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HRE NES III: Italienische Vorherrschaft

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  • #61
    Map and stats are updated. You'll notice the map is still missing quite a few towns and castles; these will be phased in over time, with preference going to lands nearer to Germany. Bavaria's baronial castles still need names (haven't done that yet), and appleciders needs to tell me who has them (unless I missed that).

    Commanders and Mercenaries are updated, but I haven't yet rolled new commanders or edited the descriptions of the old ones as per the attribute changes. These things will be done eventually.

    Ducal Herald to King Heinrich of Germany and Duke Eberhard III of Franconia
    My Lords, an esteemed royal visitor has arrived in Mainz. The Queen Sancha Sanchez de Pamplona, young widow of the recently deceased King of Leon and daughter of the King of Navarre, has come to our country on a diplomatic tour of Europe. She comes bearing letters of introduction from the Christian Kings of Spain, and gifts from her home country.

    Fejedelem Fajsz of the Magyars to King Heinrich of Germany
    Your sub-chieftain has annexed lands east of Pressburg. Since he has not marched on us with sword and spear, I am inclined to be forgiving… Perhaps you, nemetek kiraly, can provide me with a reason I should not consider this disrespectful behavior a breach of our truce. Perhaps you or your sub-chieftain will assuage my anger with proper tribute – or if not, I may compel this sub-chieftain to pay for the land he has taken with his own blood.

    A Papal bull has been issued for all to read and hear.

    IOANNES X, Episcopus Romanus, Servus Servorum Dei
    Anno Domini CMXXV

    Let it be known that Guido, gens Bonifacii, dux Tusciana, has been dissuaded from his wrongful and sinful course of action and has made penance for it, and is thus pardoned and absolved from excommunication by His Holiness. Let him be received back into the community of Christ.
    Last edited by Cyclotron; April 16, 2008, 20:45.
    Lime roots and treachery!
    "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten

