Chaunk saw what nice things I had to say about him and only sent one
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FG: NW 41 - Return to War
Turn 4 - The LordShiva Gambit
Secret must be the new black this turn, as EPW, DrSpike, Krill, and Spaced Cowboy all worked furtively on fickle furry funnies, or something like that.
Whoha continued on his plan of nuking early and nuking often, this time sending 2 more nukes in the direction of Spaced Cowboy.
Snoopy built a new city, Cinnamon Raisin, bringing his demesne back to size.
Meanwhile, Chaunk was perfecting his evil plans. He would launch three of his shiny nukes at LordShiva, removing the moderating menace from the world. It was a brilliant plan, except for one thing... LordShiva was rapidly building a new city, Gramphos, for which Chaunk had not allocated an extra nuke. Thus the menace remains around, perhaps able and ready to exact his revenge.
Code:The World As It Stands, Turn 4
Name Cities Snoopy369 Honey Wheat, Multigrain, Cinnamon Raisin EPW E, P, W DrSpike About, Time, Too, I, Say Krill In A Pitcher Chaunk Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor Whoha Bikini Atoll, Nevada Proving Ground, Castle Bravo LordShiva Gramphos Spaced Cowboy Sign, Me, Up
Turn 5 - There Will Be Blood (but not much today)
Playing it safe is once again the overriding theme of the day, as in days past. Snoopy, DrSpike, and EPW worked on the typical secret secrets while the construction industry boomed once again, with four building a new city. Krill built the thirsty Or Yard Glass, Chaunk built the barely pronounceable Adsfgaofigipaufglhsdnberg, LordShiva built teh formidable MarkG, and Spaced Cowboy rebuilt Too.
Whoha continued on path of doom and destruction, this time lobbing two nukes to DrSpike, making only a small dent in his formidable empire.
Code:The World As It Stands, Turn 5
Name Cities Snoopy369 Honey Wheat, Multigrain, Cinnamon Raisin EPW E, P, W DrSpike About, Time, Too Krill In A Pitcher, Or Yard Glass Chaunk Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Adsfgaofigipaufglhsdnberg Whoha Bikini Atoll, Nevada Proving Ground, Castle Bravo LordShiva Gramphos, MarkG Spaced Cowboy Sign, Me, Up, Too
Turn 6 - Boom Goes the Dynamite
With all of the secret evil preparations, it was only a matter of time until all hell broke loose. Today was the day for most of the world's empires.
A few holdouts who still hoped for peace to reign continued their typical strategies of building: DrSpike rebuilt I, LordShiva recreates New Ming, and Krill built a Shot Glass. But the rest of the world was hurtling down the highway to war in a old beat-up station wagon that hadn't had operating brakes in 5 years... or something like that.
Spaced Cowboy launched the opening salvo, launching a full arsenal of four nukes at Whoha, who was able to launch two nukes at Snoopy before becoming the first nation Wasted. Snoopy responded with haste, launching four nukes at Krill who, despite having nothing to do with the attack against Snoopy, finds himself the second nation Wasted.
Meanwhile, EPW launched four nukes at Chaunk, who was busy hiding in his bunker the entire turn. He barely felt the rumble of the bombs blasting his bedrock bunker.
Code:The World As It Stands, Turn 6
Name Cities Snoopy369 Honey Wheat EPW E, P, W DrSpike About, Time, Too, I Krill Wasted Chaunk Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Adsfgaofigipaufglhsdnberg Whoha Wasted LordShiva Gramphos, MarkG, New Ming Spaced Cowboy Sign, Me, Up, Too