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HRE NES III: Italienische Vorherrschaft

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  • HRE NES III: Italienische Vorherrschaft

    Welcome to HRE NES!

    This is a NES ("Never Ending Story"), a kind of cooperative forum game, based on early 10th century Germany. If you're interested in playing, go ahead and post or give me a PM - you'll get the hang of it quickly and it's quite fun.

    If you'd like to join, choose a vacant spot and send me a PM. If there's no vacant spot or you don't like any available, send me a PM anyway - I'm sure we can figure out something.

    Playable Factions and Leaders:

    Duchy of Saxony – King Heinrich (Micha)
    Duchy of Franconia – Duke Eberhard III (foolish_icarus)
    Duchy of Bavaria – Duke Arnulf (appleciders)
    Duchy of Swabia – Duke Burchard II (bipolarbear)
    Duchy of Bohemia - Duke Vratislaus (Vacant!)
    County of Friesland - Count Dirk (Vacant!)

    Unplayable Powers:

    Kingdom of Italy – King Rudolph II / King Hugh of Arles (disputed)
    Kingdom of Upper Burgundy – King Rudolph II
    Kingdom of Lower Burgundy – King Louis III “the Blind”
    Kingdom of Western Francia and Lothairingia – King Rudolph I
    Duchy of Normandy – Duke Rollo Ganger
    Republic of Venice – Doge Orso II Participazio
    Magyar Horde – Fejedelem Fajsz
    Kievan Rus – Prince Igor
    Papal States – Pope John X
    Kingdom of England – King Athelstan
    Eastern Roman Empire – Emperor Romanos I (co-ruling with Constantine VII)
    Kingdom of Croatia – King Tomislav
    Emirate of Cordoba – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III
    Kingdom of Bulgaria - Tsar Simeon "the Great"
    Kingdom of the Danes - King Hardeknut
    Duchy of Spoleto and Romagna - Duke Boniface
    Margravate of Tuscany - Margrave Guy
    Principality of Benevento and Capua - Prince Landulf (co-ruing with Atenulf II)
    Duchy of Naples - Duke Marinus
    Duchy of Gaeta - Hypatus John
    Principality of Salerno - Prince Guaimar II
    Republic of Amalfi - Patrician Mastalus

    In the previous chapter –

    Under the leadership of its second king, Heinrich of Saxony, Germany has expanded eastward at the expense of the pagans, with the fall of Wendish Thuringia to Saxony and the submission of Bohemia and Moravia to the German crown. While on parchment these are impressive gains, most of the people of Germany’s new territories remain staunchly pagan and at best ambivalent about German rule.

    To the east, where Germany has traditionally seen the most danger, the atmosphere has been remarkably peaceful. The Magyars have so far honored their recently signed truce with the Germans, and the Magyar chieftain of Olomouc has pledged loyalty to Duke Vratislaus of Bohemia in exchange for a sack of silver and the recognition of his local dominion. The Polans have also come to terms with the Bohemians, with the son and heir of the Bohemian Duke marrying the daughter of Siemowit, Piast Lord of the Polans. Not all signs are good, however. In the lands of the Wends, the pagans have been organizing, with the Obodrites and Veleti on the coast of the Barbarian Sea gaining in strength and numbers under new rulers. A recent alliance between the Obodrites and the Danes has many in Saxony worried.

    In the north, the Vikings have been surprisingly quiet, perhaps because they have been busy elsewhere – despite Saxon aid, the County of Friesland is collapsing under the Danish offensive, and the Loire valley has been plundered by Danes farther west. Some fear the pagan King of the Danes, Hardeknut, could strike in force at any moment. The situation in Friesland has been further complicated by the fact that the French King has given sovereignty over the county to Duke Gilbert of Lotharingia in exchange for the cessation of hostilities between them.

    To the south, news is somewhat better. Though never an open enemy of the Germans until recently, the Emperor Berengar was never quite cordial either, and in any case he was an enemy of the Germans’ steadfast ally, King Rudolph II of Burgundy. Now, the once formidable Imperial Army has been destroyed at Piacenza and the Germans have marched into Verona, capturing the Emperor and a small fortune in spoils from that ancient city. For their support, Rudolph II – who know claims kingship over Italy as well, and may have Imperial pretensions – has granted the Bishopric of Trento to the Bavarians. The siege of Venice by Berengar’s vassal, Duke Boniface of Spoleto, was resolved peacefully, and for his support Duke Arnulf of Bavaria has been granted the title of Patrician of Venice.

    Guy of Tuscany, who has laid siege to Rome with his infamous wife Marozia (and has suffered excommunication as a result), both threatens Pope John X and defies the will of the Burgundinian King. His truculence, however, is not the only source of concern in Italy. Many Italians still oppose Rudolph and seem to be looking for a new champion now that Berengar is deposed, including the Bishop of Trento, who has railed against the Germans and Burgundinians even though the Bavarians now rule his city. The recent wars have caused a massive rise in Saracen raids up and down the Italian coast, and the Magyars – though they have a tenuous truce with the Germans – have seized the opportunity to lay waste to vast reaches of northern Italy. Though he has backed down from his siege of Venice, the Duke of Spoleto still remains something of a wildcard, and few can say where his loyalties truly lie.

    And now, our story continues…
    Last edited by Cyclotron; April 16, 2008, 20:10.
    Lime roots and treachery!
    "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten

  • #2


    HRE NES III uses a brand new rule system. The complete rules document is posted further below, but for easy reference a short "cheat sheet" will be posted here. Note that the rules document may be out of date as things change.

