Surely I am not the only one here that thinks this editor is probably one of the best things to come out in many years?
The editor is so powerful, you can literally create any game you like... WITH GREAT EASE!
Take a look at what people are doing with the editor:
Star Trek, set in space
Jurassic Park
command & conquer
I even saw a point-and-click adventure type game.
I'm pretty sure even a TBS such as Civilization could be accomplished with this editor, I can imagine how well the graphics would enhance the game in terms of appearence.
The editor is so powerful, you can literally create any game you like... WITH GREAT EASE!
Take a look at what people are doing with the editor:
Star Trek, set in space
Jurassic Park
command & conquer
I even saw a point-and-click adventure type game.
I'm pretty sure even a TBS such as Civilization could be accomplished with this editor, I can imagine how well the graphics would enhance the game in terms of appearence.