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I love new game smell

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Wiglaf

    The smell is easily the best part of games these days. This is why no one likes Steam and D2D. Until you can download a smell they will always be second-class retailers.

    And punching out hundreds of board game counters made me suicidal once. Thank god we are beyond that.
    steam is only unpopular to ppl like me because we prefer to get our games for free. why pay to download when u can leech and download...

    other than that, steam > box.

    im sure theres alot of sentimental ppl like u who'd prefer games in boxes... but i know alot of ppl who prefer to trash the box and manuals right after they paid...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Wiglaf
      ...... This is why no one likes Steam and D2D. Until you can download a smell they will always be second-class retailers.........
      I don't like Steam because of the way it wants me to get the games, and the terms it offers once you have them(plus all the incompatable patch nonsense etc). With Steam I never end up owning anything, it's more like I borrow something, then when Steam closes I don't have it any more.

      I much prefer stardocks totalgaming:

      At long last, Galactic Civilizations IV v2.95 is here and it's a big one. I'd like to think it addresses most of the high priority feedback we've gotten on the game since launch, especially in terms of map generation. But well beyond that, v2.95 is a maj

      That is the way to do a real D2D service that doesn't treat the customer like a criminal or second class game player imho. and Wow, it even lets you keep the game forever!(even if they go bust)

      Still the whole on-line method is not 100% perfect yet, but as it grows i'm sure it will all work more smoothly.

      From an enviromental point of view I guess one sad day we would be better off just having those memmories of new-game smell?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dis
        I love new game smell
        Torrents don't smell!?!

        Oh wait, you're talking about that box with the dvd!?! I've never noticed how they smell, as soon I have unwrapped the box it ends up next to the other game boxes. I rarely check if the box actually contains a DVD/Cd
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #19
          Its been a long time since I was actually excited about a new game coming out. I used to love that new game smell, but I can barely remember it anymore.
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • #20
            yeah I was looking at one game, can't remember which one, might have been civ4 new xp. And it didn't look like they let you keep the game. They just let you redownload it for 30 days. You can extend that by up to 2 years by paying extra. And I'm like wtf.

            What do I do if I upgrade my computer and need to reinstall games? Some games such as Civ4 needed reinstallation in order for me to even install Beyond the Sword. And any good game I hope to be playing even after 2 years.