    Buildings can be constructed in any town. This is by no means a complete list of everything you construct; describe what you want to build and a price will be assessed. You don't have to pay a building's cost all at once - the money you have spent so far will be recorded - but it will not be "functional" until it is fully paid for.

    Castle (2,000d)
    Palisade (250d), Ring Wall (1,000d)
    Monastery (1,000d), Abbey (2,500d)
    Chapel (250d), Church (1,000d), Cathedral (3,000d)
    Harbor (500d), Shipyard (1,000d)
    Paths (1,000d), Roads (2,000d)

    Paths and roads are province-wide projects, not town buildings. Harbor/Shipyard buildings may only be built in cities on a coast, lake, or river. Castles are placed on the map, not in towns.

    Major religious buildings require land to provide them with income. Monasteries and Churches can only be built with at least 2% church land. Cathedrals and Abbeys can only be built with at least 5% church land each, and Cathedrals can only be built in a city that is the seat of a bishop.

    If you have the requisite commodities from your demesne, these things are purchased at half price – in other words, every 1 denarii of the requisite material counts as 2 denarii for the purposes of creating the specific item or building. If your demesne doesn’t produce it, you must buy your materials and finished goods from merchants, who charge you the normal price.

    Castles – Stone
    Ships – Timber
    Wooden buildings (palisade, chapel, harbor, shipyard) – Timber
    Stone buildings (ring wall, monastery, abbey, church, cathedral) – Stone
    Weapons – Iron
    Light Armor – Iron or Leather
    Heavy Armor – Iron

    Weapons can be used to equip your levies, and optionally, your vassals' troops. They all cost 1 denarii unless otherwise listed. A soldier can carry any number of weapons, but more equipment will weigh him down.

    Weapons, rated by general effectiveness, with other notes:

    Sword - very strong
    Axe - strong, bonus vs. armor
    Mace - moderate, large bonus vs. armor
    Spear - strong, bonus vs. horse
    Polearm - strong, bonus vs. horse and armor, no shield
    Javelin - moderate, large bonus vs. armor, short range
    Bow - poor, long range
    Comp. Bow - poor, very long range, bonus vs. armor, useless in wet weather
    Crossbow - very poor, very long range, large bonus vs. armor, excellent in sieges

    Shield - good defense against melee and ranged
    Pavise - almost total defense against ranged, can't be used in melee, very heavy

    Light Armor (2 denarii) - good defense
    Heavy Armor (5 denarii) - excellent defense
    Last edited by Cyclotron; April 16, 2008, 20:08.
    Lime roots and treachery!
    "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


    • #3
      The Map


      Player: appleciders

      Ruler: Duke Arnulf I, Age 36 (Luitpolding)
      Wife: Judith, Age 31 (Unruoching)
      Children: Judith, Age 16; Luitpold, Age 3
      Current Heir: Markgraf Eberhard of Carinthia, Age 34 (brother)
      Other Relations: None
      Court: Prunn

      Agricultural Income: +1,055 denarii
      Industrial Income: +740 denarii
      Tax Income: +740 denarii
      Mercenary Fees: 0 denarii
      Naval Upkeep: 0 denarii
      Raiding: -250 denarii (100 Magyars, 150 Saracens)
      Corruption: -305 denarii
      Smuggling: -105 denarii
      Total Gain/Loss: +1,875 denarii
      Treasury: 1,690 denarii

      685 Sword
      190 Axe
      100 Mace
      685 Spear
      295 Polearm
      30 Javelin
      280 Bow
      910 Comp Bow
      735 Shield
      750 Pavise
      970 Light
      240 Heavy
      Mercenaries: None
      Active Vassals: 150 (Friesland)

      Territory: Duchy of Bavaria
      Religion: 91% Christian, 9% Pagan
      Size: 110%
      Land Use:
      12% Demesne
      37% Enfeoffed
      8% Church
      6% Urban
      37% Wilderness
      Agricultural Income: 1,055 denarii
      Tin (medium quantity, 100 denarii)
      Silver (very low quantity, 100 denarii)
      Salt (high quantity, 450 denarii)
      Stone (medium quantity, 50 denarii)
      Timber (40 denarii)
      Corruption: 17%
      Grain (1,200 denarii)
      Fish (600 denarii)
      Salt (1,900 denarii)
      Tax Rate: 10%
      Smuggling: 14%
      Regensburg (Wall, Monastery, Church, Harbor)
      Passau (Wall, Chapel, Harbor)
      Linz (Wall, Chapel, Harbor)
      Salzburg (Wall, Church)
      Innsbruck (Chapel)
      Trento (Wall (under construction, needs 500d), Church)
      Roads: Dirt Paths (+500d), Roman Roads
      Castles: Prunn, Ambras, 3 others
      Knights: 405 out of 405
      Ships: None

      Autonomous Territory

      Ruler: Markgraf Eberhard, Age 34 (Luitpolding)
      Wife: Yamna die Magyarin, Age 13 (Árpád)
      Children: None
      Court: Hainburg

      Agricultural Income: +575 denarii
      Industrial Income: +305 denarii
      Tax Income: +40 denarii
      Mercenary Fees: 0 denarii
      Naval Upkeep: 0 denarii
      Raiding: -50 denarii (Magyars)
      Corruption: -160 denarii
      Smuggling: -35 denarii
      Total Gain/Loss: +675 denarii
      Treasury: 220 denarii

      450 Sword
      150 Axe
      450 Spear
      150 Polearm
      150 Bow
      150 Comp Bow
      600 Shield
      150 Pavise
      600 Light
      150 Heavy
      Mercenaries: None
      Active Vassals: None

