won't put you at much of a disadvantage... unless Sparrowhawk is somehow still amazing at the game (I believe he won the last round! )

                          Also, you can set up PM alliances with other players, if you join up with someone, that can help you a lot in the early turns...

                          Since we're all getting restarted, I hope this will be a relatively cooperative style version of the game
                          -->Visit CGN!
                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                          • #14
                            Is everyone okay about starting on Tuesday?
                            (People can still join through Tuesday)

                            In monday I'll throw up the new map and frankly, I'll take orders starting now. MJW, would you like to submit new orders or are the ones you sent okay?

                            The starting positions, if there are six players, will be:

                            D4, D8, D12


                            I4, I8, I12

                            That should place everyone roughly equidistant.
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #15
                              pretty hard to give orders without that map, I mean can be done, but might want optimal city placement.
                              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.

