I managed to play up to Arcadia (I think that's what it's called). I completely researched the leadhead splicers and promptly ran into one that took an entire drum of machine gun rounds and two shotgun blast at point blank range.
It's sad that the most challenging aspect of combat in Bioshock is remembering where the vendor machines are so you can pick up more health packs. I rarely use the plasmids in combat, even with big daddies. I stand toe to toe with them and just empty my machine gun into their face all the while merrily pumping koolaid into my veins.
They messed this game up by trying to add RPG elements. Put in a recharging health bar, like many FPSes have used since the first Halo (I'm sure they even stole it from somewhere else), and get rid of hacking. I'm afraid I have to agree with Wiglaf (I know, I'll go jump in front of a bus after I post this), I don't mind that it is essentially playing pipe dream, I mind that I have to do it every two minutes because if I don't I lose out on money, allies, and loot.
Then every two minutes they're showing me some new game element. It starts off as an FPS, then you get a bit of magic, I mean plasmids, that totally don't work like spells in every Bethesda RPG to date. Then you're merrily walking along and they decide you should hack stuff, alright. Then you get to buy new spells, I mean plasmids and tonics. Then it's weapon upgrades from the left field, then research, then you can "invent" things buy exchanging random items into a machine very similar to buying them with cash, only it's a different kind of cash!
Oh and lets not forget that you can't clear levels and explore because **** will respawn/spawn anew, even big daddies that up to a point in the game always have a little sister but now all of a sudden you can find them all alone!
And **** I wanted the satisfaction of killing that bastards family. It was all I had to look forward to, but noooooo can't give me that. And I'm supposed to keep following him like some lost puppy?
Bioshock is ****ing lame. I will finish it eventually just in case it actually does get better but I am thus far feeling very ripped off.
It's sad that the most challenging aspect of combat in Bioshock is remembering where the vendor machines are so you can pick up more health packs. I rarely use the plasmids in combat, even with big daddies. I stand toe to toe with them and just empty my machine gun into their face all the while merrily pumping koolaid into my veins.
They messed this game up by trying to add RPG elements. Put in a recharging health bar, like many FPSes have used since the first Halo (I'm sure they even stole it from somewhere else), and get rid of hacking. I'm afraid I have to agree with Wiglaf (I know, I'll go jump in front of a bus after I post this), I don't mind that it is essentially playing pipe dream, I mind that I have to do it every two minutes because if I don't I lose out on money, allies, and loot.
Then every two minutes they're showing me some new game element. It starts off as an FPS, then you get a bit of magic, I mean plasmids, that totally don't work like spells in every Bethesda RPG to date. Then you're merrily walking along and they decide you should hack stuff, alright. Then you get to buy new spells, I mean plasmids and tonics. Then it's weapon upgrades from the left field, then research, then you can "invent" things buy exchanging random items into a machine very similar to buying them with cash, only it's a different kind of cash!
Oh and lets not forget that you can't clear levels and explore because **** will respawn/spawn anew, even big daddies that up to a point in the game always have a little sister but now all of a sudden you can find them all alone!
And **** I wanted the satisfaction of killing that bastards family. It was all I had to look forward to, but noooooo can't give me that. And I'm supposed to keep following him like some lost puppy?

Bioshock is ****ing lame. I will finish it eventually just in case it actually does get better but I am thus far feeling very ripped off.