      Territory: March of Carinthia
      Religion: 85% Christian, 15% Pagan
      Size: 80%
      Land Use:
      9% Demesne
      15% Enfeoffed
      5% Church
      1% Urban
      70% Wilderness
      Agricultural Income: 575 denarii
      Iron (medium quantity, 200 denarii)
      Stone (medium quantity, 50 denarii)
      Timber (55 denarii)
      Corruption: 18%
      Weapons (200 denarii)
      Tax Rate: 10%
      Smuggling: 9%
      Vienna (Wall, Chapel, Harbor)
      Roads: None
      Castles: Hainburg, Aggstein (von Wien)
      Knights: 120 out of 120
      Ships: None

      Player: foolish icarus

      Ruler: Duke Eberhard III, Age 32 (Conradine)
      Wife: Adhela, Age 28 (Alaholfing)
      Children: Gerhard, Age 7
      Current Heir: NONE (all heirs underage)
      Other Relations: Hermann, Age 12 (nephew); Kunigunde, Age 12 (niece)
      Court: Bestrebenendgultig

      Agricultural Income: +960 denarii
      Industrial Income: +440 denarii
      Tax Income: +240 denarii
      Mercenary Fees: 0 denarii
      Naval Upkeep: 0 denarii
      Raiding: 0 denarii
      Corruption: -155 denarii
      Smuggling: -25 denarii
      Total Gain/Loss: +1,460 denarii
      Treasury: 3,300 denarii

      2025 Sword
      495 Axe
      1480 Spear
      230 Polearm
      120 Javelin
      1285 Bow
      1350 Crossbow
      2615 Shield
      600 Pavise
      2950 Light
      330 Heavy
      Mercenaries: None
      Active Vassals: None

      Territory: Duchy of Franconia
      Religion: 94% Christian, 4% Pagan, 2% Jewish
      Size: 100%
      Land Use:
      12% Demesne
      34% Enfeoffed
      10% Church
      5% Urban
      39% Wilderness
      Agricultural Income: 960 denarii
      Silver (low quantity) 200 denarii
      Tin (high quantity) 150 denarii
      Iron (very low quantity) 50 denarii
      Timber (40 denarii)
      Corruption: 11%
      Grain (1,000 denarii)
      Fish (400 denarii)
      Wine (400 denarii)
      Weapons (100 denarii)
      Pewter (500 denarii)
      Tax Rate: 5%
      Smuggling: 11%
      Mainz (Palisade, Monastery, Church, Harbor)
      Frankfurt (Palisade, Church)
      Speyer (Palisade)
      Bamberg (Palisade)
      Roads: Dirt Paths
      Bestrebenendgultig (Ducal, Court)
      Plassenburg (von Wurzburg)
      Knights: 340 out of 340
      Ships: None

      Player: Micha

      Ruler: King Heinrich I, Age 49 (Luidolfing)
      Wife: Matilda of Ringelheim, Age 33 (Immeding)
      Children: Thankmar, Age 16; Otto, Age 13
      Current Heir: Thankmar (son)
      Other Relations: None
      Court: Eresburg

      Agricultural Income: +1,055 denarii
      Industrial Income: +515 denarii
      Tax Income: +680 denarii
      Mercenary Fees: 0 denarii
      Naval Upkeep: -100 denarii
      Raiding: -850 denarii (400 Vikings, 200 Wends, 250 Abodrites)
      Corruption: -150 denarii
      Smuggling: -100 denarii
      Total Gain/Loss: +1,050 denarii
      Treasury: 1,600 denarii

      1660 Sword
      1175 Axe
      640 Spear
      430 Polearm
      180 Javelin
      1555 Bow
      1100 Comp Bow
      2385 Shield
      410 Pavise
      2995 Light
      110 Heavy
      Mercenaries: None
      Active Vassals: 160 (Friesland)

      Territory: Duchy of Saxony
      Religion: 79% Christian, 21% Pagan
      Size: 120%
      Land Use:
      11% Demesne
      35% Enfeoffed
      10% Church
      4% Urban
      40% Wilderness
      Agricultural Income: 1,055 denarii
      Copper (moderate quantity, 100 denarii)
      Tin (low quantity, 50 denarii)
      Lead (high quantity, 150 denarii)
      Timber (50 denarii)
      Corruption: 9%
      Grain (1,200 denarii)
      Fish (800 denarii)
      Salt (400 denarii)
      Woad (300 denarii)
      Pewter (200 denarii)
      Bells (500 denarii)
      Tax Rate: 10%
      Smuggling: 15%
      Hamburg (Monastery, Harbor)
      Bremen (Palisade, Church)
      Minden (Palisade)
      Magdeburg (Wall, Chapel)
      Roads: Dirt Roads
      Castles: Eresburg, Osterburg, Rendsburg (von Norden)
      Knights: 400 out of 420
      Ships: 10 Longships

      Territory: March of Meissen
      Religion: 12% Christian, 88% Pagan
      Size: 20%
      Land Use:
      16% Inhabited
      2% Urban
      82% Wilderness
      Agricultural Income: N/A
      Timber (15 denarii)
      Woad (150 denarii)
      Corruption: 16%
      Exports: N/A
      Tax Rate: N/A
      Smuggling: N/A
      Leipzig (Wall, Chapel)
      Zwickau (Wall, Chapel)
      Roads: None
      Castles: Meissen (under construction, needs 1,400d; Meissen monastery, needs 200d)
      Knights: N/A
      Ships: None

      Player: bipolarbear

      Ruler: Duke Burchard II, Age 41 (Hunfriding)
      Wife: Regelinda, Age 38 (Eberharding)
      Children: Abbess Gisela, Age 20; Queen Bertha, Age 18; Burchard, 10
      Relations: Bertha married to Rudolph II of Burgundy (Welf)
      Current Heir: NONE (all heirs underage)
      Court: Smorgasberg

      Agricultural Income: +1,040 denarii
      Industrial Income: +830 denarii
      Tax Income: +600 denarii
      Mercenary Fees: 0 denarii
      Naval Upkeep: 0 denarii
      Raiding: -50 denarii (Saracens)
      Corruption: -245 denarii
      Smuggling: -40 denarii
      Total Gain/Loss: +2,135 denarii
      Treasury: 505 denarii

      1200 Sword
      2180 Spear
      190 Polearm
      300 Javelin
      470 Bow
      400 Crossbow
      2380 Shield
      400 Pavise
      2415 Light
      Mercenaries: None
      Active Vassals: None

      Territory: Duchy of Swabia
      Religion: 95% Christian, 4% Pagan, 1% Jewish
      Size: 100%
      Land Use:
      13% Demesne
      33% Enfeoffed
      11% Church
      5% Urban
      38% Wilderness
      Agricultural Income: 1,040 denarii
      Iron (high quantity, 300 denarii)
      Copper (high quantity, 150 denarii)
      Timber (55 denarii)
      Wine (325 denarii)
      Corruption: 13%
      Grain (400 denarii)
      Wine (1,300 denarii)
      Weapons (700 denarii)
      Bells (600 denarii)
      Tax Rate: 10%
      Smuggling: 7%
      Strassburg (Palisade, Chapel, Harbor)
      Zurich (Palisade)
      Lindau (Palisade, Monastery)
      Augsburg (Palisade)
      Roads: Dirt Paths, Roman Roads
      Castles: Smorgasberg, Lupustein, Hohenburg (von Zalringen), Staufen (von Thurgau), Laupheim (von Stuttgart)
      Knights: 330 out of 330
      Ships: None
      Last edited by Cyclotron; April 16, 2008, 20:14.
      Lime roots and treachery!
      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


      • #4


        Rhinegraf Gisfried von Ingelbeim - Age 45
        Most other nobles are of two opinions of this man – they either love him or hate him. While he doesn’t seem to inspire either through his general conduct, his masterful theories of tactics and warfare are widely respected by those who like him and envied by those who don’t. This trait of his would not be so inspiring of intense emotion were he not always so loudly trumpeting his willingness to try out all his tactics himself, sword in hand, on the front lines.

        Landgraf Cristianus von Mellrichstadt - Age 35
        A popular, energetic, and outspoken noble, this man is noted as one of the leaders among the nobles who attempted to grab land in Saxon Thuringia while Duke Heinrich was away. He is immensely popular among his soldiers and people, as well as his fellow nobles, and excels at battlefield command, though he is not much for military engineering. He is a known social climber and his loyalty to the duke is highly suspect.

        Wildgraf Merobaud von der Thüringerwald - Age 46
        A well known commander in Franconia, this noble from the dark forests of Franconian Thuringia is noted for his achievements on the field of battle – men will acknowledge his skill, bravery, and charisma readily when asked. Perhaps he is no latter-day Pompey, but his prowess is something that would make any commander on the field think twice. He appears to be suitably loyal; no incidents that would infer otherwise stand out (he has remained aloof from the group of Franconian-Thuringian nobles allied to von Mellrichstadt).

        Vizegraf Teutomar von Würzburg - Age 36
        A younger son in his family, this man nevertheless managed to take control of the family lands after the unfortunate death of his older brother while on campaign against the Magyars. He is known locally as “der Erbauer” (the Architect) for his extensive program of public building – he has constructed churches, local roads, and bridges that rank among the most sophisticated in Germany. His engineering expertise is encouraging, though his skills as a general are somewhat mediocre.

        Landgraf Hraban von Koblenz - Age 47
        This man’s family is an old Lotharingian-Franconian line, and he claims descent from Charlemagne. He fought extensively with King Conrad against the Magyars, and is recognized as a respectable and confident commander with strong ties to the Conradine dynasty. He is known as a serious-minded noble who speaks with awesome gravity and authority; when he speaks, all listen. He is neither educated nor literate despite his speaking ability, which seems to stem from natural charisma.


        Freiherr Visloff der Kroat - Age 34
        A poor Knight of low status and foreign birth, this man has distinguished himself through his known bravery and gallantry in the field and a brilliant head for numbers. If anything, he is too chivalrous. His superiors are often exasperated at his slow, methodical, logical approach to any and every problem.

        Vizegraf Gunnulf von Villach - Age 46
        There are few that approach this man’s mastery of war. While he is neither well educated nor literate (though, to be fair, neither are most nobles), he has an uncanny instinct for tactics that seems to always come through. When the field is equal, he invariably crushes the enemy through superior cunning. He is reasonably well liked, though his peers wonder if he is a bit too cautious – for him, discretion is often the better part of valor. Little is known of his loyalty, but there are no rumors of any disloyalty on his part.

        Landgraf Hrudolf von Tegernsee – Age 42
        Called “the Invincible” by his men, this rustic noble is well known to have ridden calmly through veritable storms of arrows unscathed. He seems to have miraculous luck in this regard, and unflinchingly leads from the front – he is stone-faced, emotionless, and fearless. This does not make him the most popular man among his peers, who don’t quite know what to think about someone with the emotional capacity of a rock. His tactics are simple, but generally sufficient. He is a man that keeps his own council and says little, and thus not much else is known of him.

        Wildgraf Arnald von Brenner – Age 42
        This man’s estates are around the strategically crucial Brenner pass over the Alps. This man has a reputation for cunning, having built a small fortune from local trade routes through the pass. He is an experienced and sharp commander, and has a unique personality that attracts others to him – he was often the spokesman of all the nobles of alpine Bavaria at the Duke’s court. He is aggressive and single-minded in his pursuit of goals, dismissing “safe plans” and precautions as so many irrelevancies. For all his cunning, however, his mathematical skills are clearly lacking.


        Wildgraf Ansehelm von Leitbach - Age 51
        A noble from the untamed lands of southern Carinthia, this man spent his young years as a German mercenary lord in the army of Louis the Blind, during Louis’s eventually failed attempt to wrest the Kingdom of Italy from Berengar. Present at several sieges of Italian cities, this man has proved himself to be a brilliant engineer, admired even by the normally more proficient and numerate Italians. He is unquestionably brave on the field, but is noted as ponderously cautious and not truly outstanding in tactical matters. As a former mercenary, a few have doubts as to his loyalty.

        Donaugraf Gottfried von Wachau – Age 35
        This man is a former Norse Viking named Guthfrith who migrated to Normandy under Duke Rollo. In France, he changed his name to Geffrey and converted to Christianity,
        though like most converted Vikings he doesn’t see a particular problem with paying occasional homage to the old gods alongside Jesus Christ. After serving as a Venetian and Bavarian mercenary, he was granted the county of Wachau by Duke Arnulf and changed his name yet again to something more “German” – Gottfried. He is a clever and ingenious commander, quite simply a military genius – and he is an inspiration to his own men, who will follow him anywhere. He is, however, notoriously aggressive, rapacious, violent, and opportunistic, and as a mercenary and former (some would say “current”) Viking his loyalty is perpetually in question. He is uneducated and has a poor grasp of German, though he does have a basic skill with siege warfare derived from experience rather than technical achievement.


        Landgraf Welf von Stuttgart - Age 41
        A notably wealthy noble, this man is known by a few as intelligent and an excellent military theorist, though he always seems to be in the background of campaigns, letting others lead from the front while he makes his plans and amuses himself with strategic considerations. He talks little and is easily forgettable by most.

        Landgraf Sibold von Zalringen - Age 44
        This man is known as a good, pious, and charitable man. He spends many hours in prayer, and lives in self-enforced simplicity, uncommon for a landed noble. His faith inspires his people and soldiers, and his is quite popular among all who know him; though not remarkable for much else, he is widely regarded as someone who won’t spend much time at all in Purgatory.

        Wildgraf Matto von der Schwarzwald - Age 38
        This man is very popular among his fellow nobles. Owning sizeable but undeveloped estates in the Black Forest, he is a consummate host and socialite, and it seems nearly all the nobles in the duchy have hunted with him or dined at one of his many country houses. His many friends, when asked about any vices of his, all have a good chuckle at his seemingly legendary laziness.

        Vizegraf Bernard von Thurgau - Age 36
        Known as ambitious and keen of mind, this man is noted as a skilled commander of soldiers, and reasonably popular as well. He has risen in the ranks quickly in his well known quest for power, which unnerves those above him.


        Burggraf Friedrich von Verden - Age 34
        This man is a loud self-promoter, constantly bragging about his bravery and prowess in combat. While his personal courage has been noted on the field against the Slavs, his skill as a leader is somewhat less impressive, and his headstrong nature has imperiled others before. Insinuations in this regard usually result in this man becoming very angry, and demanding that the matter be settled in personal combat, which he has proven himself to be quite skillful at.

        Landgraf Theodoric von Norden - Age 39
        This man is actually a Frieslander from Norden who swore fealty to the Duke during the recent Viking raids, convinced that the Duke of Saxony was the only one who could eventually save Friesland from the Norsemen. He is envied as a soldier and commander, having exhibited supreme mastery on the field several times. It is indisputable that his prowess, coupled with the fervent zeal he inspires in his men, has turned defeat into victory on the field of war. Unfortunately, he does not often display this talent – he is a conservative’s conservative, and always extremely reluctant to assault the enemy or take any kind of risk whatsoever. While he bravely leads his men from the front, some wonder whether he cares too much about them to be a truly effective commander.

        Vizegraf Gunter von Holstein - Age 43
        This man’s wealthy father paid for his instruction in Padua. He is learned in affairs both scientific and military, is literate, and has a good bearing on both mathematics and the conduct of warfare, often reading treatises on Charlemagne and Justinian in his spare time. An uncommon bookish sort in a world of illiterate warlords, he is otherwise nondescript.

        Theudobald von Osnabrück - Age 32
        A relatively young man, this noble was educated by a Greek tutor and is literate in several languages. He is reputed as a very intelligent man, applying his sharp intellect to both theological discussions and estate management. Though he is untested in battle, perhaps his intelligence would be applicable there as well. He is a popular and clever man by all accounts, and seems loyal enough.

        Landgraf Johann von Zwickau - Age 32
        A converted Wend, Johann has traveled lately with the Duke in his attempts to “bring peace” to the pagan Thuringians. Though known locally as somewhat of a ruthless opportunist, his conversion at least appears to be genuine. He is a moderately quick-thinking man, and his troops neither love nor hate him excessively. Though he has been styling himself a noble as of late, his family has a long tradition of warfare and he is certainly no coward on the field. His dabbling in mathematics and trade these past years have given him an impressive grasp of the concepts vital to siege warfare, and although he has had little practice with the pursuit, he shows astonishing potential with the subject.


        Archdiocese of Mainz (Franconia): Herigar
        Archdiocese of Bremen (Saxony): Unni
        Archdiocese of Salzburg (Bavaria): Adalbert II

        Diocese of Regensburg (Bavaria): Tuto
        Diocese of Strassburg (Swabia): Richwin
        Diocese of Augsburg (Swabia): Ulrich
        Diocese of Trento (Bavaria): Conrad
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Cyclotron; April 16, 2008, 20:43.
        Lime roots and treachery!
        "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


        • #5
          These are the mercenary bands currently active and close enough to Germany to be available. The typical price for mercenary work is 2-3 denarii per man for a single campaign season (usually spring-summer), plus some cut of the loot at the conclusion of the campaign. Each captain is open for negotiation, and as a general rule all prices are negotiable - they may vary depending on who/where you are fighting and how likely the mercenaries believe you are to win. Some mercenaries are simply better (or greedier) and will be more expensive than others.


          Red Company - Evrard the Stout (Norman)
          Antwerp, Free
          80 Knights (horse, heavy, lance, sword, shield)
          250 Men-at-arms (light, sword, shield)

          Eleutherohetairoi - Gregoras Satabus (Greek)
          Venice, Free
          50 Trapezetoi (horse, light, comp bow, sword, shield)
          200 Skutatoi (heavy, spear, sword, shield)

          The Iron Band - Luitward (Lombard)
          Milan, Contracted to Burgundy
          200 Lombard Axemen (light, javelin, axe, shield)
          300 Pavise Crossbowmen (crossbow, pavise)

          The White-and-Black Company - Aistulf (Lombard)
          Siena, Free
          100 Lombard Axemen (light, javelin, axe, shield)
          350 Medium Guards (light, polearm)

          Nordgau Company - Otto (Bavarian)
          Plassenburg, Free
          100 Guardsmen (heavy, polearm)
          150 Bavarian Marksmen (light, comp bow, sword)

          Frerik's Sworn Men - Frerik (Frisian)
          Deventer, Free
          300 Frieslander Raiders (light, polearm)
          100 Angonmen (javelin, spear, shield)

          Pagans and Heretics

          Telivérek - Baján (Magyar)
          Krainburg, Free
          250 Magyar Cavalry (horse, sword, comp bow, javelin)

          Csatafarkasok - Koppány (Magyar)
          Pressburg, Free
          200 Magyar Cavalry (horse, sword, comp bow, javelin)
          100 Kabar Cavalry (horse, comp bow, mace, shield)

          Véres Szablya - Acsád (Magyar)
          Nitra, Free
          200 Magyar Cavalry (horse, sword, comp bow, javelin)
          50 Heavy Lancers (horse, heavy, lance, comp bow, shield)

          Jomsvikings - Ottar the Strong (Danish)
          Jomsborg, Free
          1,000 Jomsvikings (heavy, polearm, sword, shield)
          20 Longships

          Hamremir - Baggi Bloody-Tooth (Norse)
          Hedeby, Free
          120 Berserkir (polearm, insanity)
          2 Longships

          Tannr Odins - Randulf (Norse)
          Ribe, Free
          300 Vikings (light, polearm, sword, shield)
          60 Viking Archers (light, bow, sword, shield)
          6 Longships

          Birnasynir - Halvard (Danish)
          Helgrindr, Free
          200 Vikings (light, polearm, sword, shield)
          40 Viking Archers (light, bow, sword, shield)
          4 Longships

          Traustmenn - Laef (Danish)
          Zeeland, Free
          300 Vikings (light, polearm, sword, shield)
          60 Viking Archers (light, bow, sword, shield)
          6 Longships

          Syna Schwayxtix - Radzimierz (Obodrite)
          Zuarina, Free
          100 Kralkoń (horse, light, lance, axe, shield)
          175 Spearmen (spear, shield)

          Rěkamuža - Swietomierz (Wendish)
          Magdeburg, Free
          350 Woodsmen (bow, axe, shield)
          15 Barks

          Al-Muqafiraat - Abd-al-Kadir (Saracen)
          Farakhshanit, Free
          1,200 Corsairs (comp bow, sword, shield)
          40 Dhows
          Last edited by Cyclotron; April 16, 2008, 20:39.
          Lime roots and treachery!
          "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


          • #6
            Getting (Re)started

            Welcome back! If you're resuming control over a Duchy you controlled in the last chapter, I need the following things from you -

            First, and most importantly, post here and tell me you're in. Also post if you don't want to play, so I can free up your place for somebody else.

            Second, I need you to place your castles. You have the following number of castles to place:

            Bavaria: 5
            Swabia: 5
            Saxony: 3 (done!)
            Bohemia: 2
            Franconia: 2 (done!)

            Note that these must be placed in your Duchy, not in any marches or other territories you may control. The new map is not up, but it's not too different from the old one, which can be found here:

            You can decide whether each castle is a Ducal castle (you own it and must defend it) or a Baronial castle (you've granted it to one of your commanders, and he defends it and patrols for raiders and bandits). Castles near borders tend to do better at interdicting raiders, and castles near towns can aid their defense. You can find a fuller discussion of this in the rules document. You must decide which commander possesses each Baronial castle (there is no limit on the number of castles a commander can possess).

            You only get to name Ducal castles. Baronial castles are up to me. Try using this to translate your cool name into German, or ask Micha or myself.

            Finally, you must choose one castle to be the location of your Court. This is where your Duke usually does business and where your armory and treasury are located. This must be a Ducal castle, which means one of your starting castles must be a Ducal castle.
            Last edited by Cyclotron; March 28, 2008, 21:08.
            Lime roots and treachery!
            "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


            • #7
              My ducal castle will be right near Frankfurt. I intend to make my other castle a baronial castle, granted to Vizegraf Teutomar von Würzburg, and situated in the east somewhere between Bamberg and Meissen.

              My ducal castle will be called Bestrebenendgultig. Bestreben is an acceptable nickname.
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • #8
                Franconia has some mail -

                Archbishop Herigar of Mainz to Duke Eberhard III
                My Lord, all Franconians – indeed, all Germans – know of the piety of you and your esteemed house. You and your predecessor both did great service to the One Church, in times of war and peace alike.

                It thus confused me greatly when, upon my recent appointment to this diocese, I found Mainz to be possessing of the most humble of churches, dwarfed in size and stature by all the other Archdioceses of Germany. It seemed to me to be some unhappy mistake, as surely a man of your great generosity and reverence would not let this situation remain without your knowledge.

                I have attempted to do what I can, and have raised funds from the local monks and church estates for a new church befitting your Duchy, but it is far short of what is necessary – the Church’s lands in Franconia are even now still recovering from the ravages of the Magyars. I humbly request 700 denarii to devote towards this most worthy end.

                Vizegraf Beringar von Neckar, Deacon Richowo, and Rabbi Leben ben Eliaz to Duke Eberhard III
                Our magnanimous and beneficent Lord,
                The community of Worms is most ancient indeed, built by the Roman Caesars and home to one of Charlemagne’s many palaces. Indeed, Worms was the seat of a bishop, lapsed only after the sack of the city by the Magyars. We, the temporal and ecclesiastical magnates of Worms and the surrounding region, have devoted recent years and much silver toward the rebuilding of the city, but the growth of Worms is limited so long as our town has no rights of autonomy granted by your Grace. We humbly request that you grant a Stadtrecht to the town of Worms, which would serve not only our aims but your own – as Worms holds an excellent position on the Rhine and would certainly contribute much to the welfare of your realm.

                We have been in contact with the Archbishop of Mainz, who has agreed to write His Holiness the Pope for a formal restoration of the diocese if you grant our request.

                Duke Gilbert of Lotharingia to Duke Eberhard III
                As fellow Dukes of the Rhineland, the heartland of East Francia, I believe we should do our utmost to forge a mutually beneficial relationship. Now that your King’s war with Berengar and my own regrettable conflict with the King of France are both over, I feel now is the best time to extend an invitation to you and His Excellency the Archbishop of Mainz to my court at Frankenburg overlooking Aachen. I would be delighted if you would honor me with your company.
                Lime roots and treachery!
                "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                • #9
                  Fellow Dukes (and Saxon...king...grumble ) these are issues which apparently still need to be dealt with:

                  The spoils of war are as follows:
                  20 Heavy
                  820 Light
                  900 Shields
                  600 Spears
                  750 Swords
                  230 Axes
                  200 Bows
                  850 Crossbows
                  410 Pavises
                  80 Polearms

                  The Saxons have “liberated” 2,300 denarii in goods from their sack of Asiago.

                  The Franconians have “liberated” 6,550 denarii in goods from their sack of Verona. As this was the objective of the campaign, the Saxons, Bavarians, and Bohemians may feel entitled to a share.

                  The Duke of Franconia has come into the possession of the entombed body of Pepin, son of Charlemagne and second Frankish King of Italy after his father, entombed in Verona’s basilica.

                  Eberhard searches through some papers and, at last finding what he needs, signals the scribe to begin taking dictation again.

                  We had last come to some vague almost-decision about stuffing Berengar away in some monastery, yes? Does anyone have a more detailed idea of precisely how we go about doing this? For he is at this very moment in the prison wagon not far from here, and I am occasionally obliged to go check up on him, at which time he inevitably glares at me and occasionally says rather uncouth things about me, at which I confess I feel my temper rising a little bit. It's become more tolerable, of course, since I had his prison decorated with garish ribbons and brights streamers beneath the camouflage hangings, which takes some of the brunt out of his insults. I think he intentionally snores to disturb me.

                  As for the former equipment of his armies and contents of his city, which, cheerily enough, now belongs to us Do you hear that Berengar you brute?! We took all your money and some other old man is wearing your crown now, you witless chicken! Don't put that in the dispatch, Franz.
                  Hmm, ah yes, the spoils. Well I'm not all that keen in taking any particular set of the weapons and armor, so I'll just have my men drag back to the armory whatever no one else wants.

                  The silver and other goods have been thoroughly counted and appraised, and the learned men tell me that if we were to divide the Verona takings three ways, that would amount to about 2183 d. worth of spoils for each of Bavaria, Franconia, and Bohemia, which leaves the 2300 d. from Asiago to the Saxons and whatever the Swabians managed to capture in the west to the Swabians, which seems to me an equitable enough division.

                  Also I have no idea what to do with Pepin. He's looking a little unwell and doesn't talk much.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • #10
                    Duke Eberhard III to Archbishop Herigar of Mainz

                    700? Nay, one thousand. I am guilty of already wasting too much time with matters of war and statecraft while there is Good Work to be done.

                    Duke Eberhard III to Vizegraf Beringar von Neckar, Deacon Richowo, and Rabbi Leben ben Eliaz

                    Shalom. Well said. Your request is granted.

                    Duke Eberhard III to Duke Gilbert of Lotharingia

                    I happily accept your invitation.
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • #11
                      Checking in. I'll have placements for my castles sometime this weekend.
                      "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                      phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                      three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                      • #12
                        Ok, castle placement:

                        So there will be three castles on the Bohemian and Carinthian borders that are baronial- I figure they'll do the best job of securing the border against raiders.

                        A central castle near Regensburg is a Ducal castle and the seat of my court. A Ducal castle near Innsbruck will be placed to guard the Brenner Pass and help ensure quick and easy movement of goods through the pass to promote trade. I'd make that a Baronial castle, too, but I'm not quite sure I trust von Brenner yet.

                        Exact castle placement when I figure out how to post a small picture.
                        Last edited by appleciders; March 21, 2008, 16:32.
                        "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                        phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                        three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                        • #13
                          I use the Apolyton upload, and it works pretty well.

                          The map is still under construction, but here is the current version of Germany and its environs - most notably, it has all the major passes over the alps, which might be helpful in castle placement for Bavaria and Swabia.

                          Lime roots and treachery!
                          "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                          • #14
                            And in the meantime, Bavaria has mail:

                            Markgraf Eberhard of Carinthia to Duke Arnulf of Bavaria
                            My brother,
                            I was very pleased to hear of the end of the siege of Venice and your freedom, and I look forward to seeing you again. I am writing you to both request your aid and to ask your opinion on a weighty matter.

                            Firstly, despite the truce with the Magyars, I believe that a thorough program of encastellation would serve the March and Kingdom alike. I am sure that you have no greater trust of the Magyars than I do. I ask merely that you divert to me the output of your stone mines, that I may more efficiently fortify the long frontier between Carinthia and the Alföld.

                            Secondly, I need your advice. I trust neither of my premier generals; von Leitbach is at least a German, but I fear both he and von Wien are still mercenaries at heart. Von Wien especially has been petitioning be for a Zinnenrecht in his lands in the Wachau, undoubtedly on a hill overlooking Vienna. This bothers me a great deal, but without more reliable vassals of standing I may not have a choice. I have endeavored to obstruct his power a bit by meddling in Vienna’s affairs; the newly elected Bürgermeister, Rudeger, is a loyal servant of mine. I hope you will have some further advice for me to avoid anything like the Nordgau rebellion that so imperiled your holdings.

                            Judith of Friuli to Duke Arnulf
                            My husband,
                            I have prayed to God for your safe return since your departure. Soon, you will see your new son – I already see your strength and intelligence in him.

                            I am also writing to petition you, my husband, for the safe keeping of Berengar. I do not petition for his freedom, only his health and life – though he was already a man when I was but a child, he is nonetheless my brother, and your brother-in-law. For my sake, please ask the good Duke of Franconia to show him mercy.

                            Wildgraf Arnald von Brenner to Duke Arnulf of Bavaria
                            My Lord,
                            No doubt you have heard the polemics of Conrad, the Bishop of Trento. He rails against you, the Duke of Franconia, the King, and myself as well. Though I do not have any proof, I suspect he may be conspiring against us both. The Bishop enjoyed a great deal of autonomy under Berengar, even having the authority to mint his own coins with his face upon them from the local silver mines, which he had complete access to. I do not doubt that he schemes at every opportunity to undermine your rule. I urge you to take action and remove him by whatever means you deem necessary.

                            Edit: What, Judith and Berengar are siblings!?!? Yeah, I know, it's a hell of a thing to spring on you now, but I only realized it when researching for this new thread. Deal with it!
                            Lime roots and treachery!
                            "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                            • #15
                              Further mail, this time for the King...

                              Landgraf Johann von Zwickau to King Heinrich
                              Your Royal Majesty,
                              I write to you out of concern for the situation in the March of Meissen at present. Though your inspiring campaign against the heathen warlords of my country enjoyed great success, incidents of rebellion have become more common since the departure of your forces. Just last week I received word that two monks from Hamburg were murdered as they traveled to a heathen village to enlighten the people. Were that not dire enough, there are rumors that Berstuk, the “Christian-killer of Dresden,” is actively roaming the woods with his followers, and we still have not heard anything of Korzin since he fled after the glorious Battle of the Pond.

                              I humbly submit to you that I, as a Wend myself and a loyal servant of Your Majesty, would be best suited to commanding Saxon efforts in Meissen as Your Majesty’s Markgraf. I would ensure the order and progress of the province in matters both military and spiritual, and would ensure a continuing supply of woad to Your Majesty’s coffers. I ask only for a portion of Meissen’s woad production to fund the projects required of me, and for Your Majesty’s bestowal of a Zinnenrecht to me for a fortress where Misni once stood, to secure Meissen’s border against pagan interlopers.

                              Landgraf Theodoric von Norden to King Heinrich
                              My Lord, I fear the worst in Friesland – all but the village of my birth and its environs have been lost to us. If the Danes are not handed a decisive defeat soon, they will continue their march straight into Saxony. I urge you to muster your loyal vassals and hold nothing back, for I believe only the full weight of Saxony will suffice to stop the Northmen in their tracks.

                              Archbishop Unni of Bremen to King Heinrich
                              Good King, I write to request of you some money with which to found a monastery in the March of Meissen, the better to bring the Word of God to the pagan. I already know of some brothers who would be more than willing to undertake the journey so long as they have the needed funding for a modest monastery.
                              Lime roots and treachery!
                              "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten

